JDTRADER - Forex Spreadbetting Journal

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Monday 30 August 2010

Did some early trading last night on the Asian Open started ok with +7.9 pips but set up 4 SELLS on the USD/JPY.

Set stop loss wide enough I thought but did not expect such a pop up so was stopped out for -78.9 pips. Got back 50 pips on it falling again but not a good start to the week.

So this morning starting down £1.73, -21 pips..........
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Monday 30th - Morning UPDATE

The Forex world proved to me this morning "Don't get cocky kid"

I still got loads to learn going down nearly 80 pips to start of this week. But I learned to keep emotions in check and trade your plan which stood me in good stead this morning.

Went from £50.15 to £50.68 then bottomed at £45.37, sat back and just took my time and turned it around to be up at my morning break, £53.38 +57pips.

Got pop out, back soon............
End of trade round up

Monday, well the Yen tried to spank my bum. 😱

Traded today mainly USD/JPY. Lowest point down nearly 80 pips but kept my cool 😎

Target 125 pips for the week and gained 82.2 pips today :clap: Acc. £55.05 up from £45 early this morning.

Feel good today being able to take such a hit and turn it into a positive session. In the past I would of crumbled and traded another day but I'm gaining in confidence.

Tuesday not trading be back Wednesday. 😎

As always you can see my trades on myfxbook link below :arrowd:
Will be trading Tuesday after all

My Ear has taken a turn for the worst. After my op last Monday I was supposed to be hearing ok and back on the road to recovery


NO 😡 - now got ear infection on knock out drugs (pain killers) and back to the Hospital Friday. Oh yes now deaf in one ear with goo pouring out 😢

Ok getting ready for Monday

Just re-charted for EUR/USD & USD/JPY

Little bit of Euro news Monday could bounce it up slightly Monday.

Yen broke the top of my down channel so I think a SELL will be on in the short term. Will look for BUY positions in the main on this pair. Japan's Governor speaks at 5.30am.

Just downloaded Rogue Trader and Million Dollar Traders, some viewing to be done.

Back on at Midnight.......
where can i download those!!! been looking for like a year!
where can i download those!!! been looking for like a year!

Chartsy - Ep2 Million Dollar Traders Lex walks in they all been losing money so he ups there trade Balance from 25k to 50k

I made 333 pips last week so 25k gives you £25 per pip. I would of made £8k+

Why is Lex not calling me ? 🙄
haha i think they ended up overall banking though? i think the older woman did the best
Tuesday 31st August 2010

Morning Guys


Looking bearish on both aiming for 50 pips today.......
Tuesday Morning Update

Going for a break not feeling to well on these drugs for my ear. 😢

Gained 32.6 pips this morning
Tuesday Afternoon update

Feeling better now 🙂

Wasn't feeling to good today but still put in a good trading session putting 15 trades on and gained 68.8 pips making 151 for the week.

Overjoyed as my target for the week was 125. But not getting cocky as I could lose 151 in a week if I lapse into my old trading habits.

Since I started on Oanda 18th August 2010 I thought I would post my results for August:

Gain: +104.62%
Drawdown: 10.48%
Balance: £59.14
Profit: £20.19
Interest: -£0.06
Deposits: £39.01

Total Trades 103
Won 84 (82%)
Lost 19 (18%)

Slowly building the balance and getting more confident in my trading. I see from the Poll I'm a Day Trader Dreamer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kEjwm_me_s, well at this rate I will be one day.

Back on Wednesday morning 6am
Sell Off September ?

Wednesday 1st Sept 2010

Pinch, Punch first day of the month 😈

Bit late this morning to my desk, overslept.

Still deciding to go low or come high. Will watch

On a rebound R1.2734 then 1.2734, S1.2663 & 1.2635
Wednesday Morning Update

Well got in to early on the EUR/USD SO put in a wide stop on four trades as I know it will come back to my target 1.2665.

Got to go to work today so I'll let these run there course. 😱

Be back Thursday 6am

Good Trading Guys