help me about knowledge to action...


hey I am a 20 years old,I am a part qualified certified chartered accountant I am currently working in an accountancy firm as a trainee. I want to do trading but i don't know that much about strategies and stuff, I heard about knowledge to action from one of my colleague and i went on their seminar they are charging almost 3500£ now to take 2 day classes from them do you guys think its worthwhile ???
hey I am a 20 years old,I am a part qualified certified chartered accountant I am currently working in an accountancy firm as a trainee. I want to do trading but i don't know that much about strategies and stuff, I heard about knowledge to action from one of my colleague and i went on their seminar they are charging almost 3500£ now to take 2 day classes from them do you guys think its worthwhile ???

Don't even think about it, complete and utter waste of money. You'll not be able to make money but they'll keep telling you that you need the advanced course or some other nonsense, I heard one guy lost £20k to these guys. Stay well clear.
hey I am a 20 years old,I am a part qualified certified chartered accountant I am currently working in an accountancy firm as a trainee. I want to do trading but i don't know that much about strategies and stuff, I heard about knowledge to action from one of my colleague and i went on their seminar they are charging almost 3500£ now to take 2 day classes from them do you guys think its worthwhile ???

I should add that anyone else offering to teach you to trade in a two or three days is also going to rip you off.
You'll get a bunch of people who'll tell you something close to the truth, and that is the people behind KTA dont trade, cant trade, and have nothing to offer that cant be found free of charge on various forums. They might even post you links to various places where KTA have been exposed / critisised etc.

Unfortunately a lot of those negative (but truthful) posts will then get deleted by the moderators here for various reassons.

Then you'll get a bunch of people posting claiming KTA are the best thing since sliced bread (some may be genuine KTA clients and some may be shills or affiliates paid to market thi product, and some may be mischevious rogues posting 4 d lulz)

Whatever you read, you cant really trust their advice. Did your collegue attend the course ? if so, it didnt work if he's still in full time employment.

If you've decided to waste 3.5K on a KTA course then noone's going to stop you, but if you are still undecided, I'd advise buying a few books, open a demo or a small account somewhere, and try to work things out for yourself over the next 6-12 months, THEN re attend a seminar, and see if it makes sense at that time (hopefully it wont, and you'll be able to evaluate whats being marketed more objectively)
I did their course in Australia and found it useful because trading was new to me I was time poor and I needed someone to hold my hand.

I think their fee is over the top.
The good thing is the lifetime access to their trading room and emails they send with potential trades. Mind you, many of those trades I wouldn't touch them but some come through. Their training material is so and so. The coach we had though was excellent, I'm still in touch through a facebook group and I ask questions now and then.

When you do the course they'll try to get you to sign up to their more advanced programs for more cash. I've heard that there are other much cheaper courses but I don't know any of them. I found that there are many videos on youtube so you can increase your knowledge watching those as well.
Ofcourse the alternative is to try and learn it all yourself by research and trial and error but the risk is that you'll blow your account a few times.....

Ofcourse the alternative is to try and learn it all yourself by research and trial and error but the risk is that you'll blow your account a few times.....

So hows your account looking after the course?
hey I am a 20 years old,I am a part qualified certified chartered accountant I am currently working in an accountancy firm as a trainee.

my advice?
Stick to accounting and get a 2nd job as well, with FX you'll need all the cash you can get...:cheesy:
hey I am a 20 years old,I am a part qualified certified chartered accountant I am currently working in an accountancy firm as a trainee. I want to do trading but i don't know that much about strategies and stuff, I heard about knowledge to action from one of my colleague and i went on their seminar they are charging almost 3500£ now to take 2 day classes from them do you guys think its worthwhile ???

Let me put it this way. Say you were about to go into a K2A seminar and pay your 3.5 g. Just before you do, I run up and hoof you in the pills. Then, as you roll around on the floor yelping and holding your swollen nutsack, I take out my chopper and p1ss all over you. Finally, I rob you of your three and a half large.

If as a result of this you go home and don't attend the seminar, I would have done you a huge favour. Is that clear enough?
hey I am a 20 years old,I am a part qualified certified chartered accountant I am currently working in an accountancy firm as a trainee. I want to do trading but i don't know that much about strategies and stuff, I heard about knowledge to action from one of my colleague and i went on their seminar they are charging almost 3500£ now to take 2 day classes from them do you guys think its worthwhile ???

£3500 for 2 days...10 students in each class...:idea:
£3500 for 2 days...10 students in each class...:idea:

Perhaps an old barge on the thames would make a suitable venue, and you could lock students in cupboards 🙂

I would have happily paid 5 large to see that.
So hows your account looking after the course?
since you asked I'll tell you.
I've had reasonable success BUT, I became overconfident, I thought I knew everything so I ignored what i learned and took a few short positions on AUD without SL's.

And as you know the AUD has been going up and up and up since.
I've hedged the positions and slowly brought the account back and I'm only down 25% but I found it very frustrating and more so because GFT don't allow hedging and they also have the stupid FIFO rule (first in first out) so I'm hedging with CFD's and I have to think before I close trades because of FIFO.

So no more shortcuts I'll stick to what I've learned, no risky trades and I'll stick to scalping for a while......
since you asked I'll tell you.
I've had reasonable success BUT, I became overconfident, I thought I knew everything so I ignored what i learned and took a few short positions on AUD without SL's.

And as you know the AUD has been going up and up and up since.
I've hedged the positions and slowly brought the account back and I'm only down 25% but I found it very frustrating and more so because GFT don't allow hedging and they also have the stupid FIFO rule (first in first out) so I'm hedging with CFD's and I have to think before I close trades because of FIFO.

So no more shortcuts I'll stick to what I've learned, no risky trades and I'll stick to scalping for a while......

You said the other guy would blow his account if he didnt take training. Yet you took the training and still almost blew your account. I'm wondering where the value was in spending that £3500?
You said the other guy would blow his account if he didnt take training. Yet you took the training and still almost blew your account. I'm wondering where the value was in spending that £3500?

I call it human weakness, people will try to take shortcuts
In the course they are telling us not to risk more than 2% of our account in any 1 trade but did I listen?
they are charging almost 3500£ now to take 2 day classes from them do you guys think its worthwhile ???

You can check out their DVD's, and there are a few other courses on ebay as well.
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