Lord Flashearts Rogue Traders and Watchdog Thread

He came clean on this. Admitted he wasnt such a big shot.

Fair enough, however if i was buying off a vendor i'd be seriously doubting the validity of his services after such claims.
Arabianights runs a STIRSUltraChat for £20 per day. ban him.


I wish, but we're having a meetup tomorrow in city if anyone wants to come ;)

I also :LOL:ing at idea anypone here has to prove how great a trader they am... ffs my only significant income comes from trading, if I couldn't trade I wouldn't have an income... that should be proof enough for anyone... there is absolutely no way I could make trading calls here, I'm a significant portion of many bids and offers... I'd get raped... :LOL:

Although it does help that I don't charge anyone anything for training... anyone doing any kind of training thing is probably failed. I did try to run a grad scheme once (not charging anyone - they were paid) and it was a dismal failure - but enough to tell me no decent trader should ever waste time on such a thing.
What claims? That he spread bets and trades to make what is comparable to an "excellent salary" rather than ragging grands out of the market at will? That he blew up a few times before finding a method that suits his personality? FFS am I the only person here who finds trading difficult?

All that being said I do remember a whisper that TD wiped out again a while back but he denied it. Red or blue pill. Just adding a bit of balance eh.
Well - I expect the number of new members to increase after you post that one up.
Oooooh goodie goodie, Sharky will be pleased. And I can then ask for a pay rise. Does that then mean that I should sport a vendors badge? Come to think of it, perhaps Sharky should have one too!
As a small aside, it just so happens that I'm slap bang in the middle of drafting a FAQ entitled 'Can You Recommend a Trading Course, Mentor or Coach'. So, if anyone has any sensible suggestions that will help make this a clear and comprehensive resource to future members - please let me know!

Jacko wont be on it then:LOL:
Nick Bollettieri is one of the best tennis coaches there is.

but who is he? he's never won wimbledon


by analogy if you have the potential to be a good trader then a good mentor will bring that out? But if you don't have the potential then nothing will help?

with Borg his coach told him not to change his 2 handed backhand style when other coaches would have. So the function of a coach is to develop you and your style and not to mess with innate success?

so a trader trades the market. a coach deals with the person. 2 different skill sets.

so maybe a better question for a coach is not what their trading is like but how many great traders have they made?
:LOL: pete,wackypete when we was calling our trades out in the live call thread we never had this many on the thread.it must say it all about our trading abilities.

Next time we'll disguise our activities by naming the thread "Live Scam calls - See it to disbelieve it"!

Nick Bollettieri is one of the best tennis coaches there is.

but who is he? he's never won wimbledon


by analogy if you have the potential to be a good trader then a good mentor will bring that out? But if you don't have the potential then nothing will help?

with Borg his coach told him not to change his 2 handed backhand style when other coaches would have. So the function of a coach is to develop you and your style and not to mess with innate success?

so a trader trades the market. a coach deals with the person. 2 different skill sets.

so maybe a better question for a coach is not what their trading is like but how many great traders have they made?

Interesting post. Good points.

Jacko wont be on it then:LOL:
Hi Neil,
Actually, no vendors will be listed at all!
The purpose of the FAQ is to help members decide if the route of paid tuition is the right one for them - or not - and to offer suggestions to help ensure that they don't fall victim to unscrupulous vendors. Part of the FAQ includes links to other threads and sites that might support that objective, and I had earmarked this thread for inclusion. However, unfortunately, I fear that it's not panning out quite in the way Lord Flasheart (the OP) had hoped. 100 plus posts in, and all that appears to have happened is that TD has been 'outed'. Although, what for exactly, isn't at all clear!
Nick Bollettieri is one of the best tennis coaches there is.

but who is he? he's never won wimbledon


by analogy if you have the potential to be a good trader then a good mentor will bring that out? But if you don't have the potential then nothing will help?

with Borg his coach told him not to change his 2 handed backhand style when other coaches would have. So the function of a coach is to develop you and your style and not to mess with innate success?

so a trader trades the market. a coach deals with the person. 2 different skill sets.

so maybe a better question for a coach is not what their trading is like but how many great traders have they made?

This a fantastic point... good traders don't necessarily make good trainers (certainly my experience shows that, although it may not have been helped by the fact we were trying affirmative action [ooo er better not say that] and threw out lots of brilliant white people [then again I have it on good authority scose-no-doubt is effnik and he would almost certainly have been better, in fact he even applied and I made sure I recommeded he should come to interview {he has kick ass cv ladies, you should employ him immediately} but my boss vetoed him and I couldn't admit I was being unfair... anyway I digress]) so no particular reason that good trainers ahve to be good traders.

