because last nite the moderators were jumping in and out of this thread like they were at a butt kicking contest for one-legged men. That I didn't get banned AGAIN is a shocker. The complaints must have been pouring in like mad as they usually are regardless what I do or say. Just being here is enough to get me banned even if I just say Hello.
This is the most politically correct, retarded place I have ever been at and banning is a constant possibility. Almost all you cats make Jesus look like a sinner - that you have all this shit going on regarding Muslims is really no surprise as I get to know more and more about the UK. You see in SE Asia the Brits never got into an argument with me because we saw the catastrophe in UK eye to eye. But you cats are so deafeningly dopey you don't and can't see doodly till its too late.
Its an education for me to see a once majestic people of such skill and verve with an Empire so huge and prosperous to have sunk so low as to assign cause to Muslims and others
That you'll continue to stick around in London and the UK while your ship is sinking fast is a whole revealing story about your loss of umph to take action. You guys are the farthest I've seen from warriors in life.
Get the fck out of England is the best advice I can give you. Clear out asap and find an alternative place. Whites are getting displaced like there's no tomorrow, middleclass is disappearing, its a whole new trend and its in its infancy. Clear out now, guys. Live amigos, live, live for Fibo. Most of you are dead already and on't know it.