Learn To Trade aka Knowledge To Action (Greg Secker)

Further interesting reading from two "established " news services

If anybody wants more proof of how ASIC for example stops such spruikers do a search on ASIC website for this name

the first article especially sums up LTT. I did learn a lot of basic stuff when I was there but I did get the feeling they were exagerating quite a lot on how much money you could make and how much money they were making. I took what I wanted from the course which was a few trading strategies that were very helpful and my 3 coaching sessions. I'm not bitter or upset. I pretty much got what I expected to get. I was a little upset when I found out that LTT was not going to be able to hold up their end of the bargain regarding the broker and Smart Charts but Smart Charts was something I could live without. (Basically training wheels for beginners) Smart Charts helps you find potential trade setups without having to look through each currency pair yourself. It is what it is.
1) Our discussion abut bushiness like Apiary , using your own stats of 40% dont complete + it may take 2 years = 24x100 = 2400 trader MIGHT pay to get what to trade a $2500 A/c!
I am not sure if you are getting my main point... just think for a min "Why there are questions and bad press about these business models" Simply because the model perhaps relies upon most failing + there is no transparency UPFRONT... $2400 might not be a big sum for somebody who had a good career already but hundreds who fail actually going to fund the company and you. AND good real top end PROP frims don;t do these kind of gimics... any way I don't want to add anything more on that subject your money your risk.. one thing remains thogh firms like these refuse to disclose how many exactly get funded? and there goes the secret...
2) about my model, I am only providing Funds to trade the Skin in game is that of the trader, so I am not taking capital risk , ONLY providing access to real funded capital from day one.
For example IF a trader has 1000 and wants to trade a 10000 a/c the 9 k in mine If a/c looses 1000 it is traders 1000, HENCE I don;t need to scrutinize the trader much , Since he is taking the risk He keep majority of profits. Any way I am not marketing it commercially we are trying few private arrangements and sorting out the deployment/ risk management etc This model may not be attractive to everybody but I am at least upfront about it, I am not pretending to provide some magic training and then "Perhaps " you will get funded type of pie in sky scheme.. any way PM me , I don;t want to be seen promoting a commercial venture

I pm d you. I am interested to know how you would benefit from this type of setup.
I pm d you. I am interested to know how you would benefit from this type of setup.

Sorry but did not get the PM try again

It is very simple though it is kind of a Margin loan,
I will charge a fixed and floating fee for such access, negotiable
What the trader has to work out is can he / she overcome the funding cost/ fees and make money
Other way using Protective Option

DO a search on "Protected Equity Loan" in Australia you will get an idea
I am glad that I found this thread. I found it by doing a Google search for 'Greg Secker reviews' as I had signed up online for a 'free workshop' from Learn to Trade in a nearby southern Brisbane suburb this coming Sunday. I didn't realise it would involve automated software as everything I have read about such software screams scam and when I first started looking I checked something called Binarytrade.org and ended up with calls on my mobile phone from an offshore Indian call centre for alleged 'brokers' swearing I had agreed to open an account with them and didn't I want to make money?

I refuse to pay an unregulated broker $US250 into an account to 'activate' and get my automated software. By that time I knew it was some scam which had been known by many different names and read reviews of people who, when they did seem to make money from trades, had their accounts wiped out when the 'broker' placed bids on their behalf and wiped out their entire balance, when they tried to withdraw funds.

So, instead, I have downloaded a number of video traininng courses for free and will take my time learning and then will open a demo account when I am ready and do enough practice to be comfortable with an ASIC regulated broker and the one I am planning to do so will allow as little as $AU5 to be traded at a time and no more than a $10 deposit in an account is required. That way it is up to me, when I have a proper account, how much I'd put in and what my minimum to trade will be. Sure, I'm not likely to make much, if anything, while I learn but it will be my own money and while I learn, that's the way I intend to do it.

I don't believe there is any get-rich-quick way to do anything and unless and until I can see a trading bot which tells me what's in its logarithm I'll stick to reading indicators.
I am glad that I found this thread. I found it by doing a Google search for 'Greg Secker reviews' as I had signed up online for a 'free workshop' from Learn to Trade in a nearby southern Brisbane suburb this coming Sunday. I didn't realise it would involve automated software as everything I have read about such software screams scam and when I first started looking I checked something called Binarytrade.org and ended up with calls on my mobile phone from an offshore Indian call centre for alleged 'brokers' swearing I had agreed to open an account with them and didn't I want to make money?

I refuse to pay an unregulated broker $US250 into an account to 'activate' and get my automated software. By that time I knew it was some scam which had been known by many different names and read reviews of people who, when they did seem to make money from trades, had their accounts wiped out when the 'broker' placed bids on their behalf and wiped out their entire balance, when they tried to withdraw funds.

