fwiw - Bearish on the euro. Heading towards 1.10-09 regions.
However, given Grexit can go either way.
Bullish on cable but that also seems to have taken a hit last couple of days probably because of possible Fed hike.
If Fed raises rates I reckon UK will follow soon after. Everyone is waiting for the market leader to step forward first. 🙄
Have short bias on Dax and the Euro but just in the last few minutes seeing support coming in to both with rises. Might have to shelve this view . I think US is cooking up something with EU on Grexit. Non the wiser 🙄
bull reversal bar on the daily, I guess the G7 had something to do with it, but not sure, prices are at the down trend line where she turned last for at least 200 pips, if broken can try to go in the direction of the upper channel line.
Only made 2 trades today during my session both short, made about 50 pips, after my session EU went gently up as if she did not want to be noticed.......
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