Avoid thieves operating on forex TSD and Forex Factory

As you are very well aware (having stolen most of your EA's from there), the site does generate additional revenue from its "Elite Subscription" service.


You hide behind internet anonymity and accuse me of stealing .You have no evidence and you are making libel accusations without proof.ARE U WORKING FOR FOREX-TSD?Did u ever see me steal?NO U have no evidence and you are making false statements

I can report your post as it has no evidence to back up your claims.

I have not made any claims against TSD except their own little messenger has given away thir true colours

Hi readers

metatrader - Ïîèñê â Google

If any of u are good at russian please do some research on Metatrader sites.Metatrader orignated from russia and many of the orignal expert advisors ,indicators , scripts and libraries were produced in russia .They were then stolen and plagarized.

If you have any evidence please post here


You hide behind internet anonymity and accuse me of stealing .You have no evidence and you are making libel accusations without proof.ARE U WORKING FOR FOREX-TSD?Did u ever see me steal?NO U have no evidence and you are making false statements

I can report your post as it has no evidence to back up your claims.

I have not made any claims against TSD except their own little messenger has given away thir true colours


When you take an EA designed and developed by someone else, and you rename it, and you attempt to pass it off as your own thats plagiarism. Its theft of intellectual property, given that you're incapable of an original thought its clearly of no concern to you, but to those of us who make our living from intellectual property, we tend to get annoyed when our idea's are stolen, particularly when the idiot who steals the ideas is actually to stupid to comprehend exactly what they've stolen.

You don't even have the basic intelligence to remove comments from the original source code, now run along and play with your silly EA's or flog your junk on ebay, and let the grown ups discuss matters of which you have no comprehension.
When you take an EA designed and developed by someone else, and you rename it, and you attempt to pass it off as your own thats plagiarism. Its theft of intellectual property, given that you're incapable of an original thought its clearly of no concern to you, but to those of us who make our living from intellectual property, we tend to get annoyed when our idea's are stolen, particularly when the idiot who steals the ideas is actually to stupid to comprehend exactly what they've stolen.

Which russian sites were the expert advisors stolen from orignally?

Which coder stole them?Which hacker stole them?

Which forum stole them?Who are the thieves?

Whose ideas were stolen?Which russian's ideas were stolen?

Theft of russian intellectual property and plagarism!

As u said"the idiot who steals the ideas is actually to stupid to comprehend exactly what they've stolen "

How much other Russian expert advisors have been plagiarism?

How many indicators have been plagiarised?

How many scripts have been plagiarised?

How many library files are stolen from the Russians?

U failed to answer all the questions about all the other thieving taking place

How much stuff is being stolen everyday from free forum contributors ,and sold off by others?



Which message board has no advertising model of significance?

Which message board is run by crooks?

Which message boards decieves it's readers by regularly removing posts and threads exposing the message board owner?

Which message board owner bans posters exposing the message board owners' scams?

Which message board owner indirectly sells scam services for signals on their own board?Scam is defined as a service unsubstatiated by audited results of actual account trades?These are signals called on metatrader dummy accounts?

Which message board breeds the highest number of scammers selling expert advisors on the net and on the forum?

Which message breeds the highest number of signal scammers openly selling signals in a public discussion board?There are many of these scammers posting on other reputable boards.

Which message board owner scams his board promoting hack monkeys to decieve readers?

Which message board supports dishonest unregulated brokers?

Which message board supports scammers pretending to be fund managers?

Everybody can go and witness it for themselves to see the truth.



I asked u the above questions and u evaded the answers.The readers here know the answers and have seen the evidence.

Which russian sites were the expert advisors stolen from orignally?

Which coder stole them?Which hacker stole them?

Which forum stole them?Who are the thieves?

Whose ideas were stolen?Which russian's ideas were stolen?

Theft of russian intellectual property and plagarism!

As u said"the idiot who steals the ideas is actually to stupid to comprehend exactly what they've stolen "

How much other Russian expert advisors have been plagiarism?

How many indicators have been plagiarised?

How many scripts have been plagiarised?

How many library files are stolen from the Russians?

U failed to answer all the questions about all the other thieving taking place

How much stuff is being stolen everyday from free forum contributors ,and sold off by others?



Anyone who places intellectual property into the public domain runs the risk of their work being plagiarized, and possibly even sold. Furthermore If you chose to develop for a product that has absolutely no mechanism for protecting intellectual property, then its even more likely work will be stolen.

