Hi Shakone
i wanted to answer your comments sensibly and therefore have waited until the weekend and the end of the month to reply.
Lets look at some facts about myself first before looking at the other comments you have mentioned about the site etc
I am a full time short term ( not just a scalper) Intraday trader who as been trading for approximately 11 years of which the last 6 years have been full time . That's the main fact.
I have only been blogging for the last 2-3 years and have found out in the last 18 months that I can actually focus better with more pressure ( not money pressure ) on me to perform. As you are aware trading can be a lonely game and so to be able to maintain the level of focus and concentration to be in your own "zone" takes some doing.
A few years ago - my target was only 30 pips a day and if I went over it - i just stopped and finished and did other leisure activities. That meant some days I might only trade for an hour of two and then was not pushing myself to improve. If I did not hit my 30+ pips - I kept on going with some days needing 5 -6 hrs just to get there.
Now - even though I am in my late 50's - I had spent over 25 years in businesses and was used to the 50 -70 hr working week culture - as well as the occasional weekends etc etc. So for me to think now I might only spend 15 hours a week or so trading was not motivational enough - i needed more .
I wanted to still be in control - ie have half days off or full days when I want - but some days - i want to push myself 8 -10 hrs - to test my capabilities etc.
I increased my daily targets up to 50 pips per day and also decided if I had to I would look at trading up to a maximum of 25 trades a day - from pre Opens to after 7 pm UK time.
If you look back through every single day of my thread - I comment 35 - 55 times a day and have generally taken an average of only 14 trades a day.
So - on average 30 comments are relevant - ie entries and then 2 min or 20 mins or even 2 hrs later the exits.
The other 5 - 20 comments are connected with market structure - news and also even comments on pairs I am not actually trading but have correlations with pairs I might be in
My daily comments are only of interest for short term day traders who might be trading between 7.00 am UK time to normally 5.00pm.
If you are one of those traders - you will find my comments of interest and ever since you proved 1-5 min scalps are not appearing quickly enough - I have now incorporated further comments with plans of action at certain times and at certain price points.
Then I copy those messages 15 - 30 mins or even 4 hrs later to prove to all "doubters" that i did actually say that and have stayed with my own particular short term forecast.
I am not a fortune teller or weather forecaster - ie I have great difficulty in forecasting 2 or 4 hours +away - and that is why normally I am accurate with easily over 70% accuracy overall in 30 min time zones
My main objective is too squash any notion that its is impossible to be profitable or make money every day - ie every day you trade.
I don't stop with just a 1 pip profit - my target is 50 pips - OK one day this last month I only made 47 pips - but it was still a nice positive profit. After making over 13000 live trades - surely you would expect me to be good ?
No one seems to have worked out that even with 3 or 4 bad trades in a row - you can still have a profitable day. The "key" is experience ( yes 11 yrs) tight stops and of course great MM combined with "free trade" concept.
I appreciate many guru's or tutors etc etc - have not got my ability and skill level and not everybody can do what i do - but it is possible - but not just after 2 - 3 years of trading.
I know some traders of over 5 yrs plus don't like me giving some tips away to others - as they feel newbies should go through what they went through - ie getting ripped off on courses and then spending 1000's of hour to learn the skill
I had help on my journey - and although I have no time for commercial traders and get rich quick merchants - I will assist or help traders who are prepared to do the distance to get there
I am including a link to a previous Live account FX competition with Iron FX
No I did not win it - ( was not even in it) but the winner put on 3625% on a live $1000 + account in approx 1 month
See - certain traders can do marvels with real money accounts - but the old timers at T2W seem to think anyone doing over even 30% a month on a live account of over $50 k is telling massive porkers
I can do several thousand percent increase on a $50 dollar account in a week - yes a week - but no way could I do it with big money - but 20 -50% a month is certainly do able for experienced retail forex traders - ie that top 5% - who know what they are doing and have loads of experience behind them
Its a shame this site as seemed to have attracted so many rogues or fraudsters - but no way should you guys think every new member with experience is a crook
I have said numerous times I am not selling anything - except maybe retail intraday forex experience - free of charge.
PS - NO WAY - will I show my performance records and previous account history. That remains private - but even If I did show part or even a month of trades - many would say its a demo account or its been doctored - which of course is so easy to do
So records should always be taken with a "pinch of salt" - basically you cannot win with any type of proof - as the doubters and moaners will always pull it apart.
The real proof - is me having no losing days and telling others some of my plans for the session - in advance - proving with out doubt that I can read PA and get more calls right then wrong - and make money doing it.
Finally - if you think that is of no interest to T2W members Shakone - then why have I had 20k hits in exactly one month ?? Some days there as been 19 traders at one time reading my comments ( still exceptionally low - was getting 200 a day on another site) - most of these traders are "dark" or invisible - but that does not bother me - why should it
Hope that makes some sense to you
Have a good December - I will ;-)