Knowledge to Action - are they legit?



Has anyone had any experience with Knowledge to Action? Knowledge to Action - Stock Market Training | Forex Training | Become a Trader

They seem to train you into how trade on the stock market, which would be really useful to me. They have free seminars as well. However, I've seen a lot of stuff online saying that they are a scam. Can someone please clear this up for me and if so how do they scam you? If its legit, how good is the training?

Are there any other stock market trading training seminars in London that are legit/ recommended?

Many thanks


Has anyone had any experience with Knowledge to Action? Knowledge to Action - Stock Market Training | Forex Training | Become a Trader

They seem to train you into how trade on the stock market, which would be really useful to me. They have free seminars as well. However, I've seen a lot of stuff online saying that they are a scam. Can someone please clear this up for me and if so how do they scam you? If its legit, how good is the training?

Are there any other stock market trading training seminars in London that are legit/ recommended?

Many thanks


Whatever criticism you see about this company is only about 10% of what has been written about them. They have even threatened their own customers to silence them. You cannot learn to trade in a weekend, a week or even a year. Anyone that says otherwise is lying to you. None of the other companies are any better, these guys are selling you a dream.

Don't waste your money on any of these schemes.
Read a few books, scan the internet and blow whatever you intended to pay for
seminars on a real trading account and you will be miles in front.
The information they teach is available on the internet for free the hard part is searching for it and filtering the good/bad information and testing it to see if it works in todays market as some info is ancient as the market evolves.
There are some education programmes that are very good and led by real traders. There is one heck of a lot of scammers though. K2A is definately one of them. I hope you get to read this thread because it will probably get deleted.
whats been written on this thread is about all you need to know.If you are prepared to learn the hard way then theres lots of threads and stuff you can learn from on here. You are welcome to join in the live call lounge and watch us call trades out live etc.
There are some education programmes that are very good and led by real traders. There is one heck of a lot of scammers though. K2A is definately one of them. I hope you get to read this thread because it will probably get deleted.

which ones do you think are good and why. Ive been in this game a long time and will not recommend any of them as yet.There may be some that are worth a couple of hundred if it saves you some time and points you in the right direction,but it will always come down to you at the end of the day
which ones do you think are good and why. Ive been in this game a long time and will not recommend any of them as yet.There may be some that are worth a couple of hundred if it saves you some time and points you in the right direction,but it will always come down to you at the end of the day

Agree wholeheartedly flash. The only way to learn is to trade. Also you need a sound trading plan that ensures you recognise your weak points. There are some people who I meet that will never make traders as long as they have a hole in their orse.😆
Of the education programmes I know the only ones that get you trading live under instruction are OTA and Mike Baghdady. Very good trading partners as well.😎😎
Agree wholeheartedly flash. The only way to learn is to trade. Also you need a sound trading plan that ensures you recognise your weak points. There are some people who I meet that will never make traders as long as they have a hole in their orse.😆
Of the education programmes I know the only ones that get you trading live under instruction are OTA and Mike Baghdady. Very good trading partners as well.😎😎

I do hope you are being sarcastic about those two companies
Hi Chalie7 ,

Have attended the ' free ' sessions given by them .......they gave impression as to how easy it is to make money in forex . However did not attend the weekend seminar . Got lucky and bought the course material on ebay . Studied it and thanked my lucky star i did not pay £2000 to attend this course as the main method did not perform .

A seminar is perhaps not the way to go . Granted you need education and right tools to trade . I suggest looking at the financial section at Barbiacan Library for educational purposes and this forum / others too for right tools to trade . Good luck .
I do hope you are being sarcastic about those two companies
Of the education programmes I know the only ones that get you trading live under instruction are OTA and Mike Baghdady.

The above statement is the truth. Not a recommendation.😎😎😎😎😎😎

Taken from another well known Forex site that has an online "School"
The more times a currency pair touches a pivot level then reverses, the stronger the level is

A vile statement of bollox if ever there was one.😆😆😆😆😆
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A vile statement of bollox if ever there was one.😆😆😆😆😆

Its unbelievablly good fortune that people are so dumbed down that they'll believe anything that a broker of IB tells them. In an ironic kind of way, I owe everything to sites just like T2W !

which ones do you think are good and why. Ive been in this game a long time and will not recommend any of them as yet.There may be some that are worth a couple of hundred if it saves you some time and points you in the right direction,but it will always come down to you at the end of the day

100,000,000,000 % agree 👍
thanks for the responses guys. I was interested as I wanted to arrange a 'trading seminar' at my university so students could be taught the basics of trading, something not covered in the degree but something which I feel is very important. Can anyone recommend anyone who could do this?