Although I don't participate in collaborative development projects, I have at times coded indicators which have been misappropriated and sold. In one case, the scum who did this couldn't even be bothered removing my email address from the source code, resulting in me receiving support requests from poor fools who'd paid several hundred dollars that for an indicator that I would quite happily have provided for free !

The simple truth of the matter is that the people who post ideas do so because they understand the potential benefits that they may derive by discussing their work with like minded individuals. The reason there's not much discussion out in the open isn't really about keeping secrets, its just that its easier to hold discussions in noise free environments.

For example, the physicists amongst the members here could potentially discuss the design of an atomic weapon quite openly, without 99.99% of members realizing they where doing so, and the same applies to traders discussing trading systems. The fact that you don't pick up on whats being discussed isn't because its being hidden from you, its because you are unreceptive to whats being discussed.

Non of us begrudge you trying to repackage the crumbs that you've been fed along the way, but we do resent the "noise" that you make in attempting to do so. If someone wishes to steal my intellectual property, as long they make at least some attempt to play the game, or add a bit value, provide some training, or some customer support, I have no complaints. Think about it like the Linux operating system, do I buy it on a CD, with a manual, and some telephone support, or do I fanny about downloading stuff and figuring it all out for myself. I have a choice, either pay for the added value, or get it for free and incur a bit of inconvenience.

The problem with plagerisation starts where those doing the plagerising don't add value. To add insult to injury, if those doing the plagerising make false claims thats even worse, but most unforgivable sin of all (apart from stupidity), is when those same vendors start to create "noise" which then results in suppression of discussion, or inconvenience to others.

One simply cannot hold any form of sensible debate on a public forum without some half wit such as yourself jumping in with a commercial agenda attempting to derail the process. This forum is a good example, at one time you could see some sensible and at times thought provoking debate, now its degenerated into a cess pit of ineffective bland vendors, and once the likes of you are established here, thats the end of yet another trading community. Its no great hardship, or even particularly important in the grand scheme of things, the forum was once somewhere where you might find intelligent discussion, now visiting is akin to visiting the lunatics in a Victorian asylum, if I come here to read or contribute to intelligent posts, or to mock the afflicted the site administrators get the hits they crave so no one really loses.

I am informed that you where banned from TSD for attempting to solicit funds, and quite rightly so. Others clearly try to do the same, but at least they play the game, they at least try to pretend that they are adding just a tiny bit of value. You don't add value, you are simply annoying white noise and thats why various forum members quite rightfully ridicule you at every opportunity.
I am informed that you where banned from TSD for attempting to solicit funds, .

There is no truth in that statement or any evidence.

If u read post 1516 and post 1519 you will read the owners implicated in this scam.
first 200 pips on me , the rest , we will share - Page 152 - Forex Trading

This is the case of the DISHONEST UNREGULATED BROKER supported on forex TSD BY ADMIN

Also read post 1468 and post 1469

The admin can post whatever lies they want but the truth is there and it may well be removed by admin

Which message board tries to decieve its readers ?How many other times have they lied to readers?

Non of us begrudge you trying to repackage the crumbs that you've been fed along the way, but we do resent the "noise" that you make in attempting to do so. If someone wishes to steal my intellectual property, as long they make at least some attempt to play the game, or add a bit value, provide some training, or some customer support, I have no complaints. .


U don't know what u are talking about and referring me trying to repackage the crumbs.

My current Expert advisor is costing around $5,000 to code/program.It is almost 50 hours of work.

None of hackers on TSD would know where to begin coding my Expert advisor.I have used all of the scammers on TSD calling themselves programmers.How could I be repackaging some poor quality expert advisors or systems made by the 99% LOSERS of the 95% club?YOU HAVE GOT IT ALL WRONG.

If systems made by losers could be repackaged ,95 % club hanging around TSD would have done it.These systems from LOSERS can not be repackaged

Is this one of your 95% club members?

Participant igorad - Automated Trading Championship 2006

You've mentioned Steintz a few times now, he sold a few hundred units of product at 50 bucks a time, its chicken feed really. If he's splitting the profits with his army of shrills, and one or two forum administrators, its not really mega bucks is it ?



Once again It is acceptable to take bribes to deceive readers according to you.These thieves get the appetite from stealing and move on to bigger sums of money.

