Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Woken up - moved up 8 -10 pips - but still in 9350 -70 range - and we need a break either way for more clues

Testing 9368 atm - over 71 and 74 - then might look for scalp buys on any pullbacks

got the AU buy at 59 up to 71 ..........only damn thing i've had any time to bag inbetween work calls :sneaky:

GU - at 10 00 am UK time

If you are reading PA on a tick or a minute chart - we made 6910 and then under 07 and 05 it became another scalp sell

Clues now

Under 03 and 6900 - more scalp sells - although 6900 a good support as big round number

Back over 6908 and 11 would be time to be looking at scalp buys
got the AU buy at 59 up to 71 ..........only damn thing i've had any time to bag inbetween work calls :sneaky:


Well Done N

It was slow for a start - but then consistent up to 74 and GU news on the half hr

made 6 pips on the sell down and now another scalp buy - but needs over 75 to hold any scalp buy on longer

Under 63 maybe more scalp sells - but supports at 60 -63 area

10 12 am - out of hr time window - and back to slow down again

Going to have a break - as still got another 5 -7 hrs over the main part of the trading day to get some more pips.

I generally spend 12 - 15 mins an hr just checking time windows - but suggest many 15 - 30 min breaks during the day - to have a rest and to refocus etc etc

See you a bit later guys and GL and stay focused
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OK - approx 90 mins on from before - and as anything much happened ?

I think today the players must be liking big numbers - ie EU staying just above 3800 and the GU not being able to crack under 6900 and staying just above it

The GU is a scalp buy for the half hr time window at 6902 - but needs over 6911 and 13 to really hold on - as 10 before failed

Under 6897 scalp sell - but dont at 6902 or 6900 as it might just be a tease
EU - a scalp sell at moment from 3811 - but needs under 05 and 03 to hold it on for a larger drop

You can only really scalp buy above 15 and 19 - and even then at this pace - it could just be a tease in really a NTZ
Missed out on a EJ scalp sell - thats fallen from 140 49 to 29 in this hr change time window - but too late getting in - as focusing was on EU and GU at the time
GU - 71 low atm - so out of my 30% stake at 73.

Will review for next time window and maybe will only scalp sell again under 66 and 63

Too early for scalp buys atm
OK - i was wrong on GU - i said too early for scalp buys on GU - and 1 min later price went over 74 and became a scalp buy - so far making 83 - so 9 pips less 1 or 2 pips spread - and yes I missed it

Above 75 still a scalp buy - but now need over 85 and 88 to really look for a turn being tried

Need under 68 and 65 now for scalp sells on again
EU cannot make under 91 atm - but still trying with 1 min left to end of time window

EU did make under 91 and so far bottomed at 86

Out now at 89 and will review again after half hr window

I think need under 3781 and 76 to start scalp selling again and now 94 and 97 to start scalp buying
2 mins to half hr change at 12 30 pm UK time and quick falls being attempted again - maybe false ones to get more bears in - and then this next half hr might be fry time ;-)

Not reentering for now
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