marsman's Project X

The mod censors my postings all the time.. deletes my postings... at least 3 he/it has deleted...
Shameless! It not even informs the audience nor the author...
Tis the burden which all geniuses have to bear. A profit is ignored in his own land. (S) he is mocked and ridiculed by all of the great unwashed masses and it is , of course, the loss of all those who have failed to recognise true genius or who are consumed with hate filled jealousy. Do not despair poor marsman, the inhabitants of this pathetic planet are all losers . One day in the not too distant future they will tear their hair out in frustration for not seeing the genius in front of their eyes
The genius who makes the Buffets and the Gates of the world look like paupers in comparison to you.
I just wanted to express my deep admiration for you before "THEY" close this thread like their co-conspirators on ET did to silence you.
Thanks to everybody giving me moral support.

I'm unsure if I can put a signature to my posting like some other posters do.
Hey mod, can you advice me/us how this is regulated?

I just wanted to express my deep admiration for you before "THEY" close this thread like their co-conspirators on ET did to silence you.

I don't think marsman necessarily understands the concept of "sarcasm", since it appears he liked your post. Unless his like was itself sarcastic in response to your sarcasm. This is too complex for small minds like mine...:innocent:

Dear folks, I'm really confident that I can beat all the big traders and richies out there like Buffet, Soros, Musk, Gates etc. etc. It's only a matter of time... I can promise everybody: just wait and see!...
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Hey mod, isn't the picture you use an image of the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Aren't you violating any laws when you impersonate such a celebrity?
Can we normal users do the same or smilar according to the site rules?
Hey mod, isn't the picture you use an image of the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Aren't you violating any laws when you impersonate such a celebrity?
Can we normal users do the same or smilar according to the site rules?

I have had enough of your ridiculous attacks on both staff and mods any more and your time here is over.
I have had enough of your ridiculous attacks on both staff and mods any more and your time here is over.

Hey mod, but this is really a very cheap reasoning for banning a member.
And, am I now really banned? Because I just could log in, and even post this reply... 🙂

I just wanted to say this: thank you for all the fish so far! 🙂
You are cleary not banned yet as you can still post, you will know when you can't as all your posts and ability to login will have gone. Just so you know that disrespecting moderators or T2W staff is an automatic ban so as that has not happened yet you are being given every chance as you have clearly shown contempt for both.
You are cleary not banned yet as you can still post, you will know when you can't as all your posts and ability to login will have gone. Just so you know that disrespecting moderators or T2W staff is an automatic ban so as that has not happened yet you are being given every chance as you have clearly shown contempt for both.

Hey mod, I'm making it easy for you: just close my account, I wish so.
I'm not interessted in contributing to T2W anymore.
Bye bye! :cheesy:
Hey mod, I'm making it easy for you: just close my account, I wish so.
I'm not interessted in contributing to T2W anymore.
Bye bye! :cheesy:

I don't think the word "contributing" is necessarily an accurate statement of what you have been doing. IMHO.

Dear folks, I'm really confident that I can beat all the big traders and richies out there like Buffet, Soros, Musk, Gates etc. etc. It's only a matter of time... I can promise everybody: just wait and see!...

Hey mod, isn't the picture you use an image of the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Aren't you violating any laws when you impersonate such a celebrity?
Can we normal users do the same or smilar according to the site rules?

If your time here at T2W is over, you might care to reflect on what went wrong and what positives - if any - can taken from the experience. The two posts quoted above (among others) lead me to think that perhaps your true talent lies not as a trader, but as a comedian. While you ponder on that thought, by way of inspiration here's a YouTube clip of one of your fellow countrymen who's become very popular here in the U.K.