The current sums involved are estimated at over $1,000,00.There are many traders crying having been deceived.

You keep your ethics and run along back to your friends at TSD AND KEEP YOUR INTEGRITY ON TSD.Once u hang around with thieves , u become a thief yourself.

first 200 pips on me , the rest , we will share - Page 152 - Forex Trading


Well put.To discuss message board scammers in public

In time I will post evidence of scammers selling programming services


Open Letter.

To be honest, I think that you point has now been made well enough already (and perhaps underlined several times) and therefore it maybe time to draw a line under the issues that you have with these people. To continue with your rather obvious course of action is not helping either yourself or other members of the board since the postings that you make are just cyclic in nature (ie you post a number of links to your 'target' sites and alledged 'scammers' until you draw a reaction of someone on the board) before making the same series of points which you have made several times before either on this or very similar threads.

If people start to look at your history of posts then they will see that a massive proportion of them seem to gyrate around one single issue; people who post or sell Expert Advisors (EA's) via other internet sites or forums. I'm sure that most people realise (the same as you do) that there are no 'free lunches' to be had from buying any kind of trading software. As pointed out, by your kind self and many other people down the years, if someone did invent and write a highly successful EA which consistantly gave triple digit gains year on year then they would be a complete fool to sell it rather than trading it themselves.

To be honest, having read numerous internet trading sites over the years, there are always going to be people who operate in a manner such as you suggest. You will not ever stop them. If you constrict one method they will evolve and find another method. Most of the people who sell stuff online (in a financial trading context) are not traders themselves (well not altogther successful traders). Part of their sales patter is always designed to suck people in to believing that they are buying or learning from a so called 'expert'. This is seldom the case and most of the stuff that they peddle is quite freely available to people who take the time to research the subject for themselves.

"Buyer Beware!"

To be honest I found that the few items that you posted with regard to your 'live testing' of your various EA's to be fair more informative, interesting and entertaining. This is because that particular thread was at the 'live edge' of the market and as we know, as professional traders, this is the only place where we can make money.
I personally feel (and this is only my opinion based on 18 years of running my own businesses and being 'self employed') that your 'energy' is being misdirected. As a result you are spending a good deal of your time on these 'negative' issues whilst neglecting the more positive aspects. It is easy to get drawn in to this negative and distructive cycle.

Please - Lets have more talk, theories, designing and testing of EA's and no more of this hidden agenda nonsense. Lets not send the T2W Boards down the same road as some many other BB's.

Take care,
I think the key message coming out of all of this is quite simply this:

Don't buy any Expert Advisers (EA) software from anyone ever

I am happy to pass this message to anyone who may start to show an interest in them and encourage people to learn how to trade for themselves. After all this would be of much greater use to aspiring traders.

I think the key message coming out of all of this is quite simply this:

Don't buy any Expert Advisers (EA) software from anyone ever

I am happy to pass this message to anyone who may start to show an interest in them and encourage people to learn how to trade for themselves. After all this would be of much greater use to aspiring traders.


Morning Paul,

I never say 'never'!

I have bought stuff from people before but I make sure that there is a specific reason in my own mind before parting with any money. I do have certian rules. Firstly I would want to be sure that they are active / fulltime traders themselves. If their product is their lifeblood or income then I lose interest quickly and alarm bells ring.

I recently aquired some Forex software which is first class. So is the support. It also comes with reams of paperwork and technical documetion. Thats how I like it.
In my opinion there is stuff out there worth having. From my perspective it general has to come from a direction which I already feel has merit. For example my belief is that the key aspect of successfully trading GBPUSD is studying the volumes - therefore I was on the lookout for someone who might 'accelerate' my learning curve in that area and provide research and reasoned conclusions which would have taken me a considerable period of time to develop myself.

Two ways of looking at everything I guess.

Morning Paul,

I never say 'never'!

I have bought stuff from people before but I make sure that there is a specific reason in my own mind before parting with any money. I do have certian rules. Firstly I would want to be sure that they are active / fulltime traders themselves. If their product is their lifeblood or income then I lose interest quickly and alarm bells ring.

I recently aquired some Forex software which is first class. So is the support. It also comes with reams of paperwork and technical documetion. Thats how I like it.
In my opinion there is stuff out there worth having. From my perspective it general has to come from a direction which I already feel has merit. For example my belief is that the key aspect of successfully trading GBPUSD is studying the volumes - therefore I was on the lookout for someone who might 'accelerate' my learning curve in that area and provide research and reasoned conclusions which would have taken me a considerable period of time to develop myself.

