Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I would only buy the NU when price is 10 -15 pip higher than it is

There just so many barriers either side - the NU is not one for me atm

that can easily change next 30 mins - so will watch

i was hoping there t0o point out the config that gets me in too early on occassion

all says here on my chart - sell

But its stalling - although would not look at scalp buy until back over 75+ and atm at 66
i was hoping there t0o point out the config that gets me in too early on occassion

The NU is an interesting LR configuration

If supports at 55- 60 hold - then all might turn

If supports let go - might just get another 10 -30+ pip drop

Next hr will give us more clues
The EJ turn and move up was outside normal time windows

the move up was strong and fierce - ie 25 pips in less than 7 mins

Meanwhile EU made 60 before minor bounce - so down to 30% on scalp sell
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