Hi F,
read your thread n really liked it. i am new to this website. first of all thnx for sharing your strategy wid us coz i think its goin to b very helpful as i m in forex market for around 2-3 yrs haven't have much success. i hv a few questions...
1.) can u also tell me some specific times when u think it's best to trade or when the market is more volatile n it's likely to give more or better signals as per ur system.
2.) what are the spreads ur broker's charging from u???
1 - specific times to trade - ideally in the first hour of the opens - like European at 7 am - and then London open at 8 am ( uk time) and then US opens after 1 30 and 2 30 pm for the stock exchange
Trouble is volumes etc might be up around these times and part of this FX "game" is always to try and send traders in the wrong direction - by setting up false sentiments on the charts and then stop hunting
The FX market is the world's largest money market - but also one big game
You really need to understand who are the players and what they will do to try and take your money away from you
Watching live charts ideally under 5 min frames for hundreds and then thousands of hrs will help to train you to read Price action and also to spot many of the tricks used to mislead you.
Besides key times for trading - most trades are entered and exited around the hour change window- along with others around the half hr window
That's when price directions might change
2 - Brokers spreads - For intraday trading - ie taking multiple trades in a 4 -12 hr session - you want low cost
Most of my spread costs are below 1 pip and some up to 2 pips - including any commissions on lot size.
Please dont use a broker offering you spreads of say 3-6 pips on the main FX pairs - too high and can be improved.
If you have got a couple of years FX experience behind you - please come and check out the live Intraday thread in the forum.
Its not for new or inexperienced FX traders -but might be useful if you can scalp etc.
I am presently helping a trader - Major Magnum - for last 5 months - and he already had 2 yrs behind him
I reckon it takes 9 -12 months to retrain day traders and get them up to a good standard and allow them to make money 80%+ on the days they trade
Hope that helps