Learn To Trade aka Knowledge To Action (Greg Secker)

Another happy customer then 😉......why not open up a journal,here and share your progress with us ?.....the significant bulk of this thread is laden with how poor the courses are so it would be good to see some alternative comments ?

I have my own views on the courses.....but happy to be persuaded otherwise by evidential success


Sure NVP. I will try to post on my progress monthly.
Sure NVP. I will try to post on my progress monthly.

excellent - journals are a great way of monitoring progress and focussing the mind

make it warts and all as no one is perfect - that's the point of them ..perhaps note down emotions and feelings as well ......day in day out ........emotional performance is equally as important as financial performance over time

good luck :smart:
Go,it's great fun.....I've been thrown out of a,few over the years ......I love asking the 12 year old who is normally presenting a few curve balls on trading strategies until I am asked to leave

Reminds me I must find another one to go to soon :smart:


Did people ask you a few curve ball questions on trading strategies when you run your trading class.

Tell me when you running another one.

I would love to go.

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Learn Forex Course

I went to the three day course in Sydney, initially it reenforced my existing knowledge and a came out with a positive attitude.

On reflection this course is partially a marketing exercise to get you to sign up onto their considerably more expensive Ultimate Trader programme, this is even before you get to test out your basic skills, so you could end up throwing more money after bad if currency trading is not for you. Also for the cost I would only recommend this course to an absolute beginner.

The "automated" system isn't a black box, you still have to review each suggestion, the majority of which are of no use so it still requires a bit of work.

The post course customer support is not good and the three coaching sessions provided with the course are only half an hour each, less after you remove the time taken on greetings and pleasentaries, this isn't really enough time to turn around a loosing trader

They do say that people trade using the three strategies that they teach however these strategies only seem to work best in two of the six market conditions and seem to spit out loosers in other market conditions.

I have all but given up on this now as have failed to get into any profit since attending the course let alone the 3% return per month that they say you should be getting.

This is my own experience, there may be others that successfully trade this system, I am now using another company and am already in 1.5% profit on the month
An update on my progress with Learn to Trade.

Sure NVP. I will try to post on my progress monthly.

I learned some basic valuable trading skills but at a hefty price as Learn to Trade did not follow through on their promise to reimburse me for the cost of the 3 day seminar. The Smart Charts is a useful tool for a beginner but after a few months it is not that useful and by then you will be able to spot trades on your own. It might still be a time saver though as you would only have to analyse the charts highlighted in Smart Charts.
About 6 weeks after I completed the Learn to Trade course Their broker went under and they have not been able to supply a broker for NZ since April. My reimbursement was dependant on my making a certain amount of trades through the broker, who no longer exists so I am stuck with the full tuition amount. I am now going through a training with the Apiary fund which is much more affordable. I learned some valuable strategies at Learn to Trade but they are definitely overpriced and I wouldn't trust them with a lot of money unless I lived in Sydney. Also I had put up a modest deposit on the Unlimited Wealth Program and I have not heard from them about the return of that money. I have only tried contacting them about it once but will try to contact someone else about a refund soon.
In summary, If you live in Australia it is a good course but don't pay any further in advance then you have to. It is a bit pricey but trying to find some one that offers actual classroom experience is difficult to find so if you learn best in a class room go for it. Be aware though that their systems may or may not function outside of Australia.
I see someone mentioned the coaching sessions were only 30 minutes long but mine were an hour so don't know what's up with that.

How are you finding the Apiary fund ? It looks great in principle however they refuse to answer my questions on which regulatory bodies they are accredited with and also if they have improved their training materials as there are a lot of negative comments about these

I learned some basic valuable trading skills but at a hefty price as Learn to Trade did not follow through on their promise to reimburse me for the cost of the 3 day seminar. The Smart Charts is a useful tool for a beginner but after a few months it is not that useful and by then you will be able to spot trades on your own. It might still be a time saver though as you would only have to analyse the charts highlighted in Smart Charts.
About 6 weeks after I completed the Learn to Trade course Their broker went under and they have not been able to supply a broker for NZ since April. My reimbursement was dependant on my making a certain amount of trades through the broker, who no longer exists so I am stuck with the full tuition amount. I am now going through a training with the Apiary fund which is much more affordable. I learned some valuable strategies at Learn to Trade but they are definitely overpriced and I wouldn't trust them with a lot of money unless I lived in Sydney. Also I had put up a modest deposit on the Unlimited Wealth Program and I have not heard from them about the return of that money. I have only tried contacting them about it once but will try to contact someone else about a refund soon.
In summary, If you live in Australia it is a good course but don't pay any further in advance then you have to. It is a bit pricey but trying to find some one that offers actual classroom experience is difficult to find so if you learn best in a class room go for it. Be aware though that their systems may or may not function outside of Australia.
How are you finding the Apiary fund ? It looks great in principle however they refuse to answer my questions on which regulatory bodies they are accredited with and also if they have improved their training materials as there are a lot of negative comments about these

