Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I think the double act by Shakone and Random is wearing a bit thin now ;-)

One just wants to rubbish any forex stats and any comments on my history and the other one wants to know all about me. ;-)

Is this the bad cop and wind up cop routine ?

The trouble is its on my blog and anyone new coming to look at it will see these pair playing the "game" and trying to get me wound up and expect me to lose it.

But i am a professional full time experienced retail trader - I have no emotion or feelings surely they know that ? I need that quality for my trading ;-)

The problem is - I just don't bite and love good banter when they do it correctly - but they still have a lot to learn and so I don't really want to spend time teaching much on that side - I only want to discuss Forex trading really so will let them stew - and stew ........ and stew - yawn ;-(

If they have got the metal - they will do some trading calls tomorrow or anytime this week - that's were they will always be welcome on this thread - otherwise its back to having fun with Pondslifedregsbutler, NVP , Be-P and Cablemonster - i like all of your posts - even the ones taking the p ;-)) lol

Have fun guys and a good December trading month to you all



I am only here because you addressed posts to me.

My original post was in response to MajorMagnum about monkeys throwing faeces, not to you, although I did refer to you. You've responded to that, addressing me specifically, so I gave you a reply. Cease addressing me and I cease posting in your thread. Or continue and you might get a reply. Either way is fine with me, but don't whinge about it as though your thread is being disrupted. There is nothing to disrupt here, it is fraudulent junk from beginning to end with a few people pointing that out in the middle.

Out of interest, which one is bad cop? 😆 I like how you've put yourself in the role of criminal. Spot on!

You have no emotion? Guru-babble.

It is mettle, not metal.

I hope you have a good December trading too. I'm confident you will, you're an expert.
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"No metal" is also street urban slang which also as another meaning to rock metal fans and our black friends in the US ;-)

Nighty night boys ;-)))
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"No metal" is also street urban slang which also has another meaning to rock metal fans and our black friends in the US ;-)

Nighty night boys ;-)))

"Our black friends in the US."

Amazing line - it's like Uncle Bulgaria's had one too many sweet sherrys and is about to start on head sizes etc before he dozes off.
I understand that, I have no interest in fxstreet, but I know how to read archived internet content obviously. You said it was on Independence day of this year and said webinar does not appear on the Wayback Machine listing despite this being a snapshot of the very next day (5th July) - so did you leave on the morning of the 5 July...?:

See attached file - showing it on FX street - although the archives have not got the complete blog


  • July 4th Live call day.JPG
    July 4th Live call day.JPG
    22.2 KB · Views: 132
See attached file - showing it on FX street - although the archives have not got the complete blog

You said it was a webinar... I can see that it was a blog post with you commenting on moves and people arguing them out... so the same as the thread you have here.

You definitely said it was a live webinar....?
So tell me whose stop are Toyota hunting when they hedge an enormous USD order via BTMU?

Simple - any body the other way to them - so i am sure many ;-)

its only a profit motivation that moves the market intraday - not fundamentals or anything else - there as to be losers for the winners to be able to make their profits

So a few banks or other players might win one day - and with then 958,000 retail traders and a few hundred small commercials and a couple of hedge funds etc etc providing the winners profits

Anyway I am only forex and I thought it was Porsche who are the big forex players ?

They made more profit one year on their currency activities than they did selling sports cars ;-)

Anyway - why am I even bothering - I am not that interested about what goes on in the crooked financial world - I am only interested in trading forex from my charts along with a clock - that's really all I need for my profits ;-)

OK must get going - want to be wide awake for 6am tomorrow morning


You said it was a webinar... I can see that it was a blog post with you commenting on moves and people arguing them out... so the same as the thread you have here.

You definitely said it was a live webinar....?

Ah the devil is in the detail now I look at it again, by live intraday session you simply mean the same old crap you do here:

"On July 4th 2013 when FX street had advertised in advance I would do a live Intraday session - I got over 2300 views just within 24 hrs and they are only supposed to have 11k members when I carried it out. It was Independence day and the US were off - and it was a cracker - 406 (approx) pips on 24 trades - cannot keep that up every day unfortunately -as I am too old ;-) I did get 3 trades wrong - that cost me less than 15 pips if I remember correctly - ( yes a photographic memory can assist also with your trading - mines not as good as it was 15 years ago though ) "

I agree - and I can probably sing as well as he can ( yes not that good;-) )

20k views in a month is not really that good on a site this large. On July 4th 2013 when FX street had advertised in advance I would do a live Intraday session - I got over 2300 views just within 24 hrs and they are only supposed to have 11k members when I carried it out. It was Independence day and the US were off - and it was a cracker - 406 (approx) pips on 24 trades - cannot keep that up every day unfortunately -as I am too old ;-) I did get 3 trades wrong - that cost me less than 15 pips if I remember correctly - ( yes a photographic memory can assist also with your trading - mines not as good as it was 15 years ago though )

Have a great December



Sorry Random - I cannot see me saying the word "webinar" - I must ask your friend the Shaky one ie the one from the FX spelling Police - if that is an actual proper old fashioned English word - or is it just modern urban slang? - he's bound to know - as he seems to know everything ;-))
I suggest that time will prove MajorMagnuM is Forexmorpherian.

