Is it really possible to make money in this trading lark?

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longshot666 said:
Ive seen plenty of other traders make money, I just havent seen any of the story tellers HERE make money.
Then you haven't been looking very hard. As he said, juanbyte has already published his account in another thread showing 17 consecutive winning trades with details of dates and times.
So because he said it, you assume its true? Why didnt he post the link then? Too difficult?
Again, its all after the fact. He can simply show us his 91% win rate right now over the next few days and prove us all wrong, or maybe he just picked his ONE winning streak and posted it instead???

You do realize most systems will have really good winning streaks dont you? I can flip a coin and get 10 winners in a row sooner or later. It doesnt mean anything if I get to CHOOSE when I want to show my account. I simply wait for a good streak to show up, and BAM, post that streak and claim I have a 90% win rate. But its a scam. System sellers use it all the time.

If he wants anyone to believe he has a system with a 91% win rate, he needs to post realtime trades TODAY. The complete proof would be showing 91% win rate over a long period of time and many many more trades, but ill accept a 91% win rate over the next few days as close enough.

He wont do it, even if its trivial to do. There is a reason he wont do it and his inaction speak volumes.

Roberto said:
Then you haven't been looking very hard. As he said, juanbyte has already published his account in another thread showing 17 consecutive winning trades with details of dates and times.
In my view there has been a great deal of misunderstanding with regard to risk management discussed on this thread. In particular attempts to ridicule those who only risk a small percentage of their account per trade show clearly that those people probably dont actually trade.

I trade US stocks as a day-trader which means that I have no open positions at the end of the day and I only risk a maximum of 0.5 of 1% of my account per trade with the aim of making a 1% increase in my account per day. Of course it doesnt work out exactly like that day in and day out but on average it is achievable and I am one of only a few people on this site who have dared to post real time entries and exits on trades with full explainations as to why they were entered and why closed.

Now before I am accused of being a wimp or any of the other misinformed views just take a look at how it is possible to maintain this low level of risk and to increase a pattern day - trading account by over 65% in around 50 trading days by just making a 1% increase in the account profit per day. The reward to risk ratio is never less than 2 to 1 and in many cases is much higher than this. I also use a specific model to limit my account exposure which means that I will never have an over exposed position in the market.

I am sure that this will attract a host of negative comments from those who think that risking more is the way to do things and is the way to easy riches. Well that is up to you but I have seen many people taken out by that approach and I wish you luck if that is your method.



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Even though the burden of proof is on juanbyte, and not me, since im not making these silly claims, I looked back through his posts.

I really liked this one where he claims: "It is possible to make 50% + per day on the Dow. "
Well then, since this was posted on July 30th, at 50% a day, if you started out with a small $10,000 acount, you would now have about: $245,123,000,000,000
Come on juanbyte, show us your account size TODAY. Surely you are richer than bill gates by now 😀

Now another hilarious post:
On May 2nd:
Here provides the link to his 17 winners in a row proof:

Notice, none of this was posted realtime.
Whoopie...want me to produce a document after the fact that shows a 400,000% return in 1 hour?? I can do it 😀
Anyone can post their best winning streak. So what, its meaningless.

Hows that accout now juanbyte? Surely, you have had another 17 wins in a row by now. Why not show us your next 100 trades??? Hmmmm? 😀
Of course, you will run and never prove your 91% win rate in REAL TIME now matter how easy it would be for you to do so IF it was the truth. Speaks volumes.

People are way too gullible.

Sorry, I have looked far enough, and didnt have to look far at all to spot someone who doesnt have a clue about real trading.

Roberto said:
Then you haven't been looking very hard. As he said, juanbyte has already published his account in another thread showing 17 consecutive winning trades with details of dates and times.

You have a system in place as you have described and as far as you are concerned it works and all you are trying to do is make it more effective. I have not and will not deride anyone who is making money simply because their methods differ from mine, I actually respect those that MAKE money regardless of the percentage. Let us assume for one moment that your capital were £100,000; then your 1% would equate to profits of £1,000 per day. I dare anyone to criticise that.