Two ways of looking at everything I guess.



Here is free advice.Become a member of forex TSD elite section , pay $20 for 2 months, get all the expert advisors from the elite forum.You will get about 50 expert advisors for $20 , some poor,one or two OK ,others average

Then ditch TSD after basic subscription period

I think the key message coming out of all of this is quite simply this:

Don't buy any Expert Advisers (EA) software from anyone ever

I am happy to pass this message to anyone who may start to show an interest in them and encourage people to learn how to trade for themselves. After all this would be of much greater use to aspiring traders.


I quite agree on this.

A proper expert advisor is equivalent to buying a reconstructed programmed brain of a profitable trader.It is going to cost well over 6 figures to buy a copy

Those who buy $50 to $300 expert advisors believing they are on to winner are mistaken

same applies to signal sellers


Here is free advice.Become a member of forex TSD elite section , pay $20 for 2 months, get all the expert advisors from the elite forum.You will get about 50 expert advisors for $20 , some poor,one or two OK ,others average

Then ditch TSD after basic subscription period


What a classic !

Don't bother contributing, don't think for yourself, just follow El Cids example, find a group a people stupid enough to share the fruits of their hard work, abuse their generosity, rip off whatever you can get away with and pray that you might just get lucky.

Why not go one step further, rename what you've stolen, and spend your days pimping product and spamming forums :cheesy:

Keep taking the medication
What a classic !

Don't bother contributing, don't think for yourself, just follow El Cids example, find a group a people stupid enough to share the fruits of their hard work, abuse their generosity, rip off whatever you can get away with and pray that you might just get lucky.

Why not go one step further, rename what you've stolen, and spend your days pimping product and spamming forums :cheesy:

Keep taking the medication


Keep taking whatever you are on!The forex tsd forum is a cess pitt.It is not even 1 star forum and does not come anywhere near the quality of this forum.This forum is a good example, nowadays you can still see some sensible and at times thought provoking debate, unlike forex tsd which has s degenerated into a cess pit of ineffective bland vendors, and once the likes of the ones spamming this message board and coming from TSD, thats the end of yet another trading community. The FOREX TSD forum was NEVER somewhere where you might find intelligent discussion, now visiting is akin to visiting the lunatics in a Victorian asylum,.Half the lunatics can't even speak english.

Here is a typical day on forex TSD forum public discussion board of free debate

poster 1 vendor spamming expert advisors
poster 2 traders crying for being embezzled by thieves with admin support
poster 3 another spammer
poster 4 scammer old txd pro
poster 5 to 20 15 idiots of the 95 % club ,totally useless posters
poster 21 Signal scammer also trying to spam on t2w
poster22 to 30 several spammers
poster 31 to 40 several porn sites spamming these useless 95 % club idiots
poster 41 to 45 Steinitz of scam fame and his accomplices spamming
Poster 46 another vendor scamming newbees with expert advisors
poster 47 another signal scammer
poster 48 fund manager unauthorized and unregulated by any credible authority
poster 48 scam broker lookin to steal from unsuspecting newbees
poster 49 Scammer offering 200 free pips and a free lunch
poster 50 Admin rampin hacker /programming services to scam newbees

All day the above cycle of thieves posting continues , thieves with ulterior motives .

Keep taking the tablets , cause u need them if u believe TSD no less than a forex thieving ground

What a classic !


Keep taking the medication

Here is the sort of thieves operating on forex TSD.This is a personal message I received and I have erased the writer's identity or anything incriminating for the writer



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Keep taking the medication

Here is the sort of thieves operating on forex TSD.This is a personal message I received and I have erased the writer's identity or anything incriminating for the writer


a) Taking someone else's work and renaming it as your own is not "tuning", at the very least its plagiarism, and at worst theft. You are amongst the very worst of the individuals at TSD who take, and contribute absolutely nothing, other than annoying white noise.

b)If you really wished to protect intellectual property just exactly how stupid would you need to be to release an executable, when its common knowledge that anyone with 10 euro's to spare can decompile it ?

c) Publishing messages that where sent to you in private doesn't strike me as being particularly ethical behavior. Its certainly against forum policy.

Now go away and do something more useful with your time.