Lord Flashearts Rogue Traders and Watchdog Thread

Unless you have been/are a successful trader it is impossilbe to teach the skill, the tennis coach comparison on this thread is gash...

we talking two different things.

you are talking about duff traders locked in a trend of failure pretending they are good traders to extract fees from the gullible.

that is not the same as someone who wants to develop their trading skill with a method they have of their own but can't see what they are doing wrong.

actually we see plenty of bad coaching on t2w when someone asks for help. people pile in with their pet systems or abuse and whatnot. they soon learn not to ask again :)
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Whether trader_dante is perceived to be a good decent genuine person is irrelevant really. Can he actually make money trading? That is what I would need to know before I gave him any money! Wasp was perceived to be a good decent genuine person, in fact, more so than t_d. He had a lot more friends and followers on here. More reputation points than anyone and nowhere near as many critics, if any. Look how that ended, he asked people for money to trade with and ran off with it. LOL!!! Apart from Arabian of course who is very smart and got out with profit ;)

Anyway, my point is, perceived character has no bearing whether someone will be a scammer or not. In the case or 'wirraltraders'. Yeah he did get caught copy and pasting someone else's writings. He said it was out of laziness and he wasn't trying to pass it off as his own... Only he knows the truth I guess. Didn't look good anyway. I set up a twitter account to check his calls out. He has definitely posted profits on his twitter account but I haven't checked the times to make sure it all fits in. I'll do that now.
Out of curiousity, why did you give him money? As you have stated, you trade for a living. Why give some random dude off the internet money to trade with?
Out of curiousity, why did you give him money? As you have stated, you trade for a living. Why give some random dude off the internet money to trade with?

Cause I was in the pub with him and he asked for £250. Wasn't even sure why I was giving him money till later tbh :LOL:

However, as a general point, I do diversify my investments... only sensible to do so...

Most fun thing I do atm is Zopa. Got **** all money in there but am acting as own risk maanger. Great laugh :)
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Out of curiousity, why did you give him money? As you have stated, you trade for a living. Why give some random dude off the internet money to trade with?

oh I dunno...perhaps he fronted Wasp's scam set up and let him assume the role as fall guy? ;)
Out of curiousity, why did you give him money? As you have stated, you trade for a living. Why give some random dude off the internet money to trade with?

it wasn't a random dude. it was wasp. that is the point. he went out of his way to make it believable. there is plenty of attempted befriending on the net.

t2w has also changed since then. more noise to signal these days imo.
oh I dunno...perhaps he fronted Wasp's scam set up and let him assume the role as fall guy? ;)

I sent you an olive branch and you stuck it up my ****...

BTW for a laugh go over to citybulls... the house line there is that it wasn't a scam, and my exposing it was what made it fail :LOL:
Ah ok I didn't realise he actually knew him in person as well. Thats a bit different. Its not like £250 is much either, a couple of nights out for me... Probably not even 1 night out for Arabian!

Anyway, pozzyp, he's not registered as a vendor, so is he vending or not? Has anyone on here ever witnessed a vendor post LIVE calls and being consistently right?
we talking two different things.

you are talking about duff traders locked in a trend of failure pretending they are good traders to extract fees from the gullible.

that is not the same as someone who wants to develop their trading skill with a method they have of their own but can't see what they are doing wrong.

actually we see plenty of bad coaching on t2w when someone asks for help. people pile in with their pet systems or abuse and whatnot. they soon learn not to ask again :)

Mourinho, Benitez, Wenger, Ferguson...never played the game at v.high levels if at any decent level at all..however, with trading (if you are going to coach traders) ON HOW TO TRADE SUCCESSFULLY, you simply must have walked the walk...

Similar to trading with elite sport psyche is as important as ability, the winners mind set is v.important and that together with nutrition and all the other expert disciplines, imported in by management, come into play to give an individual a sporting edge. But as a retail trader/punter you couldn't possibly afford all that, or dedicate the time to get all aspects of your pschye right..could your find a coach who could 'fix' everything? Absolutely, but he/she would have had to have gone through your journey and that patently isn't the case with the tennis coach comparision mentioned...
I sent you an olive branch and you stuck it up my ****...

BTW for a laugh go over to citybulls... the house line there is that it wasn't a scam, and my exposing it was what made it fail :LOL:

You da man..pm you back later...
Mourinho, Benitez, Wenger, Ferguson...never played the game at v.high levels if at any decent level at all..however, with trading (if you are going to coach traders) ON HOW TO TRADE SUCCESSFULLY, you simply must have walked the walk...

Similar to trading with elite sport psyche is as important as ability, the winners mind set is v.important and that together with nutrition and all the other expert disciplines, imported in by management, come into play to give an individual a sporting edge. But as a retail trader/punter you couldn't possibly afford all that, or dedicate the time to get all aspects of your pschye right..could your find a coach who could 'fix' everything? Absolutely, but he/she would have had to have gone through your journey and that patently isn't the case with the tennis coach comparision mentioned...

imo a trainer needs no proof other than that they produce successful traders. if others want more qualifications etc then that is their preconditions.

i think its quite right to point out the system sellers and subscriptionists just out to make money. i just raised the point that practice gets lumped with coaching which is not the same thing.
Nick Bollettieri is one of the best tennis coaches there is.

but who is he? he's never won wimbledon


by analogy if you have the potential to be a good trader then a good mentor will bring that out? But if you don't have the potential then nothing will help?

with Borg his coach told him not to change his 2 handed backhand style when other coaches would have. So the function of a coach is to develop you and your style and not to mess with innate success?

so a trader trades the market. a coach deals with the person. 2 different skill sets.

so maybe a better question for a coach is not what their trading is like but how many great traders have they made?

Great post. I strongly agree with oiltanker. I dont see any reason why trading would be any different.
imo a trainer needs no proof other than that they produce successful traders. if others want more qualifications etc then that is their preconditions.

i think its quite right to point out the system sellers and subscriptionists just out to make money. i just raised the point that practice gets lumped with coaching which is not the same thing.

Spot on they can prove thenselves by those they train or be judged on their trading
(gotta be careful though, I accused timsk of being a paediatrician for lulz, knowing he'd find it amusing, but others didn't)

totally unlike lightnign mcqueen who molests children.
Should T2W not put a pre-emptive ban on such people like Ed Ponsi,
Marcel Link (As well as a book you can pay him for coaching) what about Jim Rogers, that bar steward wrote a teaching book or two.
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None of them can obviously trade, if they need to write a book to make any money.
What about that bar steward George Soros, he is on the gravy train with books and lectures, raking it in.