What I object to is those that take the opposite stance which is simply that because their way of trading is different others are either fools or liars. To compound it, they fail to suggest reasonable alternatives to those they view in this manner.

Keep up the good work. It is a pity that your book was not a bestseller, but for those members that have not read it, it is - HOW TO TURN $5MILLION INTO $250 IN 10 YEARS by Longshot666. I must say it is very compelling reading, this chap will show you how the professionals do it. Whilst on the subject of books, another one that was written by an esteemed member of this Community is - HOW I TRADE TO LOOSE by Anley. Unfortunately, Amazon do not stock these books but they are still available from

We ask the Professor simple questions which he fails to answer yet he continues to look for holes in other people's work, what a great mind. He wants to see live trades; trading data; trading statements; bank statements etc. What next, birth certificates?

Longshot666 and Anley tell us how everything does not work and how are diverse strategies are silly but their alternatives are - open 100 trades using 1% of your capital for each one. Now, those of you that classify yourselves as day traders would you kindly tell us the optimum number of shares/stocks that you are able to track at a time. We are being led to believe that this is how the successful money managers do it, but I put it to you that they are not successful. We are trading to make money and not to lose less than the next trade.

Spoilt and petulant children seek to destroy what belongs to others simply because they do not have.
LION63 said:

I am sure you would, but you forget that it is his private business and he does not need to prove anything to anyone but HIMSELF.

Yes he does need to prove himself to others. He told you and you, in turn, are telling us. I would suggest that really successful traders would keep their business to themselves. Most of the veteran posters here keep their business to themselves. They are the ones who do not have to prove anything.

Keep waiting for it and it might eventually be given to you. Are you working for the Inland Revenue/IRS and seeking to investigate his affairs? Maybe he has approached you for finance and you require proof of income? If an individual wishes to share their methods and strategies with others it is down to choice and you certainly will not obtain such information if you persist in calling the person a liar.

There are those that want to go into a restaurant, insult the owner and tell him how useless and sub standard the establishment is and then turn round and ask for a complimentary dinner for two with a bottle of wine to wash it down. When you find one, kindly let us know.
More typical defensive lion BS 😀

1) He mocks commonly known professional strategies for minimising risk.
2) He claims I wont answer simple questions, but never bothers to point out what questions I have supposedly dodged.
3) He exaggerates and claims I want to see a million documents when all I asked was the juanbyte show us a few LIVE trades for a few days (which would be trivial for him to do) to prove his story has some weight. As predicted, he tucked his tail and ran. Typically what happens when you ask a shyster to show trades that didnt occur after the fact.
4) He admits he has no one of knowing how someone could have 100 trades on at the same time, even though it's well known many pro's use fully automated systems that manage large sums of money across many instruments.

In other words, Lion is a very green trader, who has to shout, yell, stomp around like a little kid, and attack anyone who points out the obvious flaws in silly claims people make here, in a lame attempt to cover up this glaring fact.

I suggest you go read some books on money and risk management then you will see how silly your statements look to people who know the business.

LION63 said:

Keep up the good work. It is a pity that your book was not a bestseller, but for those members that have not read it, it is - HOW TO TURN $5MILLION INTO $250 IN 10 YEARS by Longshot666. I must say it is very compelling reading, this chap will show you how the professionals do it. Whilst on the subject of books, another one that was written by an esteemed member of this Community is - HOW I TRADE TO LOOSE by Anley. Unfortunately, Amazon do not stock these books but they are still available from

We ask the Professor simple questions which he fails to answer yet he continues to look for holes in other people's work, what a great mind. He wants to see live trades; trading data; trading statements; bank statements etc. What next, birth certificates?

