Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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The EA should drop under 4915 - as pressure seems to be still pushing it down under 35

EJ - tool late to jump aboard a 15 pip scalp buy from 139 .15 area - entering half hr time window so lets see if we spike up and then possible to scalp sell ??

Posted over 30 mins ago and EA now at 4904 and I made 14 pips at 70% stake and locked 12 pips in stop on 30% now - pleased ;-))))
Just noticed this thread on Intraday short term trading got 20100 views in the November month ;-))

Not too bad - and I am still here and had no losing day in the month - with lowest pip day 47 and a few days over 140 pips - but no 200+ pip days

Shows I am not working hard enough and need more focus - but still - not too bad a month - will work out figures over the weekend


EJ - still in a R area - but still bullish after a 8 pip pullback from half hr time window. Now at hr change and not in either way - but watching next 7 - 8 mins to see if we peak or break up . Will also watch EU as well
EJ - broke up through R atm - EU still in range. Next R's at 50 to 54

Sorry - 53 to 57 - my mistake
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I think with you having so many platform problems you need an update etc or even re load it again ?

Today as not been too bad a day - but not a nice one for trading as too bitty etc

You want to review your month and see overall wins / losses etc etc - best trade pips and worst trade pips etc etc- average trades per day etc etc
Coming up to 5,00pm UK time and I am finishing now as out early tonight.

Noticed GU made another news high at 6385 - just to frustrate the bears more - whilst EU still stuck in a tight range.

Have a great weekend

Enjoyed my first full month at T2W - 20K + views not too bad - need more traders to join in as well - and thank you MM for taking part and having the balls to live call your scalps - even though i know you are still learning and on demo - you have the basic knowledge and just need to keep plugging away for more consistency etc etc.


Can't speak for others, but for me it's resignation to the fact that the site wants this sort of thing. It wants threads like this that spoonfeed people verbal diarrhoea. And it's not all about Forexmospherian or this thread. The sh1t is all over the site.

We have ludicrous claims (didn't we always), experts who cover their charts in so much crap they can't see the price, claim live calls when they're not for a thread that's 1000's of posts long, newbs who post 5 threads when one would do, and can't even form an intelligible paragraph. Newbs who are actually fake accounts of gurus, or accounts that are dormant for years before an explosion of activity. Then there are the actively posting gurus who don't even understand the basics or think that JP Morgan is going to follow their lead if they go long big size on Gold, or think that the ZigZag indicator is top secret and can't be revealed except in private mesage.

At least in the old days a guru would know some basics and be able to write a sentence without capitalising every OTHER word FOR no APPARENT reason, and abusing punctuation,,,,,,,and spunking !!!!!!!! smilies all over,,,,,, a thread :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:😆😆:cheesy: You POOR soul YOU Shakone !!!!!!! 😀:smart::smart::smart:

At least in the old days your eyes and brain weren't insulted at the same time.

This place is not for me any more. I hope it returns to some sort of sense, but despite claims and efforts to improve the site, it clearly hasn't worked as far as I'm concerned. Far easier for me to just not care anymore nor waste time arguing with the providers of this nonsense, when it is what T2Win desires in terms of posts and activity.

Hi Shakone

i wanted to answer your comments sensibly and therefore have waited until the weekend and the end of the month to reply.

Lets look at some facts about myself first before looking at the other comments you have mentioned about the site etc

I am a full time short term ( not just a scalper) Intraday trader who as been trading for approximately 11 years of which the last 6 years have been full time .

That's the main fact.

I have only been blogging for the last 2-3 years and have found out in the last 18 months that I can actually focus better with more pressure ( not money pressure ) on me to perform. As you are aware trading can be a lonely game and so to be able to maintain the level of focus and concentration to be in your own "zone" takes some doing.

A few years ago - my target was only 30 pips a day and if I went over it - i just stopped and finished and did other leisure activities. That meant some days I might only trade for an hour of two and then was not pushing myself to improve. If I did not hit my 30+ pips - I kept on going with some days needing 5 -6 hrs just to get there.

Now - even though I am in my late 50's - I had spent over 25 years in businesses and was used to the 50 -70 hr working week culture - as well as the occasional weekends etc etc. So for me to think now I might only spend 15 hours a week or so trading was not motivational enough - i needed more .

I wanted to still be in control - ie have half days off or full days when I want - but some days - i want to push myself 8 -10 hrs - to test my capabilities etc.

