Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Am I alone in suspecting Forexmospherian and MajorMagnuM are the same?

One of the signs of madness is talking to yourself! Does fit with the general theme of the thread!

Hi Ivan

Well I am very very happy to confirm 100% - swearing on the bible and any thing else that might make you realise I am telling you the truth - that

I AM NOT Major Magnum - repeat - NOT Major Magnum - he is a totally different person / trader - we are not connected - ie brothers or family - I have never met him and although he lives in the UK - I understand he lives approx 100 miles away from me

Furthermore he joined T2W over 2 years ago when he started trading - I believe.

I had never done one blog here prior to October 2013 - not one

MM is still learning short term methods but he has said he is experienced in EW and Harmonic Patterns etc - but not scalping

Well you know all about me - so I won't repeat it ;-)

Have a great week and please test me on a currency pair during the week if you want to - I am not a guesser or fortune teller - but moves within 10 to 60 mins periods are my forte ;-)


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Coming up to 5,00pm UK time and I am finishing now as out early tonight.

Noticed GU made another news high at 6385 - just to frustrate the bears more - whilst EU still stuck in a tight range.

Have a great weekend

Enjoyed my first full month at T2W - 20K + views not too bad - need more traders to join in as well - and thank you MM for taking part and having the balls to live call your scalps - even though i know you are still learning and on demo - you have the basic knowledge and just need to keep plugging away for more consistency etc etc.



justin bieber gets more I think .........but what does he know about trading I ask ? 😎

Itsa ok he can teech us both n he'll only charge a small fee i'm sure ...but we'll have to be quick as itsa limited offer open to only 100 peepoles:clap:


Hiya - B-P and Plrb

I can give you totally free of charge some advice to get you to an average level of reading price movements .

Because I don't know you guys and you might already have 5 / 10 years of forex experience behind you and so might not have to do all the time in my first suggestion - ie

Get a plain / naked 1 min chart and then watch live price movements - ideally from 6.30 am UK time through an approx 12 hour time period - ie to 6.30pm UK time

Do it as it suits you - but never less then 160 mins at a time - ( that's important ) and you need to clock up a minimum 2000 hours over a period of 10 to 20 months - max 2 years.

Once you have done that - you are ready for moving on to level 2 - and I reckon there are only 5 levels in total to go through - and then you should be on the way to getting into the top 5% of retail forex traders. Whether you will make it through the 5 levels - that's a question I just cannot answer until you give me your full background with regards to present trading along with your approx IQ levels - age - hobbies and your maths ability along with your emotion control methods.

Also do you drink or take drugs or gamble to excess - all important questions to find out whether you will make it .

PS - I am being serious here - and remember - its totally free advice - even the other 4 levels will be as well ;-)

PPS - Are you now excited ;-))

Have a good December


im excited......anyone else ?



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justin bieber gets more I think .........but what does he know about trading I ask ? 😎



I agree - and I can probably sing as well as he can ( yes not that good;-) )

20k views in a month is not really that good on a site this large. On July 4th 2013 when FX street had advertised in advance I would do a live Intraday session - I got over 2300 views just within 24 hrs and they are only supposed to have 11k members when I carried it out. It was Independence day and the US were off - and it was a cracker - 406 (approx) pips on 24 trades - cannot keep that up every day unfortunately -as I am too old ;-) I did get 3 trades wrong - that cost me less than 15 pips if I remember correctly - ( yes a photographic memory can assist also with your trading - mines not as good as it was 15 years ago though )

Have a great December


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Hiya - B-P and Plrb

I can give you totally free of charge some advice to get you to an average level of reading price movements .

Because I don't know you guys and you might already have 5 / 10 years of forex experience behind you and so might not have to do all the time in my first suggestion - ie

Get a plain / naked 1 min chart and then watch live price movements - ideally from 6.30 am UK time through an approx 12 hour time period - ie to 6.30pm UK time

Do it as it suits you - but never less then 160 mins at a time - ( that's important ) and you need to clock up a minimum 2000 hours over a period of 10 to 20 months - max 2 years.

Once you have done that - you are ready for moving on to level 2 - and I reckon there are only 5 levels in total to go through - and then you should be on the way to getting into the top 5% of retail forex traders. Whether you will make it through the 5 levels - that's a question I just cannot answer until you give me your full background with regards to present trading along with your approx IQ levels - age - hobbies and your maths ability along with your emotion control methods.

Also do you drink or take drugs or gamble to excess - all important questions to find out whether you will make it .

PS - I am being serious here - and remember - its totally free advice - even the other 4 levels will be as well ;-)

PPS - Are you now excited ;-))

Have a good December



I agree with some of the above, please can you tell us what you feel levels 2,3,4,5 involve?