Longshot666 and Anley tell us how everything does not work and how are diverse strategies are silly but their alternatives are - open 100 trades using 1% of your capital for each one. Now, those of you that classify yourselves as day traders would you kindly tell us the optimum number of shares/stocks that you are able to track at a time. We are being led to believe that this is how the successful money managers do it, but I put it to you that they are not successful. We are trading to make money and not to lose less than the next trade.

Spoilt and petulant children seek to destroy what belongs to others simply because they do not have.
Very good Longshot666. Regardless of what you and your acolytes say or think it is better to be all the things you call us and be making money rather than a novice that thinks he is a pro. It is very evident that you are seeking to belittle others to cover up your shortcomings in life. Most of those that have contributed posts to this thread have systems of trading that work for THEM and yield profits, it is irrelevant whether we would adopt the same systems or not, however, the lumps like you tell us a load of garbage and ask ridiculous questions without offering anything in return. Do you know no shame? Are you so lost that you cannot find your way back? It is time to give up this fruitless task, WalMart have part time vacancies, try and apply for one of them, you might have better luck.

Your statements are so unrealistic that they are pathetic. You have chosen to adopt the strategy of buying almost every stock in the market like and claim to follow the fund managers like a lemming. How many of them make money for their investors? May I suggest that you take lessons from people like Trader333 who do not want to take high risks but make consistent profits as it is clear that you do not have the guts to follow the strategy employed by the likes of Juanbyte.

In my journey through life, I have had the privilege of coming across all sorts of people and you can take pride in the fact that you are up there with those that I will never forget. You are probably one of those fortunate individuals with a million Dollar body and a pea sized brain.
I hope the regulars on this thread will not object to me butting in here. I have not read all the posts, way too many to do so, but I have skimmed through them and I think I have the general idea of what is being discussed.

My conclusion is that there are basically three types of contributors here; Those who are trying to learn, those who are trying to educate them and those who seem to have a very negative attitude to the whole thing. I'll try earnestly to be placed in the middle category.

The fact of the matter is folks that success at this trading lark is 90% dependent on the frame of mind you are in when you approach it. The methods of trading you use account for probably the other 10%. I use these figures loosely. There's no doubt that you need a good "system" of indicators and trading rules before you start but the final test, once you have chosen your methodology, is how closely, as a free thinking individual with all the strengths and weaknesses of human nature, you manage to stick to it.

There are literally hundreds of books, manuals, courses etc out there that will teach you a system/strategy to win in the trading game. Some are brilliant, some not so brilliant, none are unique and none are a magic button or holy grail to trading success. They all use various combinations of well established trading rules and strategies, all of which are available free of charge by searching the Internet. My own system/strategy uses a combination of Candlestick Charting, Stochastics and Pivot Points. I did'nt discover pivot points or stochastics and I am way too young to have discovered Candlestick analysis. The way I have put them together is probably not unique either. However, the way I approach my trading is unique to me and the way you will approach your trading will be unique to you.

It's how well we manage to control our emotions of fear and greed and to coldly close out a losing trade, or a winning one for that matter, when our pre-designated stop or target has been breached or to refrain from placing a trade when we know deep inside that our rules are telling us there is no trade to be had, that decides how successful we are as a trader.

My system/strategy itself if used in an almost "robotic" manner is between 80% and 90% accurate. My own accuracy rate ranges between 0% and 90% dependent on my frame of mind when I am trading! (thankfully it averages at the high end of that range for most of the time).

The upshot of all this is that, contrary to popular belief, there is a "Holy Grail" of trading but it is not to be found in any of the trading tools, software, books or manuals on the market. It's free of charge and you've already found it!

A major part of this thread has focused on whether so called experts are confident enough to prove their worth by publicising their accounts. Personally I would never make public my personal trading account if for no other reason than to keep my conniving ex-wifes eyes off it let alone the man from the Inland Revenue.