The Apiary fund is different in that they have their own trading platform and I believe they are a self brokerage. For less than $100 USD per month they supply you with a training program to learn how to trade currencies for their company. You go through the program and in the end they give you $1000 of their own money to trade. Once you prove profitable they give you more. You trade their money and keep 60 to 80% of profits. This is paid out to you on a monthly basis. I am about 35% of the way through the step by step program. They do have a major problem at the moment with their trading platform, Alveo. How ever it is under construction/ repair so they have outages several times a week. They expect this to be resolved sometime in the near future. This does not bother me too much as it is their money at risk not mine. Alveo is great for scalping. I have learned much more from them in the last 6 weeks then I did at LTT. But LTT gave me a good foundation and basic understanding of strategies and trends which has made Apiary a lot easier for me.
The Apiary fund is different in that they have their own trading platform and I believe they are a self brokerage. For less than $100 USD per month they supply you with a training program to learn how to trade currencies for their company. You go through the program and in the end they give you $1000 of their own money to trade. Once you prove profitable they give you more. You trade their money and keep 60 to 80% of profits. This is paid out to you on a monthly basis. I am about 35% of the way through the step by step program. They do have a major problem at the moment with their trading platform, Alveo. How ever it is under construction/ repair so they have outages several times a week. They expect this to be resolved sometime in the near future. This does not bother me too much as it is their money at risk not mine. Alveo is great for scalping. I have learned much more from them in the last 6 weeks then I did at LTT. But LTT gave me a good foundation and basic understanding of strategies and trends which has made Apiary a lot easier for me.

so HOW MANY TIMES $100 YOU HAVE TO PAY TO GET $1000? lol so most probably it is you own money
This is the wild west of "Prop Trading"
A business model based on getting hundreds to take the test and hope 99 of them fail.. NO regulatory oversight at all!
A true Prop firm does not charge people just the same way GM or Ford does not charge any fee for new engineers to "Join" 😆
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They are charging you for the training program which in my opinion is a very good program. I will use their trading education in my own trading account as well.
so HOW MANY TIMES $100 YOU HAVE TO PAY TO GET $1000? lol so most probably it is you own money
This is the wild west of "Prop Trading"
A business model based on getting hundreds to take the test and hope 99 of them fail.. NO regulatory oversight at all!
A true Prop firm does not charge people just the same way GM or Ford does not charge any fee for new engineers to "Join" 😆

Most firms will not educate you for free. You have to either have been working there a while or pay for your own training so your logic is flawed Moka.
Seems like a lot of people like to get on here and tear educators down and have very little education themselves. It would be most helpful if people would post which education providers based on experience,are good or bad and what was helpful or not so helpful about these educators. Complaining about an educational group because you read something on line or attended one seminar is not a good measure to form an opinion on and frankly not very helpful to those who would like to obtain more information. So may I suggest that we all put on our big boy pants and actually try to help other people who are wanting valid information or am I in the wrong thread for that?
Most firms will not educate you for free. You have to either have been working there a while or pay for your own training so your logic is flawed Moka.

My logic is flawed?
Do you think true Prop firms like Tibra or http://www.sig.com/about/culture/ CHARGE for training?? and also big banks/ fin institutes internal Prop desks
You got to be kidding me

The top end of the game just like Big corporate "Invest" in trainees they go to campus and selecte smart people ...mostly pay trainees just like Auto examples I gave you

Or in US a true Broker dealer type Prop is regulated, you need to have series 7 exam to get in etc

Now compare this to these so called "Prop firms" Just using the word Prop perhaps makes naive suckers believe that the are getting in same game as Citi bank or BOA trading desk ... In the murky business of "Trading Education for sale " this is a new trend, Do our test / combine for just $100. ( again and again ). Why then they don;t disclose what % really get funded!

