marsman's Project X

Current status of the acct: 120% in just 7 trading days... :clap:

BTW, we did 2 test withdrawals:
- EUR 100 as Wire
- EUR 101 as SEPA/ACH

Home currency is EUR, but acct currency is USD.
Previously we did such transactions always in USD, but IB offers also to deposit as well to withdraw in other currencies. We just wanted to try it out to gain experience. see how long it takes, what the fees are, if any taxes are taken etc. when doing EUR withdrawals instead of USD...

The fee for both withdrawal transactions together seems to have been $25.
But according to their web site this should only be $10, as 1 withdrawal per month is free, any additional is $10 IIRC.
I'll study the details and if necessary open a ticket to their support.



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Hey Pekelo (whereever you might be :cheesy🙂, don't distort the facts!
Re-read the title of the initial journal: it was anticipated 30% per month, not per week.
Ok, reality is a little bit different, true... But in this case reality is even better...:clap:

You will never figure out how I do. Did I tell that I'm a C++ programmer?😛 And that I'm using the IB API?😛

And: it's called proprietary not without a purpose...😀

As said, this is not one of the usual toy systems out there. The performance proves it...

I'm trading what my realtime scanner finds (calls and puts, sometimes also the underlying as part of a multileg combination order). As said there are about 500 weekly underlyings with all their option strikes.
And in the 3rd week of the month this number rises to about 4000 underlyings (ie. the monthlys incl. the subset of the weeklys). Ie. much to analyse realtime/neartime...

My scanner can create combi orders consisting of 1...4 option legs (C and/or P) plus 0...1 underlying...

As said there are more than about 1000 signals per day, unfortunately not 'nuff capital avail for that all... Ie. lost big opportunities...

I'm to a certain degree hedged (I call this "auto-hedged", as already once said: can't disclose as it's part of my edge...)...

Btw, did I mention that I studied especially Black-Scholes? And that I did countless inhouse simulations? Yes, I did, many times, but people don't understand the value of that. Never mind...

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Tax free capital gains in Latvia

In an old discussion somewhere someone said that there is no capital gains tax in Latvia (an EU country).
I was hot for Latvia for some days, but when I researched somewhat deeper it came out that there is a 15% tax...

Now seeking an alternative... My previous candidate was Dubai in the UAE, but I'm afraid currently I'm undercapitalised for Dubai since a lawyer of my friend has told him that one would need a capital of at least 500k for Dubai. Don't know, can't judge myself yet...

Hmm. it's still unclear what is true regarding Latvia. At wiki the exact opposite is written:


It seems one needs to found his own company/firm in Latvia and trade via this company/firm. Only then are capital gains tax free!

"In the hands of individuals the capital gains are taxed at 15%, the dividends – 10%."
What does the dash/minus sign mean there in front of the dividends number? Or is it just some unneeded grammer stuff? Why not simply replace it by "at"?...

I think Latvia is back on my stage...🙂
The capital city of Latvia is Riga at the North Sea (to be correct: it's the Baltic Sea). Yes, that much I already know about Latvia...:cheesy:

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Political security might have to be a consideration too if you're proposing a long stay. What about an option a lot further from Russia and its influence?
Political security might have to be a consideration too if you're proposing a long stay. What about an option a lot further from Russia and its influence?

I love Russia :clap: I'm a big fan of Russia 🙂
Drushba nasdrowye! (or something that... the few russian words I know :cheesy🙂

Btw, a cool song, "Those Were The Days":

And the Russian original of it:

Initially I'll stay about 2 years or so in Latvia. I think I could love that country. It's IMO very progressive by being international, using English besides their own language, and helping foreigners to invest in Latvia.
Ie. I already saw many documents on the internet, also official documents, written in english. That's IMO a very good sign that Latvia is on the right track to become one of the centers in Europe for international business...
I just hope that Latvia will keep its sovereignity, and reject any EU dictates, ie. blackmailings by BigBrother EU...

Btw, the Britons did it right with Brexit! Congratulations!

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Btw, some minutes ago I did my first steps towards Latvia: I registered my own domain in Latvia... (TLD .lv)

I think I could make big in Latvia...🙂

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The latest status: 135% after the first 8 days 🙂 I think I have no reason to complain...:cheesy:


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As can be seen, I'm trying to apply my said maxime/principle of "sell high, sell much", ie. to be fully invested...

BTW, I'm not giving any advice or tips for others to repeat. Everybody has to find his/her own way and method... Wish you luck!
Btw, before starting my own live-trading I did many simulations and research, as said.
I was sure I had found an excellent system or method. But since I had no funds then, I asked some financial/investment firms and gave them some details (performance numbers etc.) for a job as trader where I would apply my method. There was next to none interest nor reaction in/to my offer...🙁
I think one day I'll publish the said job applications incl. mentioning the firm names and other names...🙂 I usually have addressed the top management, ie. the CEOs, CFOs etc.
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35.75 months from 200+m that will teach them.
I'm sure that they have regrets already, you should link this thread and that will really make them depressed. Way to go....
35.75 months from 200+m that will teach them.
I'm sure that they have regrets already, you should link this thread and that will really make them depressed. Way to go....

Yeah, good idea with the link 🙂. Thx.
I think the above posted links to youtube are maybe broken, isn't it?
It seems to be a parsing error in the webpages...
Do the links work for you?
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LINKS appear broken-do you like ambient music-brian eno etc
As said it must be a bug in the site software as it's just a very normal link. Links other than to youtube don't have that bug.

Regarding ambient music: I think yes, but I have no special preference of singer/group etc. I just listen to everything I like.
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Never believe Bid/Ask are real; they can also be fake...

IMO SMART isn't that smart: it shows Bid = lowest Bid and Ask = highest Ask of all Exchanges/ECNs...
This is of course a stupid implementation for the consolidation of multiple exchange's orderbooks!...
IMO it's dead wrong!

But then maybe just a wrong interpretation by me, but I'm sure the display doesn't show the correct values, BECAUSE if I try midprice or so then I get an immediate fill! This is IMO a proof that the displayed Bid/Ask aren't real...

Btw, I think something secret, very big, criminal, is going on in the markets right now...
Some planned wealth-exchanges are happening, ie. bribery etc. gets committed (ie. paid) via the market...

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For the record: today the acct value (to be correct: the Net Liquidation Value) has increased to above $25k.
And this means: unlimited number of daytrades now possible, as long as the AV stays above $25k according to the US daytrading rules.
It also means that we just hit the +150% PL mark...:clap:



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