Lord Flashearts Rogue Traders and Watchdog Thread


I suppose it's possible that you could have someone who can do all that, but who does not have the mental strength to trade that knowledge and understanding successfully. Bit like a golfer who has all the shots but who crumbles under the pressure of leading and never wins a tournament.

By the same token, it's possible that a non-trader could tease out from you precisely how and why you made your trading decisions if his "de-briefing" skills were top-notch. If he was a good communicator he could pass that on to a student to maybe better effect than you could if you were a poor communicator.


I used to hate teeing off the first just outside the clubhouse. Always had the impression that all eyes were upon me, and lost count of the number of slices on the first. Got better when out of site of clubhouse customers. Bit like trading I suppose - I function better in my own company.:)
I used to hate teeing off the first just outside the clubhouse. Always had the impression that all eyes were upon me, and lost count of the number of slices on the first. Got better when out of site of clubhouse customers. Bit like trading I suppose - I function better in my own company.:)

You and me both, Neil :). Never mind about the score on the first just, please, please don't let me carve it into the car-park.

I think ODT should prove his if profitable seeing as he is the vendor that posts the most! How about that Joe ross? TheRumpledOne?
What can a failed trader teach you? Well it depends on the person. In Trader Dante's case he was initially (on this site) teaching price action, pin bars and support. These things were coming from what he had learnt from James16, and go back to Pring,or maybe even before that. Even if trader dante failed with them, these concepts may well be from successful traders.

Can you name 1 trader on the planet that is using these techniques exclusively and making money ?

I know a handful of profitable traders and they all think this stuff is nonsense.

I suppose it's possible that you could have someone who can do all that, but who does not have the mental strength to trade that knowledge and understanding successfully. Bit like a golfer who has all the shots but who crumbles under the pressure of leading and never wins a tournament.

By the same token, it's possible that a non-trader could tease out from you precisely how and why you made your trading decisions if his "de-briefing" skills were top-notch. If he was a good communicator he could pass that on to a student to maybe better effect than you could if you were a poor communicator.


OK - let's try again.

The skill is not trading. The skill is making money trading.

So - if you are not making money, you do not have the skills. In the driving analogy, it would be like someone that has read how to drive from a book but has never stepped into a car. They would not be able to teach it at all, they have no real-life experience.

You cannot teach the skill of making money trading if you can't do it.

It seems where we have got to is this:

- We have a bunch of people who are not making money trading saying that other guys who are also not making money trading can teach what is required.

It seems that a people here are fine for members to come to this site, show more knowledge than a total newbie, not show any evidence that they can make a profit and then start recruiting paid members for their services here. What a con.

I am quite sickened by the attitude of the admin on here. All this crap about people not able to trade making good teachers is totally naive. Members are being taken for a ride & the people running the board are totally complicit in that.

Bottom line - show the P&L or you are a fake. That should be a pre-requisite for any vendor on this board.
There's no real reason why -
1) a successful trader would want to sell anything:
2) a good trainer can't produce good traders:
3) we should worry about the demand from newbies for a supply of off-the-peg trading systems:
4) a newbie can't take an off-the-peg trading system, personalise it and make a profit from it.
The internet is infested with tricksters, shysters, fraudsters, call them what you will. The best security companies in the world are not winning the battle against them, why should anyone believe that T2W is any different? The best will in the world will not prevent gullible people from parting with their money.

When I was younger, I used to believe that wars could be prevented, too. What a hope!
I'm watching my dog now....
He's lifting his leg....
Ooooh, bullseye, direct hit on the neighbor's flower garden.


It will die!

I remember growing geraniums in pots on our terrace. These were looking more peaky every day and I could not understand it. We had our mother-in-law looking after our 3-year old. I found that every time he wanted a pee, she directed him to the nearest flower pot!
trader_dante said:
I was close to contributing on the thread until you said "can you name one person that is actually making money in this way".

Either you are seriously deluded or you are in it for the lulz.

I'm not sure which, yet.

How difficult is this?

To the board owners - grow a set of bo11ocks and insist that every vendor show they are profitable.

Possible Downsides : You cut out some great vendors who can't make money themselves.
Possible Upsides : Your members don't get ripped off by people who decided to teach because they can't trade.

To the vendors - show you can trade or 4uck off.
How difficult is this?

To the board owners - grow a set of bo11ocks and insist that every vendor show they are profitable.

Possible Downsides : You cut out some great vendors who can't make money themselves.
Possible Upsides : Your members don't get ripped off by people who decided to teach because they can't trade.

To the vendors - show you can trade or 4uck off.

I agree totally here with you DT.

Aint directing this at anyone at all but there should at least be a vendors criteria
whereby they have proved or shown a set criteria of statements of profit of what they
have made and some sort of template that way T2W can say hey guys w have seen this guys/gals credentials and we believe they have the stuff to teach our members.

I think if another site was created with this say honour system that way new learners
could avoid getting sucked in. I half think thats why Sharky pulled the rep system as it
could implicate T2W to some extent.

In reality T2W is a bucket shop itself by people offering and exchanging advice and T2W are paid and earn their comms by SB companies and certain individuals who make their crust selling systems.

We have yet to see somebody be outed that has been on here for years giving advice and recommending SB companies who are on the payroll and seem like long serving
genuine posters.

How difficult is this?

To the board owners - grow a set of bo11ocks and insist that every vendor show they are profitable.

