Is it really possible to make money in this trading lark?

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That is very cute, I would not expect anything less from those that choose to believe that they are king of the hill. There are a few traders that make real money out there and they normally have one thing in common - the WILLINGNESS TO LEARN WITH HUMILITY.

Trader 333,

He accepts that some of his trades will cost him money and that he cannot be right all the time. Once his stop has been hit he views it that his strategy was wrong or that his assessment was wrong (in the end, they add up to the same).

As you well know, many of us will see a market/share falling and try to pick the bottom, he avoids that at all costs. He will only buy in such a situation when the market clearly turns in the other direction as opposed to forcing the issue.

One of his favourite sayings to me is that he is trying to take money from other people and he realises that they are not stupid or naive and more importantly, he is of the firm belief that a lot of traders out there are better equipped than he is (ie. more information available to them; better educated and have a better working knowledge of the financial markets).

I am sure you would, but you forget that it is his private business and he does not need to prove anything to anyone but HIMSELF.
What doesn't quite tally is how this financial whizzo with so much experience managed to have only 500quid to trade with.After all these years was he struck by lightening and finally found the 'enlightened road to riches'?
It doesn't quite add up but since he's bought this lovely house in 'CASH' and a few Buy to let's as well......... it must be true.
I think he'll be selling his secrets shortly too so we can join the party of turning £500 into 2mill.
Just think, with this rate of return you could make
£50,000 from a FIVER,
£5000 from 50p
£500 from 5p.
£50 fom half a pence!
The fact that he used £500 as trading capital does not mean that that was his life savings. Besides, I think we are missing the point, he is not a genius and does not claim to be. He is an average joe that decided that he could win and gave it his best, sometimes, that is all the edge you need.

GotGold, why not try marbles or pebbles? Does it shock you so much that someone can go in search of a dream and find it? Broaden your horizon and you will find that life is only as hard as we want it to be.
People wonder why so many new traders lose? Because they are truly this gullible. Anyone who believes this story needs to get his head checked. As others have pointed out, this man will soon be a billionare many times over in no time. Forex liquidity would not be a barrier for a long time. It simply does not add up.

400,000% return in 6 months? Is anyone here really gullible enough to believe such fairy tales? Wake up people, I mean really.

LION63 said:
The fact that he used £500 as trading capital does not mean that that was his life savings. Besides, I think we are missing the point, he is not a genius and does not claim to be. He is an average joe that decided that he could win and gave it his best, sometimes, that is all the edge you need.

GotGold, why not try marbles or pebbles? Does it shock you so much that someone can go in search of a dream and find it? Broaden your horizon and you will find that life is only as hard as we want it to be.
I'll put it another way. If your so called "friend" made a 400,000% return in 6 months he would be under investigation for securities fraud. Has he been investigated yet? I would be more prone to believe this myth if this was the case 🙂
Since this whizzo made 2million but has spent 1.2mill ''IN CASH!!'' and also bought some buy to lets along no doubt with the red Ferrari, can we presume that he is now back to his £500 stake, LIONS63? Futhermore, if he has doubled that initial stake to £1000,can it be extropolated that his new 6 month target is 4million, based on ROCE, naturally?
Maybe the guy is Andrew Carlssin?

Time travelling Wall Street Wiz?
Date: Friday, March 28 @ 12:30:51 GMT
Topic: Conspiracy Theories/Weird News

NEW YORK-Federal investigators have arrested an enigmatic Wall Street wiz on insider-trading charges-and incredibly, he claims to be a time-traveler from the year 2256!

Sources at the Security and Exchange Commission confirm that 44-year-old Andrew Carlssin offered the bizarre explanation for his uncanny success in the stock market after being led off in handcuffs on January 28.

"We don't believe this guy's story-he's either a lunatic or a pathological liar," says an SEC insider. "But the fact is, with an initial investment of only $800, in two weeks' time he had a portfolio valued at over $350 million. Every trade he made capitalized on unexpected business developments, which simply can't be pure luck. "The only way he could pull it off is with illegal inside information. He's going to sit in a jail cell on Rikers Island until he agrees to give up his sources."

The past year of nose-diving stock prices has left most investors crying in their beer. So when Carlssin made a flurry of 126 high-risk trades and came out the winner every time, it raised the eyebrows of Wall Street watchdogs.