So, instead, I have downloaded a number of video traininng courses for free and will take my time learning and then will open a demo account when I am ready and do enough practice to be comfortable with an ASIC regulated broker and the one I am planning to do so will allow as little as $AU5 to be traded at a time and no more than a $10 deposit in an account is required. That way it is up to me, when I have a proper account, how much I'd put in and what my minimum to trade will be. Sure, I'm not likely to make much, if anything, while I learn but it will be my own money and while I learn, that's the way I intend to do it.

I don't believe there is any get-rich-quick way to do anything and unless and until I can see a trading bot which tells me what's in its logarithm I'll stick to reading indicators.

Which ASIC regulated broker allows trading with $AU5 ????
Hi Merry Sherry,

Good to hear your feedback from one who recently attended learn to trade seminar.

I have recently enrolled to their 3-day class in Sydney and I am a bit worried already as to the feedback I have been reading online.

What I wanted to get from the training is to be able to start trading confidently. Were you able to get this after the seminar? Can you also share how much your initial fund account is (as I saw that they require you to have a trading account to join the 3rd day trading)? May I also know how much (estimate) are you making for a week post training?

I am still within the cooling off period with learn to trade, and hopefully you would be able to give more light as the amount I paid them is perhaps my family savings already and I would want to cancel asap if the training they would provide would just be forex intro and something I can read from a book.

Thank so much!!
Sellin Education seminar and cources

Hi Merry Sherry,

Good to hear your feedback from one who recently attended learn to trade seminar.

I have recently enrolled to their 3-day class in Sydney and I am a bit worried already as to the feedback I have been reading online.

What I wanted to get from the training is to be able to start trading confidently. Were you able to get this after the seminar? Can you also share how much your initial fund account is (as I saw that they require you to have a trading account to join the 3rd day trading)? May I also know how much (estimate) are you making for a week post training?

I am still within the cooling off period with learn to trade, and hopefully you would be able to give more light as the amount I paid them is perhaps my family savings already and I would want to cancel asap if the training they would provide would just be forex intro and something I can read from a book.

Thank so much!!

HI Mate
no idea if that is good or bad my comment below is generic

lot of red flags for me, when I see a ANY star "Guru" pushing "How to trade, I will show you to make money"type snake oil.
Anybody claims to show other people how to make money trading should be asked these simple questions

- If you know how to trade, why don;t you trade yourself and if you do where is the proof? AUDITED proof
- Why are you not running a managed fund regulated and scrutinized by ASIC?

THEY ALL wiggle out 👎

But we all are afraid to ask becasue in a Intro seminar we don;t want to look negative/ stupid

I remember in his hey days 800-900 people jammed in a large lavish hall where a certain Melbourne based "Education guru" was selling "The next best thing since sliced bread = Long stock+ Long PUT and that is sell monthly calls.. so called the Moo Cow and people were dreaming wow😆 monthly income..
Never elaborating on the Risk side!
Which was irresponsible. He and his company the got ASIC licences ( which is now a days a joke as you can rent AFSL) but eventually when they started a real FUnd it failed

But people fell for such gurus make more money selling seminar than trading!
And if that is not true and if they really are smart traders would they not be proud to showcase audited results of their "REAL" trading

I am sure many would this dismiss what I have said and many have said before as "Negativity" but really it is common sense!

Education is important BUT there is a difference between
"genuine Education" and "Pipe dream packaged as education and on bordering on Financial advice"

You see as an example if a "Trader educator or properly regulated advisory has to offer his services like in USA they are called CTA, lot of scrutiny and oversight...

any way you have already paid the money .. so not much point raising these things.. what would be god is when you finish if you could come back and post a warts and all report
Best of luck
And NVP - I wondered what the property deals were that you did that went wrong? As I am about to embark on that too :-/

Jees I've just found this thread and a question from 3 years ago I didn't answer....😏

My last howler was buying a small property at height of the 2007/8 market.......we then decided to,ditch it in 2009.....took a 50k loss including all,costs but made it back over next few years on other properties.....

It hurt at the time but like trading cut your losses and move on......it's been reload twice since but never got back to the 2008 high .....whereas we have turned around 4 properties since making good money on all of them

Seems like a lot of people like to get on here and tear educators down and have very little education themselves. It would be most helpful if people would post which education providers based on experience,are good or bad and what was helpful or not so helpful about these educators. Complaining about an educational group because you read something on line or attended one seminar is not a good measure to form an opinion on and frankly not very helpful to those who would like to obtain more information. So may I suggest that we all put on our big boy pants and actually try to help other people who are wanting valid information or am I in the wrong thread for that?