I increased my daily targets up to 50 pips per day and also decided if I had to I would look at trading up to a maximum of 25 trades a day - from pre Opens to after 7 pm UK time.

If you look back through every single day of my thread - I comment 35 - 55 times a day and have generally taken an average of only 14 trades a day.

So - on average 30 comments are relevant - ie entries and then 2 min or 20 mins or even 2 hrs later the exits.

The other 5 - 20 comments are connected with market structure - news and also even comments on pairs I am not actually trading but have correlations with pairs I might be in

My daily comments are only of interest for short term day traders who might be trading between 7.00 am UK time to normally 5.00pm.

If you are one of those traders - you will find my comments of interest and ever since you proved 1-5 min scalps are not appearing quickly enough - I have now incorporated further comments with plans of action at certain times and at certain price points.

Then I copy those messages 15 - 30 mins or even 4 hrs later to prove to all "doubters" that i did actually say that and have stayed with my own particular short term forecast.

I am not a fortune teller or weather forecaster - ie I have great difficulty in forecasting 2 or 4 hours +away - and that is why normally I am accurate with easily over 70% accuracy overall in 30 min time zones

My main objective is too squash any notion that its is impossible to be profitable or make money every day - ie every day you trade.

I don't stop with just a 1 pip profit - my target is 50 pips - OK one day this last month I only made 47 pips - but it was still a nice positive profit. After making over 13000 live trades - surely you would expect me to be good ?

No one seems to have worked out that even with 3 or 4 bad trades in a row - you can still have a profitable day. The "key" is experience ( yes 11 yrs) tight stops and of course great MM combined with "free trade" concept.

I appreciate many guru's or tutors etc etc - have not got my ability and skill level and not everybody can do what i do - but it is possible - but not just after 2 - 3 years of trading.

I know some traders of over 5 yrs plus don't like me giving some tips away to others - as they feel newbies should go through what they went through - ie getting ripped off on courses and then spending 1000's of hour to learn the skill

I had help on my journey - and although I have no time for commercial traders and get rich quick merchants - I will assist or help traders who are prepared to do the distance to get there

I am including a link to a previous Live account FX competition with Iron FX

No I did not win it - ( was not even in it) but the winner put on 3625% on a live $1000 + account in approx 1 month

See - certain traders can do marvels with real money accounts - but the old timers at T2W seem to think anyone doing over even 30% a month on a live account of over $50 k is telling massive porkers

I can do several thousand percent increase on a $50 dollar account in a week - yes a week - but no way could I do it with big money - but 20 -50% a month is certainly do able for experienced retail forex traders - ie that top 5% - who know what they are doing and have loads of experience behind them

Its a shame this site as seemed to have attracted so many rogues or fraudsters - but no way should you guys think every new member with experience is a crook

I have said numerous times I am not selling anything - except maybe retail intraday forex experience - free of charge.

PS - NO WAY - will I show my performance records and previous account history. That remains private - but even If I did show part or even a month of trades - many would say its a demo account or its been doctored - which of course is so easy to do

So records should always be taken with a "pinch of salt" - basically you cannot win with any type of proof - as the doubters and moaners will always pull it apart.

The real proof - is me having no losing days and telling others some of my plans for the session - in advance - proving with out doubt that I can read PA and get more calls right then wrong - and make money doing it.

Finally - if you think that is of no interest to T2W members Shakone - then why have I had 20k hits in exactly one month ?? Some days there as been 19 traders at one time reading my comments ( still exceptionally low - was getting 200 a day on another site) - most of these traders are "dark" or invisible - but that does not bother me - why should it 🙂

Hope that makes some sense to you

Have a good December - I will ;-)


no loose one pip

Hi Pondlifedregsbutler ?

Yes I do lose some pips nearly every day.

A really good day - I will have less than 2 losing trades - so I might lose maximum 10 pips but more likely 6 -9 pips on 2 bad trades - as I will pull as soon as we go negative more than 3 pips and cannot see the PA going my way.

Average day 2 - 4 bad trades - losses - 12 - 20 pips and a really bad day might be 4 - 7 bad trades that means I lose say 15 - 30 pips and will then need at least 5+ good trades to wipe out the losses.

Any day you can put together over 8 good short term trades - 1 or 2 winning trades will normally make you over 15 or 20 pips - therefore wiping out 2-4 bad trades with just one good winner.

That's part of the clue to having continual winning days - if your stops are say 20 -50 pips - you just cannot make the difference up so easily with winning trades with RR's over 2


Hi Shakone

i wanted to answer your comments sensibly and therefore have waited until the weekend and the end of the month to reply.