Possible Downsides : You cut out some great vendors who can't make money themselves.
Possible Upsides : Your members don't get ripped off by people who decided to teach because they can't trade.

To the vendors - show you can trade or 4uck off.

In the interests of the free market, I say, let the buyer beware.

Buyers will buy systems. Usually the're newbies because who else would need one? And they often don't know the value of what they're being asked to pay for. And even when they get the system in their hands (even if it is a rational system), are they successful traders? - No, they blow their account same as if they had just saved their money and traded Sunday newspaper tips as ever they did. So what if the price is high? - nobody is forced to buy anything.

Are they being ripped off? - No. They wanted a system, they paid the agreed price for it, they received it. Contract filfilled.

If I go out this afternoon and buy a pair of skis, best I can expect from the vendor is that they're fit for the purpose of skiing: it's not his problem if I ski off a cliff and break my leg. And it's no consolation to me if he turned out to be an Olympic downhill chanpion, I'm still knackered.

Of course, if the buyer is smart, and if the trader is conscientious, some credentials from previous satisfied customers would be desirable, just to show that at least someone could make the system make money. And whose testimonial would you trust? - the vendor's own or an independent customer with no financial connection with the supplier? But really, asking a buyer for a testimonial from a satisfed customer is just infants' school stuff - any adult wanting value for money should know this for themselves. On this score, OK, maybe T2W could implement a code of conduct which vendors can sign up to and be suitably 'accredited' - but this would be based on honesty and good service, not his personal trading ability.
If I go out this afternoon and buy a pair of skis, best I can expect from the vendor is that they're fit for the purpose of skiing: it's not his problem if I ski off a cliff and break my leg. And it's no consolation to me if he turned out to be an Olympic downhill chanpion, I'm still knackered.

No but the ski shop would have ski's tested and be to the standard that should you
go and ski downhill you have trust in them as they have been tested and to some
sort of regulated standard.

You could go ski off a cliff but your problem.

If you were sold ski's that gave way and caused your crash off the cliff would you not
be worried. As you did buy them from what you thought was a ski shop and hey, they
wouldnt sell some crap they made up knowing they aint been tested in the flesh and
dont work.

Or maybe they dont care if they work. Who cares, let the punks but them as we
made our money so who gives a damn.

Is the ski shop at fault or are you. Maybe its both.

I used to Thai Box for 7 years and was quite good. Long story short.

Was asked to glove up and watch there was no funny stuff going on at the competition.
I had to watch and sign all fighters gloves in their dressing rooms.
I watched a trainer bandage his fighter up and he did it totally wrong and left his thumbs exposed. For non fighter's when you throw a punch with gloves on its like having a big **** on your wrist waiting to be dislocated. I mentioned to the trainer and the fighter and offered to rectify. Was basically told to feck off and mind my own business.

I signed the gloves and checked them at ringside. (Guy who gloves and signs checks his
own signature before the fighter gets in the ring, old days steel dusters n ****. New times, various concoctions but mainly talcum powder on the bandages which sets like
a semi concrete with the sweat in the gloves).

Fighet gets hurt and gets a kicking as he wasnt any good, maybe not entirely his fault.
I thought i would give the fighter a hanf taking the gloves off as i knew he dislocated one or both thumbs. Get in his dressing room and the guys in shock, his nose has been broken big style. I calls St Johns ambulance up. and tells him not to take the gloves off as their better being cut off at hospital. His trainer pulls them off anyway and the shrieks of pain literally went through me. The fighter was crying, literally.

His nose was flat to his face. His trainer told him he needs to blow it to get the blood
out of it so he could breathe. I jumped in and told the guy he didnt have trouble breathing so why do it when he could feck his eyes up. He told me basically to feck off and he always listen's to his trainer.

He blew his nose and had busted the nasal cavaties running along his nose and basically pumped all the blood from his nose into and arong his eye sockets and looed like a fecking alien in more pain with big ball bags around his eyes. (4 days in hospital).

Another long story short. The guy that was his trainer was sh1te and i knew that. But i
couldnt convince him as he had absolute trust in him. I had been tought by what i considered the best and realised that from my first fight.

Who's was to blame here. The fighter who was a nice guy but was trained by a guy who had never stepped in the ring but considered ghimself a trainer. He knew how to train people, but the most important thing was he had never stepped in the ring himslef and never even knew how to glove up at the least.

My point. T2W allows idiots on here with their members and dont check the credentials as they dont care one iota.

Churn and burn as there are always fighters waiting in the wings to see the glory.

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I have a false vendor badge, I do not sell anything.My website does not exist.

How do I remove vendor tag?It was forced upon me by a moderator.
Who actually sells a WORKING trading system???:LOL:
I got some bad news for you, no one does. If you are looking for someone to "sell you a system" you are never going to make it. Try learning to trade and develop your own system.

This thread is classic trade2win narrow mindedness at its best.
Someone starts a thread as a watchdog to out scammers and all that happens is two fellow forum members (pozzyP and Trader_Dante) who have contributed huge amounts of free information on this forum, get trashed. There is a big wide world out there.
Yet again the demands for free live signals and produce trading accounts as if that means something. The only thing that counts is if the people who are actually in those live rooms are learning something and are happy. Everything else is ********.

In my email this week I got two companies bullying me to join their live rooms and buy their trading system (www.4XTL.com and www.schooloftrade.com). Both are around $3000 for "lifetime membership" of their live trading rooms. NO refunds.:whistling