With big boy pants on I will say that anything these scammers are peddling is available for,free with some,research and determination

If,you are going to invest in training when you have researched your area and decided on specialisation then check out the mentors and trainers in that specific area .......and see if you can get training then.......it will cost as nothing decent is for,free.....but at least you will have sidestepped the crooks out there

We all have to pay for decent training and mentoring at some point in the journey

wants to cancel

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone who has enrolled to learn to trade's 3day sydney forex trg who cancelled after coolingoff pd been able to get their full money back?

I emailed them of my intent to cancel but was advised of no refund as I am past 5 calendar days cooling off pd. However im not sure if ill continue filing a dispute (as I dont know if I'll winthe case) as I have been misinformed by their agent re expiration of cooling off pd. The agent told me I have 5 business days instead of calendar days) and I cancelled on the 5th business day instead. I know there is a contract and I only had a verbal agreement from the agent(so I dont know if I can win if I file a dispute against them) and eventually still lose all my money.

Thank you..
Start somewhere....

Hi Merry Sherry,

Good to hear your feedback from one who recently attended learn to trade seminar.

I have recently enrolled to their 3-day class in Sydney and I am a bit worried already as to the feedback I have been reading online.

What I wanted to get from the training is to be able to start trading confidently. Were you able to get this after the seminar? Can you also share how much your initial fund account is (as I saw that they require you to have a trading account to join the 3rd day trading)? May I also know how much (estimate) are you making for a week post training?

I am still within the cooling off period with learn to trade, and hopefully you would be able to give more light as the amount I paid them is perhaps my family savings already and I would want to cancel asap if the training they would provide would just be forex intro and something I can read from a book.

Thank so much!!

Hi ,
I'm not Mary but I wanted to reply.
Firstly, I appreciate newbies think they can take a seminar or
Two and start making money confidently. Of course, that would
Be nice wouldn't it... But you won't believe me when I tell you
It won't happen that easily. These guys who sell these courses
Are probably thinking, I will tell them I'm financially secure and
Don't need to teach trading. I will secretly be counting the receipts
Of people coming through the door. ( by the way a 5 day cooling off
Period is very short and you would not have enough time to decide - very clever)
Let's see, $2.5 times 100 = $ 250000 for a few days. Not a bad business hey?
If you think that reality is hard to face- then there will be far more sobering
Realities to face. Such as being forced into facing who you are as a person , And then through trial and error working out your own system that's fits your personality ( as that is the key to making money in the markets)...there is no such thing as an off the shelf system that suites you and your way of thinking any more than you would trust Eharmony computer to match you to a partner. But this is the start of a process that all traders go through. You cannot sidestep or leap over or avoid hard work or pay someone to give it to you - that's all. Learning to trade is a process and you have to approach it like building a new skill that of course takes lots of knowledge and even more practice which is going to take some time. It's a professional after all not an income on the side. Sorry. It may take 6 months, it may take 6 years but even if you are never successful it will be worthwhile and you may find the riches lie within yourself somewhere. So in the end, being ripped off will be worth it,
Like life you cannot avoid suffering, losses, more losses and yes more losses. But what other choices do you have ?
Last edited:
I did the same about 5 years ago, I didn't do enough diligence either. It happens, so just get over it.
Write and get your money back, I'll happily tell you everything that's on the course and it wont cost you a penny

hi there i happen to enrol in.their course here in manila. i want a refund but they wont do it. now i need to go to lawyer
I did the same about 5 years ago, I didn't do enough diligence either. It happens, so just get over it.
Write and get your money back, I'll happily tell you everything that's on the course and it wont cost you a penny

I would love to get that information 🙂:clap:
Why would you want to get your money back based on negative comments made by people who have never done the course? I have done the course and it was exactly what I needed to get started trading. I did all my homework before attending the seminar and the instructor really pulled everything together for me. The only thing I did not like about the seminar is them taking an hour of my time to try to sell me more courses. I am happy to take more courses from them in the future but I was there to learn trading strategies and how to use the Smart Charts software not sign up for more classes. It was definitely worth the money and I will continue to take courses from them in the future as I want to get my brokers license.

when you say "homework", what do you mean ? i have been doing some reading up, but there is just is too much online, is there anyway you could help me narrow it down ?
By homework I mean know some basic information like what a pip is, what candlesticks are, just basic forex information. It has now been 7 months since I took the course. I decided to continue my education with another company mainly due to cost of Learn to Trade and that they don't always follow through with what they say they will do. If you require classroom experience Learn to Trade is a good but expensive education. I am in an online course with Apiary for far less cost but the Learn to Trade did give me a good basic foundation.
Hi, how was it after the training? May i know? Unfortunately i invested also last friday without research. Is it really a scam? Thanks.
In our greed and false hope of finding a Get rich Quick scheme one fundamental question people forget to ask themselves and to the seminar sellers ( be it trading education or Personality development ..)
If it was possible to make good money by attending a 2- day - 3 month "Course" why is it that
-The seminar seller not trading instead of spending energy on marketing these seminars
- Why don't you see regulated big fund mangers and Banks selling the secret formula via similar seminar
The answer we don't like to hear are
- Very few if any seminar sellers make money by actual trading
- Regulated fund mangers being regulated and audited can't sell "dreams" like these snake oil salespeople