Lets look at some facts about myself first before looking at the other comments you have mentioned about the site etc

I am a full time short term ( not just a scalper) Intraday trader who as been trading for approximately 11 years of which the last 6 years have been full time . That's the main fact.

I have only been blogging for the last 2-3 years and have found out in the last 18 months that I can actually focus better with more pressure ( not money pressure ) on me to perform. As you are aware trading can be a lonely game and so to be able to maintain the level of focus and concentration to be in your own "zone" takes some doing.

A few years ago - my target was only 30 pips a day and if I went over it - i just stopped and finished and did other leisure activities. That meant some days I might only trade for an hour of two and then was not pushing myself to improve. If I did not hit my 30+ pips - I kept on going with some days needing 5 -6 hrs just to get there.

Now - even though I am in my late 50's - I had spent over 25 years in businesses and was used to the 50 -70 hr working week culture - as well as the occasional weekends etc etc. So for me to think now I might only spend 15 hours a week or so trading was not motivational enough - i needed more .

I wanted to still be in control - ie have half days off or full days when I want - but some days - i want to push myself 8 -10 hrs - to test my capabilities etc.

I increased my daily targets up to 50 pips per day and also decided if I had to I would look at trading up to a maximum of 25 trades a day - from pre Opens to after 7 pm UK time.

If you look back through every single day of my thread - I comment 35 - 55 times a day and have generally taken an average of only 14 trades a day.

So - on average 30 comments are relevant - ie entries and then 2 min or 20 mins or even 2 hrs later the exits.

The other 5 - 20 comments are connected with market structure - news and also even comments on pairs I am not actually trading but have correlations with pairs I might be in

My daily comments are only of interest for short term day traders who might be trading between 7.00 am UK time to normally 5.00pm.

If you are one of those traders - you will find my comments of interest and ever since you proved 1-5 min scalps are not appearing quickly enough - I have now incorporated further comments with plans of action at certain times and at certain price points.

Then I copy those messages 15 - 30 mins or even 4 hrs later to prove to all "doubters" that i did actually say that and have stayed with my own particular short term forecast.

I am not a fortune teller or weather forecaster - ie I have great difficulty in forecasting 2 or 4 hours +away - and that is why normally I am accurate with easily over 70% accuracy overall in 30 min time zones

My main objective is too squash any notion that its is impossible to be profitable or make money every day - ie every day you trade.

I don't stop with just a 1 pip profit - my target is 50 pips - OK one day this last month I only made 47 pips - but it was still a nice positive profit. After making over 13000 live trades - surely you would expect me to be good ?

No one seems to have worked out that even with 3 or 4 bad trades in a row - you can still have a profitable day. The "key" is experience ( yes 11 yrs) tight stops and of course great MM combined with "free trade" concept.

I appreciate many guru's or tutors etc etc - have not got my ability and skill level and not everybody can do what i do - but it is possible - but not just after 2 - 3 years of trading.

I know some traders of over 5 yrs plus don't like me giving some tips away to others - as they feel newbies should go through what they went through - ie getting ripped off on courses and then spending 1000's of hour to learn the skill

I had help on my journey - and although I have no time for commercial traders and get rich quick merchants - I will assist or help traders who are prepared to do the distance to get there

I am including a link to a previous Live account FX competition with Iron FX

No I did not win it - ( was not even in it) but the winner put on 3625% on a live $1000 + account in approx 1 month

See - certain traders can do marvels with real money accounts - but the old timers at T2W seem to think anyone doing over even 30% a month on a live account of over $50 k is telling massive porkers

I can do several thousand percent increase on a $50 dollar account in a week - yes a week - but no way could I do it with big money - but 20 -50% a month is certainly do able for experienced retail forex traders - ie that top 5% - who know what they are doing and have loads of experience behind them

Its a shame this site as seemed to have attracted so many rogues or fraudsters - but no way should you guys think every new member with experience is a crook

I have said numerous times I am not selling anything - except maybe retail intraday forex experience - free of charge.

PS - NO WAY - will I show my performance records and previous account history. That remains private - but even If I did show part or even a month of trades - many would say its a demo account or its been doctored - which of course is so easy to do

So records should always be taken with a "pinch of salt" - basically you cannot win with any type of proof - as the doubters and moaners will always pull it apart.

