Today went back to my trading pack:
Trading Plan- 🙂
Oanda start £100 to build Balance using the 3% rule.
Target £3,000 review Brokers
Build up trade balance to trade more per pip
Target 12 weeks straight making £1,000 profit
Complete Target move to 60/40
Weekly Profit - 60% wages 40% reinvest into trade balance
Learning :smart:
Going back to basics watching some training videos over the coming weeks:
Informed Trades:
and back to Forex school with Baby Pips:
Whenever things go wrong its could to take a step back and re look at your trading in my view.
Not to say I'm doing things wrong as my charting is pretty good now but its just going with my ideas and PULLING THE TRIGGER. Then STAY THE COURSE of the trade.
:idea: Relooked at last weeks trades and identified errors and will look to be better next week.
Did some research today and will be charting for the week ahead Sunday.
Trading on Oanda and just added last week £10.00, EURUSD trade has taken that up to £14.36. Just sent another test trade (I explained in this thread my problems funding Oanda) of £7.00. If that deposits goes smoothly as the £10 then I will top up account to £100.
You can follow me on Twitter:
Add me as a friend on Facebook: John Trader
And see all my trades on
Have a good weekend
Today went back to my trading pack:
Trading Plan- 🙂
Oanda start £100 to build Balance using the 3% rule.
Target £3,000 review Brokers
Build up trade balance to trade more per pip
Target 12 weeks straight making £1,000 profit
Complete Target move to 60/40
Weekly Profit - 60% wages 40% reinvest into trade balance
Its a Marathon Not A Sprint
Learning :smart:
Going back to basics watching some training videos over the coming weeks:
Informed Trades:
and back to Forex school with Baby Pips:
Whenever things go wrong its could to take a step back and re look at your trading in my view.
Not to say I'm doing things wrong as my charting is pretty good now but its just going with my ideas and PULLING THE TRIGGER. Then STAY THE COURSE of the trade.
:idea: Relooked at last weeks trades and identified errors and will look to be better next week.
Did some research today and will be charting for the week ahead Sunday.
Trading on Oanda and just added last week £10.00, EURUSD trade has taken that up to £14.36. Just sent another test trade (I explained in this thread my problems funding Oanda) of £7.00. If that deposits goes smoothly as the £10 then I will top up account to £100.
You can follow me on Twitter:
Add me as a friend on Facebook: John Trader
And see all my trades on
Have a good weekend