marsman's Project X

To achieve our goal of making bigger profits (absolutely seen) much faster, we are in need of more trading funds (>=100k).

For this I consider buying a vendor account to be able to seek possible investors here.
I asked the support and also a staff member here for details and costs.

I've also contacted my broker IB whether it would be possible to find possible investors at their MarketPlace.

Any further help and experiences are very welcome. TIA.

Seeking funds from T2W members by publicly posting a request or by PM is not permitted.
Seeking funds from T2W members by publicly posting a request or by PM is not permitted.

I'm aware of it, and as written I've contacted the support for a vendor account.
They have not processed my request yet, due to the weekend I assume.
What do you mean by vendor account and how do you think it will change what you can post ?
Wasnt Marsman banned from elitetrader recently for the same reason ?
There is not an account for vendors as such and all that happens is that you have a vendor badge which states what business you are in.

Vendors are still not allowed to solicit business or post adverts or commercial links.
The staff member timsk has kindly informed me that I have just to specify in my settings that I'm a vendor.
Ok, didn't know that. I made the said changes in the settings right now.

I assumed that it is similar like with ET, ie. there vendors have to buy a vendor account...


Sorry for the confusion, as said I'm new here.
There is not an account for vendors as such and all that happens is that you have a vendor badge which states what business you are in.

Vendors are still not allowed to solicit business or post adverts or commercial links.

Hmm. Is there no way to seek investors here?
If the mod allows I can post 2 links how vendor accounts are sold by ET.
It's just a link to an online shop with paypal payment. Ie. one buys the service and pays via paypal.
As said, I wrongly assumed it's similar here at T2W.
Unfortunately not.

Sorry, I really didn't know that.

But then I don't understand why the above given FAQ-page writes this:

"If you want to be an approved advertiser then follow this link.
[email protected]"

I did exactly this, but I have sent my email to [email protected] .
I guess they will forward it to the above advertising section.
I'm curious to know what an approved advertiser can do.
Would I then be allowed to advertise to potential investor users here at T2W?

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Sorry, I really didn't know that.

But then I don't understand why the above given FAQ-page writes this:

"If you want to be an approved advertiser then follow this link.
[email protected]"

I did exactly this, but I have sent my email to [email protected] .
I guess they will forward it to the above advertising section.
I'm curious to know what an approved advertiser can do.
Would I then be allowed to advertise to potential investor users here at T2W?


What licence do you hold for trading opm?
I think none btw.

Anyway don't worry on your now 17k you will have 396k in a years time at 30% a month so wont need investors and in 2 years 9,227,000 so be patient and god yr 3 will scare you -))

Ok I just looked, you would have 217m by then so at 17k you are likely over funded so in fact should withdraw some or it will be a pain managing 200m+.
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Ok, I was told that seeking for investors is not possible and also not welcome here.
I respect and accept this.
To questions directed to me regarding investors, funding etc. I won't make any replys.
So from now on I can't be made responsible for such questions should they be posted by other users here.

Then, what remains is that I'll just document my progress in this journal.
I hope that's ok, after all a journal is exactly intended for this.
But if something still, unintentionally, violates the rules then I would be glad if the mod could inform me and give me the opportunity to fix it.
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As said folks, please don't start any new discussions here about finding investors and funding etc.
It's just a journal to document the progress of my trading.