marsman's Project X

The latest acct status: PL +155% after the first 9 trading days :clap:


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The latest acct status: PL +174% after the first 10 trading days.

Did not (could not 🙂 trade much on Thursday due to some lengthy biz meetings plus helping my partner to setup a Linux laptop (his first Linux), and updating our contract/agreement and signing...



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It was a difficult day today.
But yeah, I'm glad the week is finally over.
(b/c that means more funds for trading will be available next week due to the expired short options today...)
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The latest status: PL about +169% after the first 11 trading days.


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Hey vanz & Co somewhere over there 🙂,
FYI: today's result will be posted when the calendar day is over because at IB one can generate the reports only for previous day(s)... Ie. the day (that is the US day) has to be over, ie. after midnight US ET (corrosponds to 06:00 CET)...

And: Friday's result was posted on Saturday... just take a look at the above posting 🙂

Here's a preliminary result as of now (TWS as well Web).
In about 6hrs the well known NAV time series report will be made available by IB...


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Dear readers, some people think that the screenshots I post are photoshopped 🙂
What a silly accusation!

- The screenshots are real and original.
- It is LIVE trading, not paper trading.

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Hotel California

Hi Pekelo,

> He is either German or at least lives in Germany.

Yes, I'm not German nor Eastern European; just living in Germany. My trading partner is a German.
As recently already written, I had and still have a plan to move to the Eastern European country called Latvia
because of saving taxes and accumulating capital faster. But that project takes some more months before its ripe, I guess...

> Up 200% after 12 days...

Righto! 🙂

> Hey Marsman, you could withdraw the original 10K and then you would be playing with the house's money, so even if you blow up, it was good education and great fun!!!

Yes, makes sense, and is worth to think about it; I'll forward this suggestion to my partner. Thx.

Regarding "time-criticial": this is because we both are not the youngest anymore (over 50), and we want enjoy the remaining years without having to worry about becoming jobless, moneyless etc. anymore. We both had some hard times behind us...
We both are IT guys: he is system/network engineer, me a software engineer. But in Germany unfortunately if you are elder than about 35 then you count suddenly as nothing anymore, ie. age discrimination... 🙁 Capitalism with racism/discrimination of the worst kind... 🙁 Forget the anti-racism, anti-discrimination laws; they are just some alibi-laws, not real. In Germany you are nothing but a slave, really, if you are an employee of someone else.
And the corrupt courts, incl. the so called "social court", are there to protect the establishment only, not the poor looking for justice. Nowadays we have a total surveillance by the bigbrother state here. You even get forced by the state to pay for their brainwashing propaganda TV, about 18 Euros per month... And you can't unsubscribe the crap...
That is the understanding of the German state of their citizens, ie. all citizens are nothing but dependent slaves of the state...
This state has committed many crimes against many of its citizens, incl. against me. I hate it!
This land is ripe for a revolution, be it from left or from right or by the military, IMO doesn't matter; it can only get better...

PS: why don't you just come also over to here (to T2W I mean, not Germany 🙂) ? Like Vanz and some more... Ie. as a backup solution... 🙂

"You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "
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Ok, here's the result after the first 12 trading days: PL +201%


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I am new to these forums, so please excuse me if I am asking a foolish question. I have read thru the 7 or so pages of posts here on this project, and I am wondering what the purpose or value is in this string? I don't see any information that would provide anyone with anything useful in their trading. Please if someone could explain what I am missing? Thanks
I am new to these forums, so please excuse me if I am asking a foolish question. I have read thru the 7 or so pages of posts here on this project, and I am wondering what the purpose or value is in this string? I don't see any information that would provide anyone with anything useful in their trading. Please if someone could explain what I am missing? Thanks

No, you've not missed's just the greatest trader on earth "proving" how wonderful he is to anyone daft enough to listen, let alone part with any cash. 😈
barjon: thanks.. kind of what I thought, but didn't want to jump to any conclusions, although the first few posts where he went on about the whys and hows of his ban on the other board should have tipped me off...
I am new to these forums, so please excuse me if I am asking a foolish question. I have read thru the 7 or so pages of posts here on this project, and I am wondering what the purpose or value is in this string? I don't see any information that would provide anyone with anything useful in their trading. Please if someone could explain what I am missing? Thanks

This is just a journal.
This is just a journal.
Sorry marsman, I can't let you get away with that. Your thread is many things, but its most certainly not a journal. If you want to start a real journal, then this sticky will provide you with the necessary pointers: Essentials Of 'Trading Journals'.
PS. Please note the use of the word 'essentials'. In the meantime, I've moved the thread to the General Trading Chat forum.
Sorry marsman, I can't let you get away with that. Your thread is many things, but its most certainly not a journal. If you want to start a real journal, then this sticky will provide you with the necessary pointers: Essentials Of 'Trading Journals'.
PS. Please note the use of the word 'essentials'. In the meantime, I've moved the thread to the General Trading Chat forum.

Whatever you say. I'm tired on these boards...
I think I should make a break of say at least a year...
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I am new to these forums, so please excuse me if I am asking a foolish question. I have read thru the 7 or so pages of posts here on this project, and I am wondering what the purpose or value is in this string? I don't see any information that would provide anyone with anything useful in their trading. Please if someone could explain what I am missing? Thanks

I have "liked" this post. I wish I could like it again.
I am new to these forums, so please excuse me if I am asking a foolish question. I have read thru the 7 or so pages of posts here on this project, and I am wondering what the purpose or value is in this string? I don't see any information that would provide anyone with anything useful in their trading. Please if someone could explain what I am missing? Thanks
the purpose is obvious-to try and get money from suckers😉
I make a break of posting here.

People interessted in the development of the marsman account can find daily updates here:

People who would stay in touch with me can PM me here, or email me
Allow at least a business day for a reply.

Bye folks till sometime in the future.


That's a shame I thought you wouldn't be brought down by the begrudgers and continue to beguile us with your superb stats.

I for one will miss the daily updates and had hoped to emulate your success one day.

So long and thanks for all the fish!
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Hey Vanz over there: don't spread false information about me. FYI: I've not been shut down here (yet?).
Proof: this very posting 🙂