I think where people have the problem is that many of these bad traders who may be good trainers are representing themselves as good traders... that is probably a legit concern...
Somebody, I forget who, PM-ed me a few days ago and asked my opinion of a member who charges £400 per day for training courses. As I responded to them, it makes no difference to me whether they're flagged as a vendor or not.

I would be interested if they or one of their graduates would post live trades which turn out to be successful. In fact, I cannot think of better advertising and it would be totally free.
Nick Bollettieri is one of the best tennis coaches there is.

but who is he? he's never won wimbledon


by analogy if you have the potential to be a good trader then a good mentor will bring that out? But if you don't have the potential then nothing will help?

with Borg his coach told him not to change his 2 handed backhand style when other coaches would have. So the function of a coach is to develop you and your style and not to mess with innate success?

so a trader trades the market. a coach deals with the person. 2 different skill sets.

so maybe a better question for a coach is not what their trading is like but how many great traders have they made?

Interesting point. IMO Trading and tennis (or any other sport) are different (so far as coaching in concerned).

I understand that being a good trader is not enough for being a good coach, but how unsuccessful trader could teach somebody to trade and be profitable is beyond me.:?:
Interesting point. IMO Trading and tennis (or any other sport) are different (so far as coaching in concerned).

I understand that being a good trader is not enough for being a good coach, but how unsuccessful trader could teach somebody to trade and be profitable is beyond me.:?:

Unless you have been/are a successful trader it is impossilbe to teach the skill, the tennis coach comparison on this thread is gash...
Unless you have been/are a successful trader it is impossilbe to teach the skill, the tennis coach comparison on this thread is gash...

Don't get me wrong.

I like the Oiltanker's post. There are some applicable things like psychological part etc. In that case you would need separate coaches to acquire different skills needed.
Here's the thing that puzzles me; I'd rather try to raise £500K to put a team of traders together trading in a method that I knew worked day after day as opposed to coaching in all its disguises.

Sending signals out by text, having a *room*, puting up with all the baggage/moans.. why bother when you could simply magnify your own P&L by employing and training your own team? Make a couple of mill a year consistently, sell unit on to Barcap for 20-40ml...simples.

Wouldn't that be the most logical step? You could even have traders working for you remotely in, for example, India getting a comparative King's ransom...
Here's the thing that puzzles me; I'd rather try to raise £500K to put a team of traders together trading in a method that I knew worked day after day as opposed to coaching in all its disguises.

Sending signals out by text, having a *room*, puting up with all the baggage/moans.. why bother when you could simply magnify your own P&L by employing and training your own team? Make a couple of mill a year consistently, sell unit on to Barcap for 20-40ml...simples.

Wouldn't that be the most logical step? You could even have traders working for you remotely in, for example, India getting a comparative King's ransom...

Yup... basically nothing about teaching makes sense.

Heck even in my case I was supposed to be essentially sharing revenue from these succesful traders I was gonna train, forever. But even that turned out crap.

Asking for flat fees is ridiculous... flat fees ARE ridiculous... they're tiny, really tiny, compared to what you should be making if decent at trading.

The only logic is that they're diversification of some kind... well, sorry, but they ain't.

PS BS, how about that homo erotic PM I sent you?
Interesting point. IMO Trading and tennis (or any other sport) are different (so far as coaching in concerned).

I understand that being a good trader is not enough for being a good coach, but how unsuccessful trader could teach somebody to trade and be profitable is beyond me.:?:

because they would have knowledge of the skills to identify where the problem was and how to fix it? so they need to know more about psychology, philosophy etc. We know its not about the system because its been shown [turtles etc] that give 10 people exactly the same system and rules and they will get wildly different results? why? its not about the system.

Like Arabian says a monosyllabic introverted top trader or with poor man management/social skills or without the empathy or love to learn that kind of knowledge necessary doesn't necessarily make the best person to help someone spot where they are going wrong? They would be bad mirrors.

It would be reasonable to assume that in a like manner as there are few good traders there are a few good trainers that know how to show/help people how to break their trend of failure. even then will the student listen? Are they ready?

and like arabian says the root of the problem is in coaches pretending to be great traders. It also maybe they are trying to 'inject' some 'killer ma x system' they have invented. So they are system sellers not coaches who know how to bring out your style hiding in potential?

in the same way a good coach would watch someone perform before taking them on a good trading coach would watch how a candidate trades to see what the problem was and if it was fixable and so if it was worth taking them on? There would be no incentive for a good coach careful of their rep to take on people who obviously have no potential?

there is a whole other topic as to who needs a coach. But i won't go into that here except to say if the line management isn't doing it and the person can't do it for themselves and they want to stay in the job then there maybe a case for looking at one to 'break the trend of failure'?

just because someone is not excellent at one thing doesn't mean they won't be excellent at something else.

however my experience would be that many people have to reach a certain point of crisis before they are open to admitting something is wrong and are able of being helped?