Bottom on credibility stakes
bad: so called Prop firms who charge
worst: education sellers who make money by selling Education not trading
any time you ask the sales person OK so your education/ EA/ trading logic is so great can you show your broker statement showing millions you have made trading the system rather then selling overpriced "Education"
The most laughable part is these education sellers then compare it to a Uni Degrees!!!!!!!! WTF Yes i is important to get educated , and yes a Medical degree or an engg degree costs thousands and does not guarantee an income but these are True Universities and these two professions are the most respected professions on the planet, regulated, etc
My logic is flawed?
Do you think true Prop firms like Tibra or http://www.sig.com/about/culture/ CHARGE for training?? and also big banks/ fin institutes internal Prop desks
You got to be kidding me

The top end of the game just like Big corporate "Invest" in trainees they go to campus and selecte smart people ...mostly pay trainees just like Auto examples I gave you

Or in US a true Broker dealer type Prop is regulated, you need to have series 7 exam to get in etc

Now compare this to these so called "Prop firms" Just using the word Prop perhaps makes naive suckers believe that the are getting in same game as Citi bank or BOA trading desk ... In the murky business of "Trading Education for sale " this is a new trend, Do our test / combine for just $100. ( again and again ). Why then they don;t disclose what % really get funded!

Bottom on credibility stakes
bad: so called Prop firms who charge
worst: education sellers who make money by selling Education not trading
any time you ask the sales person OK so your education/ EA/ trading logic is so great can you show your broker statement showing millions you have made trading the system rather then selling overpriced "Education"
The most laughable part is these education sellers then compare it to a Uni Degrees!!!!!!!! WTF Yes i is important to get educated , and yes a Medical degree or an engg degree costs thousands and does not guarantee an income but these are True Universities and these two professions are the most respected professions on the planet, regulated, etc

Well now you're talking banks and trading firms. Your previous reference was to the automobile industry. I live in New Zealand. and am approaching retirement age so what trading firm is going to hire me and give me a free education? Besides I , like most people who get into currency trading do not want to be tied to a 9 to 5 job. I am a nurse. Before anyone would hire me to do nursing I was required to have a certain number of hours of education and then prove I understood the practical application of that education by applying it in clinicals. I then had to take a written test on a national level (NCLEX) in order to get registration. My employer does provide a certain amount of education for free to help me stay up to date in my practice but only after I proved to the Nursing councils I could function at a certain level as a nurse. I have heard of industries that provide free education but most people would not be eligible to work there either because of age, geography, or time restraints. If you know how I could get a part time job working from New Zealand with one of these companies please let me know. I don't mean to sound sarcastic or contentious but I would genuinely like to know if there is a company who would hire a part time employee and train them as well as they would be trained in a paid education program.
Well now you're talking banks and trading firms. Your previous reference was to the automobile industry. I live in New Zealand. and am approaching retirement age so what trading firm is going to hire me and give me a free education? Besides I , like most people who get into currency trading do not want to be tied to a 9 to 5 job. I am a nurse. Before anyone would hire me to do nursing I was required to have a certain number of hours of education and then prove I understood the practical application of that education by applying it in clinicals. I then had to take a written test on a national level (NCLEX) in order to get registration. My employer does provide a certain amount of education for free to help me stay up to date in my practice but only after I proved to the Nursing councils I could function at a certain level as a nurse. I have heard of industries that provide free education but most people would not be eligible to work there either because of age, geography, or time restraints. If you know how I could get a part time job working from New Zealand with one of these companies please let me know. I don't mean to sound sarcastic or contentious but I would genuinely like to know if there is a company who would hire a part time employee and train them as well as they would be trained in a paid education program.

Mate I understand your situation you have good career behind you and now you want to get in to trading and have the flexibility and extra income... all fine but all I am saying is don;t be so naive .. it is precisely your kind of "Client" or young ones who want to get reach quick that these bottom feeders thrive on... dont you see.. any way it is your money... and I hope you get FUNDED whatever it is I hope you will come back here and "Disclose" what actually happened.. or looking at your posts you are already smitten by promise of the dream.. best of luck
By the way if you are trading Margin FX few more things you would like to consider
Broker default risk? and is the broker Market maker? or True ECN
As you probably know there is no Central Exchange for FX ( unless you are trading Currency futures on CME or ICE)
As on today even regulated in AUS or NZ does not mean if your "broker" goes down you money can be toast
Only UK investor protection insurance protect FX clients ( do a search on Alpari in UK and Sonray in Australia AND you will see what I mean)
Mate I understand your situation you have good career behind you and now you want to get in to trading and have the flexibility and extra income... all fine but all I am saying is don;t be so naive .. it is precisely your kind of "Client" or young ones who want to get reach quick that these bottom feeders thrive on... dont you see.. any way it is your money... and I hope you get FUNDED whatever it is I hope you will come back here and "Disclose" what actually happened.. or looking at your posts you are already smitten by promise of the dream.. best of luck