However, I can't see the problem in opening an account to specifically back up your trading history and to provide proof of what you are saying. I opened just such an account a while ago to prove to my own students what was achievable. I placed £100 in a BetonMarkets account and increased it to just over £200 before removing my original £100 investment. I was left with what amounted to a virtual account to trade with (It had cost me nothing having got back my money) but with all the emotional pressure that comes with using real money.

Before you take a look at it, if indeed you even want to look at it, I need to point out a few things that underline what I have said in this post. Firstly it is an account that shows all of my trades warts and all. It is an account I have used to trade live with students and to experiment with various approaches to trading, not all of them particularly successful. It is also an account that I use to practise my own system/strategy on a personal basis. If you look carefully you will be able to pick out where I was experimenting and allowing students to make trading decisions because the trades are erratic. However, there are a number of periods where you will be able to see that I have traded my strategy and been both successful and unsuccessful in doing so.

The account encompasses the tail end of a period through which I was almost made bankrupt through a bad business investment and the break up of my marriage. The point of mentioning this is that the more astute viewer will be able to see when those particular difficulties of life got to me badly. It's all reflected in the trades. The fact is that I am an experienced trader and when I am on form I am a very successful trader. The bad trades that you will see in the account are not the fault of the system I use. They rest squarely with me and the way I approached the trades.

I really hope this helps some of you that are still hovering on the edge of joining the trading game. If it's put you off, good, you've saved yourself a fortune - if it's helped you decide to start, great, welcome to the best vehicle to financial freedom that exists (IMHO) and I'll see you on the QE2 or the QM2 maybe. Cocktails anyone?

This link is my public link to betonMarkets. It should work, but I know there are sometimes problems with it. If it fails and you really do want to see the account, I will take a screen shot and send it to you if you email or PM me.

All the best


Trading Account Public Link
A Messiah has come to us, someone that brings a breathe of fresh air. Only the truly ignorant can fault the contents of that post or argue with the points that were made.

Longshot666 it is time to put up or shut up; are you man enough to step up to the plate or are you YELLOW. Considering the fact that you have called juanbyte a "shyster" , you should not have any difficulty on showing us that you can outperform him in real time. That would certainly put me to shame and make me eat my words, just think of the pleasure that that would bring to you. The added bonus would be that you would get so many potential students.

Or are you already cancelling your membership before juanbyte casts the gauntlet?
Thanks for the kind words Lion63 - now it's official perhaps I can get the knack of turning water into wine instead of being so adept at doing it the other way around 🙂
Thanks for such an interesting post.

I'm fascinated by your BOM digital options, Steve! I have increasingly been using these (mostly on indices) in addition to spreadbetting, but the shortest positions I've been using there have been 1-hour. I didn't even know it was possible to do such 10-minute options. How exactly does that work? Do you just type whatever times you want into the boxes there?
There is a hyperlink next to the timeframe fields, Roberto, that allows you to switch to 10 minute intervals. Just click on that before placing your trades and you will be able to choose 10 minute time frames.

I also use this method for EOD trades as it avoids the spread that BOM take for a daily trade. I place the trade at the earliest time of the trading day (after doing my analysis and checking that the market is going the way I want it to of course) and enter a closing time as late as I can make it. It still has the same effect as the Double Up or Down trade but removes the rather high spread.

You can use the method on any time frame during the day, it just gives you more flexibility.

qzxm8m said:
There is a hyperlink next to the timeframe fields, Roberto, that allows you to switch to 10 minute intervals. Just click on that before placing your trades and you will be able to choose 10 minute time frames.

I also use this method for EOD trades as it avoids the spread that BOM take for a daily trade.
_Very_ many thanks for such immensely valuable tips, Steve. I can't believe I didn't know either of these things!
Lion reminds me of a tiny little toy dog, that yaps and yaps and yaps when a huge pit bull on a tight leash walks by 😀

As usual, he doesn't even attempt to debate any of the issues I have pointed out and instead attacks and attacks and attacks....yap yap yap..... like the little dog that knows it is safe because of the leash.