PS. I'm not as excited as perhaps I should be as I am only at half mast although I feel all the alcohol and drugs I consumed last night play a large part in this. I had to consume them to drown my sorrows after blowing all my wedge at the Casino....
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nope.....ive checked back and i'm still excited .......:cheesy:



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I agree - and I can probably sing as well as he can ( yes not that good;-) )

20k views in a month is not really that good on a site this large. On July 4th 2013 when FX street had advertised in advance I would do a live Intraday session - I got over 2300 views just within 24 hrs and they are only supposed to have 11k members when I carried it out. It was Independence day and the US were off - and it was a cracker - 406 (approx) pips on 24 trades - cannot keep that up every day unfortunately -as I am too old ;-) I did get 3 trades wrong - that cost me less than 15 pips if I remember correctly - ( yes a photographic memory can assist also with your trading - mines not as good as it was 15 years ago though )

Have a great December



Thanks F .......

jees its good to have you here ...T2W will be greatly enriched by your presence .......we really are in for a continued treat 😎

genuinely looking forward to a little banter and plenty of pips as well in December.....

wheres pete and Pboyles when you need them ?.....this is priceless stuff

N 👍
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sorry F you actually make any calls here or just talk about claimed trades you are in ....?

sorry my concentration is week these days - pehaps its the halo around the thread ?

Just checked the Fx street members list - and cannot see pboyles down there ? I am not a member there under any other pseudonym or profile - but still look most days to see if anyone really good as joined them - but the level is still newbies to intermediates - and they have even dropped the live call section as no one seemed to be participating - a shame really

Although my own style is unique as far as I know - I am a fan of Lance Beggs and Al Brooks - but have advanced their ways even further using time intervals based on many liquidity suppliers bot settings - i even can work out when the main liquidity supplier change - and what sessions they might be involved in - although the Asian session i do not bother with .

Before anyone asks - i don't trade Gold or Silver or others - only key currency pairs ;-))

See you in the morning



ok - no complaints there Lance is a staggeringly good (and humble) Trader and I used to exchange a lot of correspondance with him on the strengthmetrer strategies I follow ............I am a big fan of him 👍

to say you advanced his strategies is again an amazingly bold and Egoistic statement ..........time will tell on this thread 😎

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sorry F you actually make any calls here or just talk about claimed trades you are in ....?

sorry my concentration is week these days - pehaps its the halo around the thread ?


so it is😛

pboylse is locked in a cellar somewhere in Belgium.
Hi Forexmospherian, hope you're well 🙂

That's not a fact. A fact is something that can be verified to be true. Since you refuse to verify (or can't), it's not a fact to anyone else. Might be true, might not. You erroneously appear to think that because you've said something, it becomes a fact.

I am not interested in your history. Why would anyone be? Plus, it's just a repeat of things you've already said a bunch of times. Like how you will say once or twice a day, that you've spent thousands of hours and taken 7000 trades on small timeframes with stops of 7 pips or less. Change the record. It's boring.

It's possible that you can end up profitable almost every day.

Oh it's 13,000 now. If I have a coin-flipping trade strategy which enters random direction and exits just prior to close, would you expect it to be good after taking 13,000 trades?

Practising helps, if it is properly directed. But no, I don't expect you to be good after 13,000 trades.

Good for you. Has nothing to do with any objections that were posed to you though.

Yes, as do most vendors before they drop the act. I don't remember ever saying that I wasn't selling anything on this site (does that mean I am?), nor do most members who have been here for years, because it just isn't an issue. You've said it a multitude of times in your short spell here. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

On the contrary, I am sure it is of interest to many members, and to T2W. Just not to me. That's what I posted previously.

However, I wouldn't get too carried away, as we once had a thread on legendary trader Dennis Richards that had a massive number of views, yet was also full of nonsense (admin please reinstate that thread). It did have a lot of humour though and some nice pictures, so consider adding those features to increase interest in your thread. And anyway, with you and MajorMagnum posting around 700-800 posts a week (more than the rest of the top 10 posters combined), it keeps your thread frequently at the top of the new posts, which is what people tend to look at.

All this is irrelevant though. A thread on money management that garnered a mere 100 views could easily have more interesting and beneficial content than the 1000's of posts and views your thread has.

99% of people come to trading and do the wrong things, and not just when they're trading. They look at the wrong (imo) threads, cover their charts in crap, follow the wrong sort of people, and hope for the wrong things, like get rich quick schemes with only 10 minutes trading a day, or two-day vendor training courses for thousands of pounds. They are very interested in this sort of stuff.