The real proof - is me having no losing days and telling others some of my plans for the session - in advance - proving with out doubt that I can read PA and get more calls right then wrong - and make money doing it.

Finally - if you think that is of no interest to T2W members Shakone - then why have I had 20k hits in exactly one month ?? Some days there as been 19 traders at one time reading my comments ( still exceptionally low - was getting 200 a day on another site) - most of these traders are "dark" or invisible - but that does not bother me - why should it 🙂

Hope that makes some sense to you

Have a good December - I will ;-)



Phew, mate, you do go on about yourself. Very few people want to read about all that stuff. How about some nitty-gritty.
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Phew, mate, you do go on about yourself. Very few people want to read about all that stuff. How about some nitty-gritty.

Hi Spitlink

LOL - my wife says that - and I have a job getting a word in ;-)

Too much free time today is my excuse ;-)

Nitty - gritty - like why do many guru's teachers or other experienced traders not mention time windows - ie 9 mins either side the 30 / 60 min frame changes ??

Why do so many traders use Moving Averages - when Linear Regression indicators are so much better ?

Why you cannot be accurate enough with naked charts ?

Why you would need to be exceptional good to make money every day or week by just taking 1 or 2 trades a day ?

Quality should always be better than quantity - but in forex trading - you need both to be successful and make above average returns ?

Money management and "free trades" can account up to 60% of the reasons you make money ?

That's enough nitty gritty for a start


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I'm not here to bait you, I shall not be here long enough for that, but it seems to me to be superhuman to, in less than a month, get a thread of 343 pages together and trade properly, at the same time because, in addition I have seen your name on other threads, as well.

I suggest that posting, on this site alone, has become, practically, a fulltime occupation for you and there must be a reason for that, other than goodwill to all men, etc.

Anyway, thanks for the Nitty-gritty questions. Now, we need nitty-gritty answers to them, please.
. . . Now, we need nitty-gritty answers to them, please.
Hi F',
In response to Split's request, how about starting with what I imagine is fairly basic, i.e. doesn't require you to do anything you're not happy doing. Namely, can you explain, clearly and simply, (ideally with charts to illustrate your points), why Linear Regression indicators are so much better than moving averages? Not on this thread, obviously, but on a new thread in the Technical Analysis forum. Sharing some of what you know rather than battering us all senseless with how much you know is the way to win people over!

On a separate note, your comments to Shakone about the IronFX comp' have merit, but they don't tell the whole story. Anyone who has participated in trading competitions knows that it's possible to compound an account by stupid amounts in double quick time, but that isn't possible on a properly funded live account. I'll bet you anything you like that Ms. Tiantian Ye didn't take her winnings and attempt to do the same thing with real money. Her prize monies are, almost certainly, sitting in a building society account earning 5% interest p/a tops! Yes, the comp' was live with real money but, as I'm sure you are aware, there are ways around that too. Obviously, I have no idea how she approached this particular comp', but I know how I'd have gone about it had I entered it. I'd have put in the minimum initial deposit allowed. (I've no idea what this is, but my guess is that it's quite small to open up the comp' to as many people as possible.) I'd then trade conservatively to begin with so as to preserve capital. One can do this on a comp' lasting 3 months. Assuming the trader has a reasonably sound strategy, then profits will slowly start to build. As they do, said profits can be allocated to taking the same trades, based on the same methodology, but utilising ever increasing levels of margin. Winning any comp' of this nature is all about utilising margin to the absolute maximum. Why? Because that's the only way to achieve the staggering returns in such a short space of time. Basically, one has to break all the accepted rules of risk and money management. But that's okay, because the profits are paper ones - not real ones. Is it replicable in real life? Theoretically yes, but in practice no. As you yourself have said (one too) many times, the trader hits a psychological brick wall beyond which they can't go - regardless of their confidence in their methodology. And then there's lady luck of course. Let's not forget her! Ms. Ye and the other winners may simply have got lucky by trading predominantly to the long/short side of a strongly trending instrument.
Hi Forexmospherian, hope you're well 🙂

Hi Shakone

i wanted to answer your comments sensibly and therefore have waited until the weekend and the end of the month to reply.

Lets look at some facts about myself first before looking at the other comments you have mentioned about the site etc

I am a full time short term ( not just a scalper) Intraday trader who as been trading for approximately 11 years of which the last 6 years have been full time .

That's the main fact.

That's not a fact. A fact is something that can be verified to be true. Since you refuse to verify (or can't), it's not a fact to anyone else. Might be true, might not. You erroneously appear to think that because you've said something, it becomes a fact.

A few years ago - my target was only 30 pips a day and if I went over it - i just stopped and finished and did other leisure activities. That meant some days I might only trade for an hour of two and then was not pushing myself to improve. If I did not hit my 30+ pips - I kept on going with some days needing 5 -6 hrs just to get there.

Now - even though I am in my late 50's - I had spent over 25 years in businesses and was used to the 50 -70 hr working week culture - as well as the occasional weekends etc etc. So for me to think now I might only spend 15 hours a week or so trading was not motivational enough - i needed more .

I wanted to still be in control - ie have half days off or full days when I want - but some days - i want to push myself 8 -10 hrs - to test my capabilities etc.

I increased my daily targets up to 50 pips per day and also decided if I had to I would look at trading up to a maximum of 25 trades a day - from pre Opens to after 7 pm UK time.

If you look back through every single day of my thread - I comment 35 - 55 times a day and have generally taken an average of only 14 trades a day.

So - on average 30 comments are relevant - ie entries and then 2 min or 20 mins or even 2 hrs later the exits.

The other 5 - 20 comments are connected with market structure - news and also even comments on pairs I am not actually trading but have correlations with pairs I might be in

My daily comments are only of interest for short term day traders who might be trading between 7.00 am UK time to normally 5.00pm.

I am not interested in your history. Why would anyone be? Plus, it's just a repeat of things you've already said a bunch of times. Like how you will say once or twice a day, that you've spent thousands of hours and taken 7000 trades on small timeframes with stops of 7 pips or less. Change the record. It's boring.

My main objective is too squash any notion that its is impossible to be profitable or make money every day - ie every day you trade.

It's possible that you can end up profitable almost every day.

I don't stop with just a 1 pip profit - my target is 50 pips - OK one day this last month I only made 47 pips - but it was still a nice positive profit. After making over 13000 live trades - surely you would expect me to be good ?

Oh it's 13,000 now. If I have a coin-flipping trade strategy which enters random direction and exits just prior to close, would you expect it to be good after taking 13,000 trades?

Practising helps, if it is properly directed. But no, I don't expect you to be good after 13,000 trades.

See - certain traders can do marvels with real money accounts - but the old timers at T2W seem to think anyone doing over even 30% a month on a live account of over $50 k is telling massive porkers

I can do several thousand percent increase on a $50 dollar account in a week - yes a week - but no way could I do it with big money - but 20 -50% a month is certainly do able for experienced retail forex traders - ie that top 5% - who know what they are doing and have loads of experience behind them

Its a shame this site as seemed to have attracted so many rogues or fraudsters - but no way should you guys think every new member with experience is a crook

Good for you. Has nothing to do with any objections that were posed to you though.

I have said numerous times I am not selling anything - except maybe retail intraday forex experience - free of charge.

Yes, as do most vendors before they drop the act. I don't remember ever saying that I wasn't selling anything on this site (does that mean I am?), nor do most members who have been here for years, because it just isn't an issue. You've said it a multitude of times in your short spell here. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Finally - if you think that is of no interest to T2W members Shakone - then why have I had 20k hits in exactly one month ?? Some days there as been 19 traders at one time reading my comments ( still exceptionally low - was getting 200 a day on another site) - most of these traders are "dark" or invisible - but that does not bother me - why should it 🙂

On the contrary, I am sure it is of interest to many members, and to T2W. Just not to me. That's what I posted previously.

However, I wouldn't get too carried away, as we once had a thread on legendary trader Dennis Richards that had a massive number of views, yet was also full of nonsense (admin please reinstate that thread). It did have a lot of humour though and some nice pictures, so consider adding those features to increase interest in your thread. And anyway, with you and MajorMagnum posting around 700-800 posts a week (more than the rest of the top 10 posters combined), it keeps your thread frequently at the top of the new posts, which is what people tend to look at.

All this is irrelevant though. A thread on money management that garnered a mere 100 views could easily have more interesting and beneficial content than the 1000's of posts and views your thread has.

99% of people come to trading and do the wrong things, and not just when they're trading. They look at the wrong (imo) threads, cover their charts in crap, follow the wrong sort of people, and hope for the wrong things, like get rich quick schemes with only 10 minutes trading a day, or two-day vendor training courses for thousands of pounds. They are very interested in this sort of stuff.

Anyway, a merry Christmas to you and your family :cheers:
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Am I alone in suspecting Forexmospherian and MajorMagnuM are the same?