Well its great to have another amateur Sherlock on this forum

Would you like say a £10 bet on this - and if you are right - I pay you a million pounds ;-))

That's sound fair - as with me being 100% correct and I am not Major Magnum - you only have to pay me £10

Now - please donate it to a charity of your choice and apologise - as there is more possibility of Shakone being Prince Charles and Random being Princess Diana

You are just so far out on that presumption that I suggest you give up trading tomorrow ;-)

PS - are you the shaky one or random 1352 or whatever digits he likes

Now must go to bed and please just all carry on - you are the ones who will look back in the future and realise what idiots you have been - because you are all just so wrong on so many of your comments ;-)

Still am I bothered ......

Is it a good laugh .........

hehe ;-))
Simple - any body the other way to them - so i am sure many ;-)

its only a profit motivation that moves the market intraday - not fundamentals or anything else - there as to be losers for the winners to be able to make their profits

So a few banks or other players might win one day - and with then 958,000 retail traders and a few hundred small commercials and a couple of hedge funds etc etc providing the winners profits

Anyway I am only forex and I thought it was Porsche who are the big forex players ?

They made more profit one year on their currency activities than they did selling sports cars ;-)

Anyway - why am I even bothering - I am not that interested about what goes on in the crooked financial world - I am only interested in trading forex from my charts along with a clock - that's really all I need for my profits ;-)

OK must get going - want to be wide awake for 6am tomorrow morning



You must be on a wind up, MUST be.

The idea that one bank or small group of banks will 'win all the monies' in the fx market is beyond schoolboy ridiculous. Honestly I had interns from first year Uni who understood this stuff with more clarity than you do...

Are you saying that intraday moves are by prop traders alone....? You can't sit there in your cave making this stuff up and then stating it as definite fact. Eurgh, you're using small timeframe exchange product logic to explain moves in the fx market. Did Al Brooks do this to you? Even he knows there are many participants in the fx market who are not seeking direct profit from that trade. A significant number of large client orders are hedges.

What is with this 1 million retail traders nonsense? You mean retail traders that have ever opened an account because they see fxpro on a fkin Fulham shirt? They don't provide any volume and are irrelevant. The regularly active number is nowhere near that. The US is by far the biggest retail market with just under 100k - - and the average account size is pitiful even if you account for those 'active' accounts.

DB are the biggest non sovereign player in the FX market - you can see their Q3 statement if you like, it's a public document. There you will find that despite facilitating the most volume in both prop and agency, their total trading activities (so not just fx) net them less than half a billion quid a quarter. Maybe it's because you're giving away the secrets of the Pharaohs away on your thread and squeezing everyone else out of the game.
Sorry Random - I cannot see me saying the word "webinar" - I must ask your friend the Shaky one ie the one from the FX spelling Police - if that is an actual proper old fashioned English word - or is it just modern urban slang? - he's bound to know - as he seems to know everything ;-))

A webinar is something difficult to fake (live streaming video with spoken descriptions) and thus worthy of note. All you did was host a 'live' call thread.

Your mate Francesc said you were going to do a webinar see... what happened to make you not do it?
Morning Traders

Monday 2nd December - just prior to 7,05 am UK time and quick over view of the key forex pair

EU - still in a bullish mode after the highs of Friday at 3622.

I would not look at taking scalp sells until price drops out of the 3600 and 3594 price area - and even then you need under 82 and 76 to hold any on for a larger fall. A lot of interim supports in the 3500 zone and we have to wait until we can see whether larger falls are needed first before any attempts over 3622 and 3630.

I am not really bothered about the macro view on the EU - purely the intraday 30 -60 min moves - and so normally every day I am able to take both scalp buys and sells on the EU and similar the GU

GU as had even more strength than the EU and is surprising many after going up to 6443 on late Friday.

Bullish and needs to fall out of the 6400 zone and under 6377 and 71 to be trying any real turn down. I am sure we can get both way trading again this morning and have already scalp bought from 6414 and exited stake at 20 as a quick scalp but failed to take the scalp sell then at 16

The GU now needs prices over 23 and 26 to scalp buy and under 6400 to hold scalp sells on further

I am sure you all know all my stops are between 3 -7 pips and on average 5 pips - so any trade that goes against me - I will be out asap even sometimes only grabbing 2 pip profit or having to take 3 pips loss

I am not just after 1 to 5 pip moves - ideally I am after moves between 7 - 25 + pips - so that I can make RR's of 2 + and on some scalps in under 30 mins an RR of 4 is certainly possible off a 5 pip stop.

My stake sizes are between half a percent and a full percent of capital - but still allow full lot sizes up to 15 lots - although the vast majority of scalps are under 10 lots per pip ( ie approx £60 -70 per pip)

i never plan to take more than 20 trades per day on up to 6 key pairs and some days if the markets are very slow I might only take 8 -12 trades - but always with an objective of making over my target of 50 pips per day.

I will update on the UChf / EJ / EA / etc in the next 30 mins- and meanwhile not planning to take many scalps as not here for 40 mins over the London Open

Have a good day and a good December trading month -


7.19 am and atm - GU and EU are in scalp sell modes and UChf - scalp buys above 9050. Only in the GU scalp as 16 was a good entry price - which I missed but then with a LH 6410 - that was a safe price to enter selling below - so I took 6408. - 70% off at 6401 and now stop on the rest at 6410 - so that stop is 2 pips in the red and not in profit - but being only 30% of original scalp - the trade will still be profitable ;-)
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GU - out of 30% stake at 6408 ( b/e) and not bothering reentering again as getting ready for a school run.

Will leave AU / EJ / EA etc until second half of next hour - as all just meandering and awaiting London Open for further clues
Morning MM

Yes - I don't know whether you have caught up with the threads over the weekend - but some members here are just so wide of the mark - it's pretty unbelievable - in fact laughable ;-)
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