market direction

its funny, all the people having a good bitching sesh away from the eyes of t2w are the ones who thought i was wrong on all my calls. as you can see one of them has come to stick the boot in on naty gas for me being wrong, but when 7/9 markets are up..jokes on you! as i said before, if you are fading these calls, must be in a world of hurt
Am i missing something? Who's sticking what boot in?
You dont mean on this thread, do you? I cant see anything.
its funny, all the people having a good bitching sesh away from the eyes of t2w are the ones who thought i was wrong on all my calls. as you can see one of them has come to stick the boot in on naty gas for me being wrong, but when 7/9 markets are up..jokes on you! as i said before, if you are fading these calls, must be in a world of hurt

i've been here since the start (y) . i first noticed you make sense when you came out and showed your strategy is fading the failures; 95% lose why not just fade their calls? o yeh plus all of the other shizzle like pits, big money and funnymentals :)
to me technical trading is using the chart, indicators etc..anything that doesn't involve any fundamental reasoning as to "why"

Are you looking into commodity fundamentals like contango etc? Im not challenging the validity of your trades btw...just curious.

Just that I always considered myself technical but have been in vey similar trades to you recently - my orders are based on S/R, decision to trade or not is more based on how the market feels.
i don't actually know how to describe my trading, its more sentiment based i guess. as ive said i follow the pits alot and what certain players are doing, i cant really divulge the main factors in my trades though :( i also do look for divergences between correlated markets, almost a bit of arbitrage thrown in there. i.e if i see X market reacting one way, and Z isnt fowling or has broken the correlation..i ask why and come to a conclusion on it and trade off said conclusion
I just found it funny how new comers came after that statement was posted...

LOl, I've been here long enough to recognise the main reactions when folk post up records like that; generally it follows the accepted 5 stages of grief according to Kubler-Ross:

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance... we could add a sixth in the mix for traders, jealousy, but that's covered with denial and anger...:D

I could hear the bacon butties being dropped all over the WWW this morning when folk read the holy grail thread starter post up his last ten days trading record...:LOL:
I was pretty shocked at how the ass fell out of natgas myself, it wasn't a jibe.
Ignore the haters
as i was saying earlier in the thread about naty gas being the most bloody market, on thursday when the **** fell out of it, lost 5% in less than a MINUTE

What are your thoughts on EURGBP with the upcoming election, I assume a potential hung parliament is already factored into the price?

Great thread btw

What are your thoughts on EURGBP with the upcoming election, I assume a potential hung parliament is already factored into the price?

Great thread btw

no idea, never even looked at a eurgbp chart before! i would expect the pound to be stronger than the euro going into the summer though
new market, cotton.

looks ripe for the pun intended! short.


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new market, cotton.

looks ripe for the pun intended! short.

I would ask if you are sure but you posted it so I know you are.
Do you have a target and or stop loss in mind?

P.S. Like your thread you have made some GREAT calls my good sir.:cool: