Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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9 03 am - Both EU and EJ still falling after hr change

GU news in approx 25 mins or so and atm GU still in a BTTZ

Looking to see when it may be possible to scalp buy EU and EJ and that really depends on strengths of the supports they are now testing
EU - now at 3601 - i would need 3609 and 13 to hold on any scalp buys taken at 3600 area,

It is trying to bounce - but LR structure as still got a sell on the 3 whites - but that could change any minite

2 mins to end of time window as well

Presently at 138 75 - and I still have a 30% scalp sell on with stop in profit at 87.

Supports are at 65 -70 area so would look there for any turns

That might tie in with the GU news as well on the half hr chnage
GU with 2 mins to news

Under 6747 still a sell - but looks a set up to me - so dont be surprised if we have a full turn

Will not be in a scalp for news - but will be after wards
GU with 2 mins to news

Under 6747 still a sell - but looks a set up to me - so dont be surprised if we have a full turn

Will not be in a scalp for news - but will be after wards

Morning F

Bang on with your prediction that it was a false sell and has retraced 20 pips. Can you see it pushing higher again?


News an anticlimax - we dropped down to 6724 - and then the news bounce it back in the 50 area and now its just under 6740 again

Under 47 It is a sell still but with supports now from 30 and 35 areas
Morning F

Bang on with your prediction that it was a false sell and has retraced 20 pips. Can you see it pushing higher again?


Morning Derolo

Difficult at the moment on GU - as under 6747 and 40 its a sell - but we do have some good supports

If the supports can hold then we might get a turn up again

Main supports at 6720 -30 and 35 areas
EJ and EU

EJ as held atm - but EU as pushed under 3600 and testing 3595

We would need back over 3604 and 07 to scalp buy and so for now - still have to hold any scalp sells to next time window
GU for 10 00 am UK hr change

Low was 6724 - and then we have had a HL at 6726 and now above 6730 we have a scalp buy knowing we need over 40 and 47 to hold on - otherwise take what profit you can get
10 09 am - end of hr time window and we have managed 6745 so far - down now to 30% stake on scalp buy with stop in profit at 38

Going to have a 30 min break - back later

EU and EJ

Both support areas have held for now

Not in either atm but will be looking for more scalp buys on both at suitable opportunities

ej - 1 Min LR chart for this morning


  • EJ - 2614.JPG
    EJ - 2614.JPG
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Eur Aud - 1 min LR Chart for Monday 2nd June up to 11 am


EA - Chart showing effect of Aussie news in the Asian session


  • EA - 2614.JPG
    EA - 2614.JPG
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Both EJ and EU are scalp sells down to this 11 30 am time window

Will look now to see if I can find scalp buys over next 18 mins
Morning, hope you're all well. Just to say I made reference to this thread (post #17620) in my FX Day Trading thread. Didn't say anything bad lol, but thought it common courtesy to let you know. Cheers.
Morning, hope you're all well. Just to say I made reference to this thread (post #17620) in my FX Day Trading thread. Didn't say anything bad lol, but thought it common courtesy to let you know. Cheers.

Morning DJ

Just seen it - and thank you and commented basically saying please don't leave this forum - you have far too much to offer - and also have a great trading month(y)


11 41 am - end of half hr time window - and yes -the EU and EJ did become scalp buys again

Locked 30% on scalp buy on EU with stop in 1 pip of profit at 36026
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