Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Turns again being tried

8 09 am was not clean and we are still 2 mins away to a new time window - but already had scalp buy clues on a few pairs

When its not clean - and there is teasing - I normally just wait and sit on hands until next opportunity
GU - another try higher and now at 6768 - R's at 75 -80 area

I think time for a bacon sarnie = prior to next hr and the GU news

See you in a bit
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bye catch you later ---- thankyou GU for a few more pips ( as the rump would say this is like mining for gold dust )
EA - interim top 7 39 am - need above 4448 and 50 for more scalp buys

I think my favourite pair this morning is the EA

I know some brokers stick a 3- 4 pip spread on it - and so put many off - but deal I have with both FXpro and Dukascopy is between 1.2 and 2 pips - so although higher than EU and EJ - - it can still net you more money due to the larger moves

So far since the Interim top at 7 39 am at 4444 - the EA as now dropped over30 pips

I dropped down to 30% scalp sell stakes at 4430 - when it looked a though it might have pulled back - but unlike the EU and EJ - it kept falling at now after 9 09 am its fell under 13 to the previous low at 4409 /10

Its 6 mins to next time window at the half hr and also GU news as well then

Holding scalp sell still but will exit totally if we try up back over 16

with approx 10 mins to news - in a tight range of 20 pips for me - ie approx 6772 to 52

WE need a clear breach of say 3 -5 pips either way to look at next move

I favour back up again - but with news - anything might be attempted - including 2 way spikes

So will wait to dust settles - if there is any - and then review and decide if It worth jumping in
That's better on GU now

Apparently hesitation due to one UK news item being positive - and the other news item not go good

We have made 6786 now and above 72 still in scalp buy bias - but I wlll pull out now and review again after any pullbacks
Cheers BP - you too

EA down near big round number at 4400 - not in it atm

EJ - down to 30% stake of scalp sell at 39

EU - missed that fall - but near supports again at 3520-22 area

GU up again at 6792 - not in atm but a scalp buy above 6777 for now

AU - still not quite made 9400

Will update after 10 00 am

Been a good morning with nice scalp movements on many pairs

Time for a cuppa again
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