Sellin Education seminar and cources
Hi Merry Sherry,
Good to hear your feedback from one who recently attended learn to trade seminar.
I have recently enrolled to their 3-day class in Sydney and I am a bit worried already as to the feedback I have been reading online.
What I wanted to get from the training is to be able to start trading confidently. Were you able to get this after the seminar? Can you also share how much your initial fund account is (as I saw that they require you to have a trading account to join the 3rd day trading)? May I also know how much (estimate) are you making for a week post training?
I am still within the cooling off period with learn to trade, and hopefully you would be able to give more light as the amount I paid them is perhaps my family savings already and I would want to cancel asap if the training they would provide would just be forex intro and something I can read from a book.
Thank so much!!
HI Mate
no idea if that is good or bad my comment below is generic
lot of red flags for me, when I see a ANY star "Guru" pushing "How to trade, I will show you to make money"type snake oil.
Anybody claims to show other people how to make money trading should be asked these simple questions
- If you know how to trade, why don;t you trade yourself and if you do where is the proof? AUDITED proof
- Why are you not running a managed fund regulated and scrutinized by ASIC?
THEY ALL wiggle out
But we all are afraid to ask becasue in a Intro seminar we don;t want to look negative/ stupid
I remember in his hey days 800-900 people jammed in a large lavish hall where a certain Melbourne based "Education guru" was selling "The next best thing since sliced bread = Long stock+ Long PUT and that is sell monthly calls.. so called the Moo Cow and people were dreaming wow
😆 monthly income..
Never elaborating on the Risk side!
Which was irresponsible. He and his company the got ASIC licences ( which is now a days a joke as you can rent AFSL) but eventually when they started a real FUnd it failed
But people fell for
such gurus make more money selling seminar than trading!
And if that is not true and if they really are smart traders would they not be proud to showcase audited results of their "REAL" trading
I am sure many would this dismiss what I have said and many have said before as "Negativity" but really it is common sense!
Education is important BUT there is a difference between
"genuine Education" and "Pipe dream packaged as education and on bordering on Financial advice"
You see as an example if a "Trader educator or properly regulated advisory has to offer his services like in USA they are called CTA, lot of scrutiny and oversight...
any way you have already paid the money .. so not much point raising these things.. what would be god is when you finish if you could come back and post a warts and all report
Best of luck