I have been to "Introductory" seminars in a big hall you have 700+ people and what was on sale was a Great secret strategy called Moo Cow ( Long LEAP and short short dated options or the classic Covered Call )
Many people had questions in their mind about the presentation but hardly anybody dare ask... heard mentality

Simple example to become a CTA is USA one has to pass through various hurdles compare that to thousands of "Education providers" any tom dick and harry can start that business!
But we won't listen with our own stupidity we allow such silly industry to exist!
So be it!
Greg Secker

It is hard not to be at least slightly impressed, and many of the Marriott attendees appear interested in paying almost £2,500 to enrol on the introductory course. But outside the meeting room, a more intriguing story emerges.

The company's accounts show that its top-paid director – almost certainly Secker – received £2.2m in 2009 as the group made profits of £738,194, and £1.6m in 2010, when the company made a loss of £1m.

The marketing materials continue in a familiarly confident vein: "Using the very same trading strategies discovered on his travels around international trading floors,

That picture is enhanced by the website's "in the press" section, where links to articles about Secker and his company include one interview in which he tells a financial website about his time "running" trading floors. It combines to create an impression that might lead some to assume that Secker was a trader at Mellon (now Bank of New York Mellon). Was he?

After repeated unanswered questions asking who Secker had traded for, Knowledge to Action issued a statement. It said:

"Mr Secker's background is set out clearly on Knowledge to Action's website. There is no assertion that Mr*Secker was a trader at BNY Mellon and Mr Secker makes no such claim."

There are plenty more along similar lines and there appear to be situations where traders risk Knowledge to Action funds. The site adds: "[Secker] personally owns one of the highest performing private trading floors (Live Trading Floor Ltd) which employs full-time traders using the very same strategies Greg learned on his travels around the trading floors of the world." But that suggests an obvious question: how is the business ranked as "highest performing"?

The most recent accounts at Companies House show Live Trading Floor is wholly owned by Secker's Knowledge to Action Holdings. The subsidiary had net assets of just £91,132 on 31 December 2010 and made a loss during the year of £97,132.

Furthermore, the holding company's accounts for the year ending 31 December 2010, which were approved in September 2011, state: "Live Trading Floor Limited did not undertake any trading activity during the year under review."

Despite a response from Knowledge to Action, it is still not clear how Live Trading Floor is classed as "highest performing". The company said:

"The trading performance is resident in the traders' tax-free personal accounts [and] trounces the performance of the hedge fund index. [It] should not be shown in the [Live Trading Floor] accounts."

This apparent reticence to discuss specifics about Secker's trading credentials rings a bell with some ex-employees, who suggest that his true talent is in selling

One told the Observer: "Knowledge to Action is a sales organisation [but] thankfully the majority of people who attend a free seminar are wary of the repeated promises of unlimited wealth for little investment and almost no work, and are finally scared off by the timeshare-style sales pitch at the end.

"Unfortunately, for every seminar run, about 10% of people are not perturbed. Given the scale of the marketing and the high number of free seminars being run across the UK, a lot of people from varying demographics end up paying over £2,000 for a course that may not make them any money and will almost definitely not make them the kind of vast income sold to them at the free seminars."

That disappointment has led to numerous negative reviews of the courses being posted online. However, other ex-employees insist the taught content is good, but that presenters occasionally hugely exaggerate the ease with which delegates will be able to make large profits. They also say that the crucial coaching element is often neglected in favour of attempting to sell further courses, such as "Momentum Coaching" at £2,220 or "Master Trader" at £6,596.

"Where you could criticise is that the up-selling is a bit obvious and heavy-handed at times. And you did get the sense that some of the claims made with regards to capital growth, sports cars and so on may be over-exaggerated".

From the Guardian web site.
hi there i happen to enrol in.their course here in manila. i want a refund but they wont do it. now i need to go to lawyer

Hello I have encountered the same situation here in manila, I attended the seminar on feb 18, 2017 I made a deposit of 10k using my credit card and by march 1 I send them an intent cancelling my enrollment. They told me that the 10k is non refundable and that they cancel enrolment on a case to case basis. But then O responded that i didnt want to continue, yet they said that I am contractualy binded to them to pay the full amount (hell no). Which was stated in thier terms and conditions.

I wanted to know how did it go with the lawyer? Is this legally binding in the Philippines when the governing law of the terms and condition is in australia.