Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I´m done for today. See you tomorrow noon/afternoon.

If tomorrow will be a + day, then i will have 10 consecutive winning days. Huge progress.

Have a nice evening F.
GU comment 36 mins ago

GU did not stay under 7160 and now made 65/6

Next R's at 70 /71 and then 78 /80

Which will line up in a TW for a scalp sell ??

GU quote from 2 hr ago

Well it was 70 /71 at 4 09 pm the sell

So far made 53 and under 58 still a scalp sell - I am down to 30% stakes with stop now moved to 60
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I´m done for today. See you tomorrow noon/afternoon.

If tomorrow will be a + day, then i will have 10 consecutive winning days. Huge progress.

Have a nice evening F.

Well Done Sunzy and glad you progressing

Even if you have 2 or 3 losing trades in a day - as long as you keep your stops tights - you can make it back. Monday this week I had 5 losses in total - still made over 50 pips for the day though - although it was hard work and had to take more trades than normal later in the day

Yes tomorrow and even Friday could be very interesting

See you again tomorrow and similar - have a nice evening


Check out your chart for yesterday with the times on when nice moves take place

You will notice that when a high or low - at any level - ie need not be high of day or low of day - holds for approx 30 mins - then price favours the reversal or pullback - but only for next 30 mins

When a high or low as held then for 1 hr - its open for another challenge then - but normally the longer the level holds - the stronger it becomes - and then it might not be broken for days or weeks etc - and when it is - it might take 2 or 3 goes etc

For example that interim high on EU at 3 00pm at 3659/60 - held 30 mins etc but now could be challenged and breached after 4 00 pm

hope that explains further



10/10 post.......(y)

I use this a lot on individual currency strengths as well.......once something is not driving onwards I look for retraces ...........all currencies are constantly in flux and trying to change positions

N :smart:
hey guys .....i'm travelling for a while now in the usa (business and pleasure) .....will be back early August

keep the markets warm while i'm gone

signing off
hey guys .....i'm travelling for a while now in the usa (business and pleasure) .....will be back early August

keep the markets warm while i'm gone

signing off

You enjoy and look forward to doing some trades with you in August

Take care


Thursday 3rd July 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning FX Intraday Traders

Not a normal Thursday - instead its a Freaky Thursday with the NFP and 8 other Red News items - including UK Pound news at 9 30 am and then over lunch ECB / NFP / Trade balances etc and then at 3 00 pm more Red US dollar news

What a News day :cool:

Don't let it put your off - just make sure you know the times of these events and ideally be out of intraday trades at least 5 -10 mins beforehand if you don't plan to leave them on over the announcements etc.

Many trade news - I don't normally - but always try and get a scalp within the 9 mins TW afterwards - but will at least try and give you my prediction a few mins beforehand just based on PA and price structure - based on the most important time frames - ie the tick and one minute charts

OK - normal stuff for a start - quick update and reviews and yes already in scalps from last 2 TW's - but not always keen to say on this thread every scalp - as some might all be done and dusted in 2 -4 minutes - ie too quick to be taken after I post and you actually read them after they appear

That reminds me - all new followers - in busy times - refresh the thread page every 30 seconds to see the latest comment - as some busy times - it might be 2-5 minutes before they even appear.

Have a good day



Price atm at 3648 at 6 51am - start of the EO hr time window ( TW) and its still a scalp sell for now

For me - 3630 -40 area is a key dynamic and horizontal ( static) S & R area.

We need to stay above for the EU to be trying 3680 and 3700+ again - and if we breach under - then I will be favouring more scalp sells - at least down to 3600 and then 3580 and 3550.

With all of todays events - the EU could be all over the place - all the fundamentalists etc and longer term chartists have large down bias on EU - feel it should be under 3000 - even down to low 2000 - rather than stay above 3500.

For me - they are just "fortune tellers" - or "guessers" - I really don't have a clue if in next week or quarter the EU might hit 4500+ or 2500 - I tend to think it will not hit either - but I just have no real bias over a day's time frames - as in the World economics such much can even happen in 24 hrs - never mind a week or month.

The fact that we have stayed above 3000 for a long time and not been over 4000 - that 1000 pip range is massive for intraday trading and nowadays the EU ATR can be as small as 50 pips and only on days like today may it try over 100 -150 pip moves - ie 60 -100 pip total day travel seem the average - but actual pip moves in that range can be 250 -350 pips over 24 hrs - so enough to have a go at ;-)

For holding scalp buys - we need back over 3655 and 3660+ for now

Will update this pair through out the day - even when I am not trading it
7 08 am

EU posted a HL at 3644/5 just and bounced after hr change

36475 became a scalp buy - but without going over 55 then it can only be a quick scalp buy

Back under 44 and 41 would still be scalp sells

We have some red news on the UK Pound at 9 30 am - so a pair I will be trading in that hour

Currently 7150 price area and in a scalp sell for me from 6 21 am and 7157

Now would need under 46 and 43 to hold on - so down to 30% stakes with stop in 2 pips of profit
GU - 7 16 am

Just to explain to non scalpers - anyone not holding any scalp sell on the GU could have taken a scalp buy at 48/49 - but for me I came out 70% of scalp sell stakes and held 30% hoping it will not go back up over 55 and 58 - but instead - stay under and drop again under 46 and lower.

I might be wrong and of course - its easier in hindsight - it might have been better to exit 100% of scalp sell and then just take a scalp buy - but in real time- you don't always get it right - but whatever happens - make sure you get profit out of your trade - and I have - whatever now happens
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like the EU - bullish after EO and now needs 139 12 and 15 to hold any scalp buys on longer

Scalp sells really only under 139 00 for me for now
7 08 am

EU posted a HL at 3644/5 just and bounced after hr change

36475 became a scalp buy - but without going over 55 then it can only be a quick scalp buy

Back under 44 and 41 would still be scalp sells

Comment from approx 12 mins ago on EU

EU now testing 3654/5 area - I am down to 30% stake on scalp buy as before 57 would expect normally to scalp sell again
AU and EA

Aussie news during the Asian session - change it again - with AU dropping back under 9400 down to 9370 area and EA shooting up approx 100 pips to 4565 price area

Both resting atm - but 2 pairs I will be also trading today and will check every 30 -60 mins

That reminds me - out at London Open - just prior for 20 -30 mins - but back that hour

Bu**er ;-) - Gu took my 30% stop with 2 pips of profit out at 30% stakes- then stopped and fell again

I guess the market does not even like you having just 2 pips when you are being greedy and trying to catch so many pips all the while ;-(

Needs under 45 to convince me to hold a scalp sell on longer
While its pretty slow - will explain my GU trade

Entered at 6 lots at 6 21 am at 71572 - and exited 4 lots at 7 04 am at 71486 after low of 46

So net after spread and commissions approx $306 then 2 lots still left on with profits locked in at 2 pips - so minimum $40 extra making it a $350 approx trade - BUT if I had taken 100% off at say 8 pips profit net - I would have made $480 instead - so missed out on $130 - but if we had just gone my way another 3 -5 pips - i would have then had over $540+ instead and if it had moved say another 10 pips lower my 30% would have made me another £170 approx .

However it did not - but my 70% winnings allows the 30% to even go into a negative situation - and I am still up money wise on the main trade

Hope that makes sense etc
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you should be on low fat stuff with the bacon sarnie -------- your waist line must be large eating all that junk food
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