More attacks, more dodging and more silliness.
You still have not addressed my very logical argument, points 1 thru 10.
As for tax free trading, there is no such thing as truly tax free trading in the USA. Maybe you can explain how you can trade completely tax free in the UK and ill let the other UK traders shred your argument to pieces.
I dont know about percentage returns? You have provided no evidence of such nonsense.
I dont know about return on capital? You have provided no evidence of such nonsense.
Gearing, compounding,risk/reward? It seems someone clearly has no understanding of these issues, and it is clearly you since you have not challenged any of my compounding calculations.
So will you ever address my points 1 through 10, or will you continue on about what I supposedly do and dont know, as if you can read my mind.
😀 Are you a mind reader??? Do tell. How do you know what I know and dont know??? Very interesting.
Will you address the points which show what an obvious lie this is, or will you continue to attack me with fabrications, none of which you can back up?
If you really wish anyone to believe you, why dont you calculate this "friends" win% rate required to make a 400,000% return in 6 months, when his risk to reward ratio is 1 to 4?
It's painfully obvious that all you have done is attack me for pointing out the truth of the matter.
You never bother to argue the issue and instead throw out attack after attack.
This is clearly a sign of someone who knows they have been caught red handed.
Ill continue to enjoy watching you squirm around, throwing more attacks, in a silly attempt to dodge all issues at hand.
LION63 said:
You are not even asking logical questions or putting up any tangible argument you are like a kid who has not got the same toy the neighbour has. If you do not know about tax free trading you should not be in the markets. Even if you pay tax, do you know when the bill/assessment is issued by the Inland Revenue and or/when the bill becomes due? I did not think so.
Since you do not know much about percentage returns; return on capital employed; gearing; compounding; taxation or risk/reward ratios you have no chance of understanding how a man has turned £500 into over £2million. Sadly, it seems that you will never be able to understand and for that, I pity you.
You are a true Texan.