Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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anyone get that ej long\? it made a LL then turned. there was little clue?

Totally agree

i was over 15 pips late - yes - that bad

But I know once over 32 it was safe to try up still - as mentioned level before needed on first scalp buy signs

If we dont get over 55 in next 7 mins - will exit
I miss some as well , a skype room with a few like minded traders is the answer. You get a " heads up " much quicker than a forum.

Yes - i do agree

i had a problem with skype though - as ended up with headaches and too much talking and questions etc - but agree - if you get the right group - it can be beneficial for all - and with no lags etc

Ideally like a bit of both - with notes on levels - but with talk for entries etc etc
Yes - i do agree

i had a problem with skype though - as ended up with headaches and too much talking and questions etc - but agree - if you get the right group - it can be beneficial for all - and with no lags etc

Ideally like a bit of both - with notes on levels - but with talk for entries etc etc

Agreed -- I've been in a few over the years. Talk must be kept to simply levels , set ups etc and entries / exits ( if the trader wants to ) , any other chit chat in a side room or after the money is made.
I missed eu short as well , my thinking was it would go back up to previous support at 71 then go down.

Trade what you see not what you think !!!
Off for a break again

EU low so far at 3657 and under 64 still a scalp sell

Low last week I think was 3650 - so will we or won't we ????

See you later guys

my criteria was 59 giving way, which it did. faster lines were under. closed it now as 60 did not hold.minus 3
Did you see the pa sell signals on ej and gj at the top M ? Exactly as we discussed.
eu. try 60 before hour change? longer structure bearish, but my mid term lr are saying higher
meant to say ej. apologies
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