Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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9 00 am UK time

For me EU and EJ are both just stuck atm - doing nothing and in the middle of a tight range

Lets see if next next 9 mins of this time window changes things
As i posted that -YES

Both fell - EJ 9 pips and EU 7 pips

Super quick fall 1 min after hr change - the players are playing and of course making it very difficult to trade normally.

Best to just wait and let them fool around along with the liquidity providers - and then join in when a proper move starts

Are these quick drops - proper moves - too early to say still
GU - 25 mins to news and up move being attempted with price now at 35 after making 38

Above 30 now a scalp buy - only look at scalp sells under 28 and 25
Back to EJ and EU - both still showing signs of trying lower

Not in either atm - as may have missed the scalp.

Under 23 and 19 on EU look at more scalp sells on any bounces staying under 32

EJ -under 71 is a scalp sell atm - needing under 59 and then 51 to keep holding them on
Morning Derolo

Which broker are you using ?

Spreads will always make a difference on price - but spreads on the 2 pairs you mentioned should be between 1 or 2 pips to maximum 3 -5 pips - not 12 or more difference

Open say 3 demo accounts with different brokers and check out all their spreads

For scalping or short term trading you ideally need all spreads under 3 pips and for me the EU is normally - 0 3 to 1 pip and EJ - 0 6 to 2 pip max

Hope that helps



Thanks F. I'm on MT4 at the moment, but will check out some more platforms over the weekend. Its gone back to 3 pip spread now.

Good luck trading today

9 mins to GU news - and is this quiet or is my platform switched off ?

GU price at 6928 now - and PA is just ugly

We know 22 -23 is good support - and we know we need over 37 and 40+ for a move up to start

Not planning any trade on GU until after news - as for me this set up is just not nice to call#

Yes above 40 and 50 would be trying to scalp buy - and under 6820 and then 15 would be trying scalp sells

Woken up - moved up 8 -10 pips - but still in 9350 -70 range - and we need a break either way for more clues

Testing 9368 atm - over 71 and 74 - then might look for scalp buys on any pullbacks

From over 30 mins ago - comment on AU

carried on up above 65 and now at 73 and still a scalp buy for now
Dollar strength kicked in on half hr change and GU news

GU - EJ - EU all falling- although nothing to write home about
In too many scalp sells - so will take a few profits and lock in 30% on 2 left

End of time window in 1 min - so might be some bounces
If you lock in profits - whether just 2 pips or 5 pips+ - then you are safe and can focus in more with just one or 2 pairs - rather than in 5 mins try and scalp 4 pairs all at the same time
GU now with 4 mins to hr change

Under 23 still a sell - but 6906 holding and i can scalp buy at 7/8 - and then look for another sell

If price goes under 04 and 02 would sell again - and if we go back over say 25 - then would forget more scalp sells as scalp buys would still be on
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