Anyway, a merry Christmas to you and your family :cheers:

HI Shakone

Sorry I could not answer all your points last night - but I have some time now so -

Point 1 - Facts - ie my past - I suppose I could get my records out and do a screenshot of when I was with FXCM in 2002. I had seen an advert in the Sunday Times from a company called Next 24hrs - promising to double you $2500 in three months - with them doing the work etc. Being a total forex novice - I sent my $2500 deposit to NY and this is the unbelievable bit - 3 months later it was not doubled ;-) - no nor trebled - but I still was able to exit with approx $3700 - so first experience was a nice one and that got me to take a course out with a Canadian company called I think FX Solutions ? - that was really $1750 down the drain but nothing compared to the next 18 months of losing small deposits and believing all the rubbish from marketeers. My first UK broker was CMC - that was another laugh - did I get stung ;-))

If you prefer not to believe I started forex trading 11 years ago and that I have been full time approx 6 years ago probably some of the points and tips I will gladly give out might then change your mind.

Point 2 - not interested in your history - that's fine - its the most important part i like to know with every trader I meet online - but still - we are all different

Point 3 - yes agree - you cannot guarantee it 240+ days a year - as there can always be a "black swan " event for what ever reason . So far never had more than 7 bad trades in one day - and up to 5 bad trades a day - i can still get back in the black and profitable within 8 -10 hrs.

Point 4 - 13000 live trades. Remember it grows between 50 and 90 extra trades - every week

With regards to being good after 13k live trades and your coin tossing analogy - well Shakone - have you had a lapse of thought here ??. You are a person of intelligence - but you have slipped here and so I need to blow this comment out the water -

Coin tossing - fridge magnet games or sticking the tail on the donkey etc - ie anything that is totally none connected to the movement of currencies - as no repeat "no" correlation with the accuracy of a traders win/ loss ratio.

So in theory - any coin tossing using say heads to sell and tails to buy - will have totally different results depending on when in the calender you carry it out - whether its a bull month or quarter etc and whether you are taking just one trade per day or 20 trades a day. The results in theory should be totally random but if you take 1000 trades using this method - you will no way - repeat no way match the results of an experienced trader who can read price at the "coalface"

I am using "clues" that are totally related to the price movement in the "now" on the time of the day I am looking at. I need at least 4 positive "clues" to inform me of a change in price direction - and then will that price move more than 10+ pips and can I trade it with a very tight stop.

You cannot replicate these "judgements" / "decisions" with coin tossing or any other silly method ;-)

Even though I might be an expert at scalping ( ie within the top 10% of retail scalpers )- I still cannot get over 90% win ratio on batches of 100 trades. Bad periods - down to low 62% win ratio - extremely good week or two - 85% if I am really lucky -and I might be cutting part stake on any trade with a RR over 1 to keep my ratios high.

The main fact here is that you can read price in the "noise" - you will never be 100% accurate but with assistance from a stop watch and a tick chart and various other aids ( forget naked charts - they are for inaccurate traders ) you can get over the magic 60%+ you need ( no 40 and 50% is just not good enough for the results you need)

So - I actually take offence on the silly "coin tossing analogue" - especially coming from an experienced trader - and please - any one reading this - just work out how many approximate live trades you have taken ? should be interesting ;-))

Next point - No vendor - no act to drop - wait to you see more of the free help I will give out on the different sections - and none of it will help a get rich quick novice trader make his fortune in a year - so 2 week or 2 month courses etc - yes they might help traders etc - but normally after them you are only about 40% of the way there - and many do more harm then help ;-)

Next point - re 20k hits and me and MM ( who I must clarify again - is not me) are not doing 700 comments a week - more likely 250 to 300 per week - so in a month say 1000 to max 1500 comments - where are all the others coming from - yes "invisible " members and hundreds of guests?.

I do agree with you though - some threads can have more value and importance with just a 1000 views a month - but I expect some I do under TA and other sections should get thousands and thousands - all free of charge and I know much of it will be unique - and I certainly don't want any marketeer stealing any of it and then trying to flog it off - must check the legal aspect of giving free info and copyright laws - probably T2W staff or office guys can assist me on that one.

Anyway - I have respect for you Shakone and your mates as you and the others have been here a long time. However I want you to be totally open and honest with me and if I do end up giving you any additional tips and clues to help you get more from your trading - ie more money, better results etc etc - please throw it back straight in my face ;-)

Man U supporter - so looking forward to the game later on - but will be back on later tonight

Have a good relaxing day


Ok, F, I get the message. You're just taking the **** and I can't be bothered, I hope the rest have fun with you.
I agree with some of the above, please can you tell us what you feel levels 2,3,4,5 involve?

PS. I'm not as excited as perhaps I should be as I am only at half mast although I feel all the alcohol and drugs I consumed last night play a large part in this. I had to consume them to drown my sorrows after blowing all my wedge at the Casino....


You sound like a perfect specimen to be trading the forex market

Love your reason for the edit

Dont flush the chain yet - as your mobile might be down there as well

Yes levels 2 to 5 can easily all be done in under 2 years - so don't worry you should be OK and really performing before the end of this decade - with a bit of luck as well ;-)


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