"If a company's stock rose due to a merger or technological breakthrough that was supposed to be secret, Mr. Carlssin somehow knew about it in advance," says the SEC source close to the hush-hush, ongoing investigation. When investigators hauled Carlssin in for questioning, they got more than they bargained for: A mind-boggling four-hour confession.

Carlssin declared that he had traveled back in time from over 200 years in the future, when it is common knowledge that our era experienced one of the worst stock plunges in history. Yet anyone armed with knowledge of the handful of stocks destined to go through the roof could make a fortune.

"It was just too tempting to resist," Carlssin allegedly said in his videotaped confession. "I had planned to make it look natural, you know, lose a little here and there so it doesn't look too perfect. But I just got caught in the moment." In a bid for leniency, Carlssin has reportedly offered to divulge "historical facts" such as the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and a cure for AIDS. All he wants is to be allowed to return to the future in his "time craft."

However, he refuses to reveal the location of the machine or discuss how it works, supposedly out of fear the technology could "fall into the wrong hands."

Officials are quite confident the "time-traveler's" claims are bogus. Yet the SEC source admits, "No one can find any record of any Andrew Carlssin existing anywhere before December 2002." Weekly World News will continue to follow this story as it unfolds. Keep watching for further developments.
This guy

“uses 100 point stops on all major currency crosses (does not bother with the others) and looks for a return of 25 points.”

So, a ratio of 1 to 4.

In other words, for every loser, at least four winners would be required just to get close to breaking even.

On this basis, using £500 starting capital and enjoying an 80% win rate would result in … £500, less costs.

Am I misunderstanding something here or is this strategy, and the claim it supports, a crock of merde?

Your name says it all.

The rest of You,

This is a free country and you can exercise that right and believe and say what you choose. He is the one with a luxury house (no mortgage), he is the one with buy to let properties (no mortgages); he is the one that has made in 6 months what you have failed to make combined in your trading careers. There seems to be a bout of Green Fever going round. Do you really think for 1 minute that he cares what you think or believe? Get real.

Some of you even have the cheek to call his integrity into question, what a sad and sorry way to carry on. A few of the posts show why most market participants are doomed to failure - You cannot believe or accept that others are better than you. You remind me of the school kids that blamed their failure on the fact that they were not the teachers favourite.


Terrific research, try applying that intensity to the markets and you might make some real money. Try not to get arrested in the process and watch more Sci-fi movies for trading strategies (you probably watched Time Cop before writing your post).


It is interesting to note how Lion63's friend seems to be shot down on this thread for being successful.

It may be unusual to accumulate such wealth from an initial investment and in this type of timeframe. But it does happen. I too have a friend who has been very successful with his trading. He made over £3 million on options trading in less than a year. He made £500,000 within six weeks of starting trading. He started trading with £1K.

Yes, it is the case that even after many years some traders do not make this. It may only be once in a blue moon that some individuals do accumulate such wealth from trading. But it does happen.
SarahM & Lion63

I'm not as cynical as some others on here but unless your respective friends have either found the holy grail or are so exceptionally talented that are set to surpass Bill Gates' net worth in a very short time, it would seem likely that they have done the equivilant of guessing a coin toss correctly dozens of times in a row, compounding every time.

Well good luck to them I say, my suggestion would be to put away a large proportion of their substantial gains, and / or trade with a much safer risk profile, now that they have so much more capital to risk.

Thanks for the story about the time traveller, it's one of the more believable stories on this thread.

Here are the facts:

1) A claim of 500 to 2 million in 6 months
2) A claim of a 400,000% return in 6 months ( same as #1 )
3) Your "friend" paid 1.2 million in cash for a house
4) He also purchased 3 other properties
5) Here is the miracle: He purchased all this after paying taxes on 2 million
6) Therefore the other 3 properties must be worth about a $1 each 😀
7) Therefore he was stupid enough to spend all of his capital and has nothing left to trade with
8) I did the math, and this works out to be 7.2% gain a DAY
9) In one year he would have 2 billion dollars!!! What a moron for spending his capital on a house, he should have waited another 6 months 😀
10) In four years he would have 145,302,000,000,000,000 😛 Yes, thats 145 QUADRILLION 😛 Bill gates eat your hear out!

🙄 <------ focus closely on the bull**** meter 😀

Learn to lie better. Learn to fabricate more believable "friends" Or learn to doubt friends who so blatantly lie to you.

This is the most poorly fabricated, obvious, trading myth I have ever heard. Thanks for the laugh.

I hope this urban legend has been buried so deep now, that it will never see the light of day again 🙂