One of the signs of madness is talking to yourself! Does fit with the general theme of the thread!
I have just come back after an evening out and see quite a few questions to answer - no problem - i will go through them with replies to each request - just please give me an hour or so reply ;-)


Hi F',
In response to Split's request, how about starting with what I imagine is fairly basic, i.e. doesn't require you to do anything you're not happy doing. Namely, can you explain, clearly and simply, (ideally with charts to illustrate your points), why Linear Regression indicators are so much better than moving averages? Not on this thread, obviously, but on a new thread in the Technical Analysis forum. Sharing some of what you know rather than battering us all senseless with how much you know is the way to win people over!

On a separate note, your comments to Shakone about the IronFX comp' have merit, but they don't tell the whole story. Anyone who has participated in trading competitions knows that it's possible to compound an account by stupid amounts in double quick time, but that isn't possible on a properly funded live account. I'll bet you anything you like that Ms. Tiantian Ye didn't take her winnings and attempt to do the same thing with real money. Her prize monies are, almost certainly, sitting in a building society account earning 5% interest p/a tops! Yes, the comp' was live with real money but, as I'm sure you are aware, there are ways around that too. Obviously, I have no idea how she approached this particular comp', but I know how I'd have gone about it had I entered it. I'd have put in the minimum initial deposit allowed. (I've no idea what this is, but my guess is that it's quite small to open up the comp' to as many people as possible.) I'd then trade conservatively to begin with so as to preserve capital. One can do this on a comp' lasting 3 months. Assuming the trader has a reasonably sound strategy, then profits will slowly start to build. As they do, said profits can be allocated to taking the same trades, based on the same methodology, but utilising ever increasing levels of margin. Winning any comp' of this nature is all about utilising margin to the absolute maximum. Why? Because that's the only way to achieve the staggering returns in such a short space of time. Basically, one has to break all the accepted rules of risk and money management. But that's okay, because the profits are paper ones - not real ones. Is it replicable in real life? Theoretically yes, but in practice no. As you yourself have said (one too) many times, the trader hits a psychological brick wall beyond which they can't go - regardless of their confidence in their methodology. And then there's lady luck of course. Let's not forget her! Ms. Ye and the other winners may simply have got lucky by trading predominantly to the long/short side of a strongly trending instrument.

Hi Tim

Happy to do some threads in technical analysis section with some really interesting info - totally free of charge . I will start with a Linear regression one and then also will do a few more to include time windows and HH's and HL's

What's nice then all the guru's or tutors who are genuine and can properly trade and make money will be totally peed off with me - as too much free info is no good for the training industry ;-) - plus many an experienced trader will say please keep it to yourself - ie for giving away tips you would not normally read about.

Still am I bothered - no - its hardly going to effect my trading and I am fully retired in just over 2 years time - and I am NOT selling anything to the annoyance of all ;-)

Regarding the comps - yes only the ones with real money are worth looking at - but if you start with say $100 or $500 then really you can put 1000's of percent increase on - just taking the account to 2 or 3 grand.

The Iron FX comp was with real money - that one was not a demo account contest

With a $25k + account its a total different ball game - as then you need to be prepared to take massive risk and lose even $50 - 100k on you way to the half million plus in a month or two. So only experienced very rich gambler can play that game

I know I could not do that - losing anything over $5k on trades does my head in but playing with say $100 and taking it up 2000% in a week is hardly any worry - what's the worry of losing a few hundred or even at 500% increase - seeing it all go in 3 bad trades ;-)

I do agree luck comes into it - if you have say 4 bad trades in first 10 trades - you might blow keeping up with the leaders - if you can get to 20 trades with only 1 or 2 bad ones - you are well on the way to trebling or even ten folding the account depending on the leverage and you own risk factor etc ;-)

I would also like to take a $50 account up to a 12000% increase within 100 trades and within one trading week. Many have done the 5000% and 10000% but not aware of a 12000% increase with those stipulations.

At the moment - I am not good enough and not had a bit of luck and a cracking pip moving week to carry it out ;-)

However I will keep trying in 2014 and of course will have proper audited account proof should I ever make it ;-)


Hi Shakone

I think it will take more than 15 mins to answer all your points - so will answer your comments tomorrow sometime and not after I have had a few Remy's as I might get carried away ;-)

Thank you and good trading and Merry Christmas as well to you and your family - and lets hope 2014 is a cracker for trading ;-)


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