Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Approx last 4 hrs the EU as risen from the 3520 -22 support area to 3540 ish and as been a scalp buy. Now 3545-50 is a R area and so we might be able to look for scalp sells again under say 53-55.

So far this week the EU as continued to be bearish with new lows. I will be as normal looking for scalp trades in both directions all depending on how the EU price reacts at different interim S & R levels
EJ - similar to EU - but a pair I prefer to take more trades on - as normally a quicker and larger mover.

Fell to 138 29 and now last 4 hrs moved back up to 138 55 area - and like the EU a possible scalp sell a sit hits R area's

From the 6 30am TW its been a nice scalp buy making over 11 pips so far - but now at this TW get ready for pullbacks from under 62-65
Will update etc on EA - GU - AU and also the UJ a bit later on - but EA like EJ and EU - hitting R's areas and ready for pullbacks soon
morning peter -------- just thinking if you talk like you type the better half must go to bed with a sore head every night and little chance of dovet action for poor old you
EJ - 1 Min LR Chart - Showing Scalps available this morning

Was not about for first scalp buy this morning - but nice PA on this pair so far



  • EJ - 11614.JPG
    EJ - 11614.JPG
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morning peter -------- just thinking if you talk like you type the better half must go to bed with a sore head every night and little chance of dovet action for poor old you

LOL - This is why you need a younger wife - she can stick her headphones on and ignore my comments (y)

Nice morning so far on all 3 Euro pairs - I can enjoy my bacon sarnie a bit earlier

Have a good day


The EJ had the best pullback out the 3 - but noticed on the bounces - the EA as now continued higher into more R's

Will update and review a few other pairs now
question P -------- do you prefer the hourly time slot over the half hour one ???

Yes - normally there is more action on the hourly slot.

I would say in pure approximates - for the 2 main Time Windows - ie 30 and 60 mins- in their 18 min windows - at least 80% of changes happen - with the hour TW having maybe 60%+ of them.

Main times for me within a minute or so are

Hour - 9 min past - 21 mins past - half hour - 39 mins past - 51 mins past

Those are key times - with the 51 min - hour and 9 mins past the busier one - although that still does not mean you cannot have a 100 -200 pip fall and then stop at exactly on the half hr change - it all depends - when it lines up with major or interim S & R area
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ok thankyou ----- without saying to much were your ( 7.00am time slot shorts ) ------EJ 7.03/4am and EU 7.01/2am ???
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Price atm 6763 and a nice scalp buy from 7 30 am and the 52/3 area

Above 6757 - still scalp bullish for now with R's at 70 -75 area

Need really back under 6750 to think about holding or taking new scalp sells

Just noticed as done twice in last hr a interim top at 3645/6 - in both cases fell - but you cannot hold scalp sells on longer until really under 34 and 30

Don't normally trade this pair - as preferring EJ - but had been rising late May and then fell back a bit in June. Whist still above 102 20 - still think we might have more tries up again. Under 102 17 and 102 00 would be looking at more sells
8 00 am and London Open

Main news today at 9 30 am on the UK and pound again

Will be checking this pair out more prior to news

Just checking out next 9 mins now - a busy morning so far - but be careful - we might get some trick moves now
I think my favourite pair this morning is the EA

I know some brokers stick a 3- 4 pip spread on it - and so put many off - but deal I have with both FXpro and Dukascopy is between 1.2 and 2 pips - so although higher than EU and EJ - - it can still net you more money due to the larger moves
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