chump said:
You remind me of a doctor who is trying to make a diagnosis by simply listening to the patient through a very bad telephone connection...that is you are giving a prescriptive opinion (SHOULD) based on no objective information other than your ability to to match A to A and hope that this is indeed the case......
An opinion based on no objective information? Are you kidding me? Im not the one pitching 400,000% percent returns in 6 months, 79% per position and risking 100 pips for a 25 pip target. There has been plenty of "objective" information posted here, objectively BAD information and when I point it out, you lose it and start coming up with silly stories about how I remind you of a doc with a bad phone connection.
Once again, you dont bother to address any of the points I make, and instead run off on even more tangents.
as a conseqence if you take yourself as a typical case basis from which to derive an opinion you may be wildly in error...unfortunately this is a very common manner in which people do reach conclusions and it can be self fulfilling...if you approach the process with the mindset that it's going to be very hard then chances are it will be hard.... if you don't take a view ,simply do it then again it may be hard , or it may be relatively simple depending on you....but at least the difficulty encountered was tangible and not a result of preconceived notions not based upon fact....are you getting anything to take away?
So let me get this straight, your saying that doing something is only difficult if you assume it IS difficult and therefore will BE difficult? Ok I get it... suppose you want to be the next Michael Jordan and you are a 5'1, 250lb white dude. Lets assume you approach this very positively and assume it wont be hard. Is this going to help you achieve your goals? Of course not
Can we drop this silly psychology lesson and deal with reality?? Let me clue you in here. You can be 100% optimistic and believe that trading will be easy all you want, and the fact of the matter will be, its going to be very difficult becaue it IS difficult. You are playing in the most competitive sport in the world when you enter the trading arena. Your "opinion" is not relevant. Trading is difficult, period, and history proves this to be true.
Here is some reality for you:
1) Approximately 90% of fund managers cant even beat the market over the long term.
2) These guys work 80 hours a week trying to beat the averages
3) These guys have millions in capital available to them for market research
4) These guys have MIT PHD statistics majors crunching numbers on millions of dollars worth of super computers day and night.
5) These guys have rooms full of programmers simulating every idea they can come up with instantly.
Yet most of them cant beat the market over the long haul and you are going to sit there and try to tell me that its only difficult because I think it is, or because people have varying skills????
Can I laugh to death now?? Anyone who still holds onto the fantasy that trading is easy is someone who has no clue what they are talking about and simply doesnt have the experience to know better.
I am not closing my mind with opinion before I have the facts. The fact is, people have provided facts on this board already that hugely contradict the objective reality of the situation. Shooting down silly trading myths is not equivalent to closing your mind and having a baseless opinion. I do not have an OPINION, I have a well reasoned and fully supported position.
I can prove beyond any doubt that showing a chart with a whole 5 signals on it is STATISTICALLY WORTHLESS and proves nothing either way, which begs the question, why post it in the first place unless you have something to prove?
Sorry to pop people trading fantasies, but this industry really needs a huge dose of reality. Too many people come into this game and are TAKEN day after day after day because of this gobble-dee-guuk story telling. I feel sorry for them. I cant tell you how many people I know who have lost 10,000, 50,000, 200,000+ trying to trade. Their life savings gone, because they believed this silly stuff and were not prepared to trade for real.
You see I am not concerned with who is out there selling whatever anymore than I am concened with people who wish to close their mind with opinion before they even have any facts upon which to base an open mind ...evaluate....if it is not verifiable....just put it to one side until it is.....that way I SHOULDN'T have to do anything other than keep evaluating what is in front of me....try it sometime you might find it refreshing in clearing the BULL.....regards to George....