Since he has no position to argue from, and has been fully descredited, he must then resort to outright lies such as:
It is time to give up this fruitless task, WalMart have part time vacancies, try and apply for one of them, you might have better luck.

Here he pretends he has psychic powers and knows that my task is "fruiteless". The fact is, you have no idea how successful I am at trading. You know nothing of my trading history period. So you must lie. You are now a liar for all to see.

Then he lies again with:
You have chosen to adopt the strategy of buying almost every stock in the market like and claim to follow the fund managers like a lemming.

1) I never claimed to follow fund managers. In fact, why would I make such a silly claim when I explicitly stated the majority cannot even beat the market of the long run??? You have a severe reading comprehension issue. You are also a liar.

2) I never said I adopted a strategy of buying almost every stock in the market. I was using an example, and you ASSUMED that is what I did, but that is not the case. Again, a severe reading disability is shown. Get some help for this ok? You are also a liar.

Lion, since you are so insecure that you cannot handle anyone challenging any of your obvious lies, I see little point in continuing with this. Your mind is obviously closed, and you have instead chosen to believe in trading myths and fantasies. In the future when you post that you have blown your account out, I promise I wont come around and tell you "I told you so", even though that would be tempting. Your fate is sealed since you have no idea of risk control or money management as you have proven beyond any doubt on this thread. Your complete lack of emotional control also shows that you do not posses the psychological control required by a professional trader. I predict you will never make any real money in the markets and more than likely, since you seem to think you already have it all figured out, you will certainly blowout.

Now for another pointless round of personal attacks from Lion, the liar. What else can he do? He cant address the issues, so he must attack and lie. Carry on then, its entertaining to watch the little dog yap and self destruct.

LION63 said:
Very good Longshot666. Regardless of what you and your acolytes say or think it is better to be all the things you call us and be making money rather than a novice that thinks he is a pro. It is very evident that you are seeking to belittle others to cover up your shortcomings in life. Most of those that have contributed posts to this thread have systems of trading that work for THEM and yield profits, it is irrelevant whether we would adopt the same systems or not, however, the lumps like you tell us a load of garbage and ask ridiculous questions without offering anything in return. Do you know no shame? Are you so lost that you cannot find your way back? It is time to give up this fruitless task, WalMart have part time vacancies, try and apply for one of them, you might have better luck.

Your statements are so unrealistic that they are pathetic. You have chosen to adopt the strategy of buying almost every stock in the market like and claim to follow the fund managers like a lemming. How many of them make money for their investors? May I suggest that you take lessons from people like Trader333 who do not want to take high risks but make consistent profits as it is clear that you do not have the guts to follow the strategy employed by the likes of Juanbyte.

In my journey through life, I have had the privilege of coming across all sorts of people and you can take pride in the fact that you are up there with those that I will never forget. You are probably one of those fortunate individuals with a million Dollar body and a pea sized brain.
Am I missing something? "......a tiny little toy dog, that yaps and yaps and yaps when a huge pit bull on a tight leash walks by." How can a toy dog know that a pit bull is walking by? Why would it be antagonised or scared? IT IS A TOY DUMMY. I have told you that you live in Wonderland but you fail to accept it, you have finally proved to all of us that your head is stuck in the sand.

You have now decided to change course mid stream, not a problem; you no longer open 100 positions at a time; okay with us; your strategy is different from that of the fund managers that you constantly follow, thank heaven for that; but what is your extraordinary strategy that gives you the right to besmirch others? We are still waiting.

I will leave the readers of the thread to judge as to who the liars, shysters, idiots and dogs are. What we would like to know is why you have decided to chicken out of a simple trading competition which would have provided the perfect opportunity for the novices and those that are ignorant (as I have been described) to learn from a super trader like you. You cannot be from Texas and if you are you have disgraced those that went before you. David Crockett and those that died at the Alamo must be tossing in their graves; you have been invited out but have turned tail like a weasel. Hang up your spurs in shame.