Thanks Moko. I have to get an education from somewhere it might as well be Apiary. I am not willing to go the free occasional webinar route. I tried that once and lost 20% of my account. I'm the type of person who needs to be able to call up and talk to someone in real time if I get hung up on something. So far I have been pleased with my education and $100 a month is very affordable for me. I will keep posting and if I hear what percentage get funded I will post it for everyone. I know that less than 40% of the people who start the Bee line education program through Apiary actually finish it but I am not sure what percent of the people that finish bee line get funded.
"..$100 a month is very affordable for me. " THAT IS WHAT FEEDS such businesses!
If a "firm" is honest , they will have a a good test ( maths, trading terminology etc) as a first screen and offer it for free ( test that is not training) and then those who pass it then can be taken in// that is if the business model depends upon finding talented traders, instead of getting thousands to pay small chunks and hope majority fail!
I hope my prodding made you think...
Lets take a simple example a very popular strategy is "Selling Covered or naked call) it has been packaged as "Learn how to earn weekly income" "learn how to rent your shares" etc
Nothing wrong AS LONG AS the business clearly restricts itself like other honorable courses which train in Tech analysis
The reputability comes in to questions when these mega gurus start promoting this "Education" as Get reach Quick schemes...
I myself want to start a small prop firm but I don;t want to be in the dodgy game, I just want to provide "access to capital" just like a broker offers a internal Margin, in my business model the trader has to have skin in game and get higher % of profits, I don;t promise any magic formula or system or education... ( If I know one why would I disclose it) any way ..
"..$100 a month is very affordable for me. " THAT IS WHAT FEEDS such businesses!
If a "firm" is honest , they will have a a good test ( maths, trading terminology etc) as a first screen and offer it for free ( test that is not training) and then those who pass it then can be taken in// that is if the business model depends upon finding talented traders, instead of getting thousands to pay small chunks and hope majority fail!
I hope my prodding made you think...
Lets take a simple example a very popular strategy is "Selling Covered or naked call) it has been packaged as "Learn how to earn weekly income" "learn how to rent your shares" etc
Nothing wrong AS LONG AS the business clearly restricts itself like other honorable courses which train in Tech analysis
The reputability comes in to questions when these mega gurus start promoting this "Education" as Get reach Quick schemes...
I myself want to start a small prop firm but I don;t want to be in the dodgy game, I just want to provide "access to capital" just like a broker offers a internal Margin, in my business model the trader has to have skin in game and get higher % of profits, I don;t promise any magic formula or system or education... ( If I know one why would I disclose it) any way ..

I don't believe Apiary claims to be a get rich scheme. They interview you before you sign up and tell you then and there that it could take up to 2 years to see any real profit and most people only make enough to supplement their income. Very few get rich off of the markets. I am looking for a supplementary retirement income. I hope to retire in about 5 years so I'm trying to get an education now so I can hopefully be making an extra $400 to $500 a week by then. Please tell me where I can get free education that includes one on one coaching sessions. May I ask how you got your education? I think your idea of a prop firm sounds good. How are you going to find your traders? Would they have to have some sort of proof up front of their ability to consistently earn profits or would you train them to the way you want them to trade?
1) Our discussion abut bushiness like Apiary , using your own stats of 40% dont complete + it may take 2 years = 24x100 = 2400 trader MIGHT pay to get what to trade a $2500 A/c!
I am not sure if you are getting my main point... just think for a min "Why there are questions and bad press about these business models" Simply because the model perhaps relies upon most failing + there is no transparency UPFRONT... $2400 might not be a big sum for somebody who had a good career already but hundreds who fail actually going to fund the company and you. AND good real top end PROP frims don;t do these kind of gimics... any way I don't want to add anything more on that subject your money your risk.. one thing remains thogh firms like these refuse to disclose how many exactly get funded? and there goes the secret...
2) about my model, I am only providing Funds to trade the Skin in game is that of the trader, so I am not taking capital risk , ONLY providing access to real funded capital from day one.
For example IF a trader has 1000 and wants to trade a 10000 a/c the 9 k in mine If a/c looses 1000 it is traders 1000, HENCE I don;t need to scrutinize the trader much , Since he is taking the risk He keep majority of profits. Any way I am not marketing it commercially we are trying few private arrangements and sorting out the deployment/ risk management etc This model may not be attractive to everybody but I am at least upfront about it, I am not pretending to provide some magic training and then "Perhaps " you will get funded type of pie in sky scheme.. any way PM me , I don;t want to be seen promoting a commercial venture