Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Just traded the price spike in the E/J and sold at the high of 142. Lesson learned for a newbie trader today. I should of got out at 141.80 and made 16 pips, instead I waited and it climbed back up again, and only walked away with 3 pips.

I know a wins a win, but shouldn't be greedy in this game.
Just traded the price spike in the E/J and sold at the high of 142. Lesson learned for a newbie trader today. I should of got out at 141.80 and made 16 pips, instead I waited and it climbed back up again, and only walked away with 3 pips.

I know a wins a win, but shouldn't be greedy in this game.

Yes the market will always give

then take away

it makes it harder - but over time you will start to see all the clues etc etc

And always try and get a stop in a profit - even 1 or 2 pips profit
Is better than break even or minus 2
Next main news in under 45 mins at 2 30 pm UK time

not here for that one - but will be back sometime later

EU - still not given up - but we need to see at least a 3 - 5 pip breach of 93 high to thinks its really trying again for that 4000+

See you later guys - get those stops in profit asap all the while



Forexmospherian;2326590[B said:
]EU - top so far 3993[/B]

above say 78 still bullish - under 75 and 70 - hold any scalp sells[/QUOTE]

EU as I leave at 1 55 pm - Eu now at 3900

Best trade of the day - and still missed a third of it
eu epic and missed it all!

Hi M

I which I had missed the E/U avalanche. I want everyone to know the mistake I made so I am embarrassed into never making the same mistake again.

I placed a buy on the E/U at 1.3985, without a stop and had the most expensive sandwich in history. I lost 92 pips. When I got back, I couldnt believe I made such a rookie mistake, but luckily I am only demo trading. In real life that could of wiped my account out.

I had made 20 pips prior to this stupid mistake.

All insults are welcome.
EU - top so far 3993

above say 78 still bullish - under 75 and 70 - hold any scalp sells

Comment made at 1 41pm - ie after Yellen started

When I left it was down at 3900 and so a "No Pain Gain Trade" ie NPGT - 30% stake with stop left in profit ( at that time 3920 was sufficient ) and it dropped to 3850 and i am quite happy to exit at 3866.

Nice - now what had i said at opens this morning on the EJ and a few others with regards to levels - yes - but was not in those so cannot claim them

Overall a great day

Well Done Tar

Glad you are on demo Derolo - always expect the unexpected in this "FX game" - remember the only "set up" is normally one being played out on 80%+ of all traders

Still a valuable lesson - and one I had suffered many times years and years ago


tell me about it too........cant believe it :mad:


Great manipulations being carried out N - all legal and above board if you have the billions to carry it out :D - Although saying that I don't know if certain cartels are legal - but would any other bank ever trust Goldman's anyway

Master game play

ie Today - stop the EU - just under 4000 - and drop it 150 pips

previously - stop the GU just under 7000 - and drop it as well.

I wonder how long it took them to get those plans set up

Still great "chess playing"

Thats why you need trades with profits locked in - and you can then relax and light up a big cigar - trouble is i don't smoke lol


Comment made at 1 41pm - ie after Yellen started

When I left it was down at 3900 and so a "No Pain Gain Trade" ie NPGT - 30% stake with stop left in profit ( at that time 3920 was sufficient ) and it dropped to 3850 and i am quite happy to exit at 3866.

Nice - now what had i said at opens this morning on the EJ and a few others with regards to levels - yes - but was not in those so cannot claim them

Overall a great day

Well Done Tar

Glad you are on demo Derolo - always expect the unexpected in this "FX game" - remember the only "set up" is normally one being played out on 80%+ of all traders

Still a valuable lesson - and one I had suffered many times years and years ago



Thanks F. Thats one mistake I wont be making again, EVER.
I will start with my favourite ( most of the time ) the Eur / Jpy or as I say EJ or EY.

I have a line in the sand area for the AM session - a price area that is of importance for movements and that is 141 50 to 141 60 .

For me i am looking whilst we stay above - 50 and 60 will act as supports for price trying to rise up to the next R area - ie 141 80/85 and then 142 00

Below 141 60 and 50 - this area becomes a resistance itself and price will more than likely fall further to supports at 40-45 or lower and 141 20 ish

The last 2 -3 hrs price as been falling from the 80 area and is currently 63 just before the hr change

i will now be seeing if 50 to 60 will hold it - ready for a scalp buy

Comment from prior Opens - ie over 12 hrs ago

Well got the rises OK no problem

But did I have sells on under the "line in the sand" - below 141 60 - 50 or even under 20

Answer - NO

See I make mistakes - we all do and all will - that's life

And meanwhile price dropped to 140 80 - ;-(

If I employed me - I would sack me today - not good enough :rolleyes:
Comment from prior Opens - ie over 12 hrs ago

Well got the rises OK no problem

But did I have sells on under the "line in the sand" - below 141 60 - 50 or even under 20

Answer - NO

See I make mistakes - we all do and all will - that's life

And meanwhile price dropped to 140 80 - ;-(

If I employed me - I would sack me today - not good enough :rolleyes:

Hi F

Those types of mistakes I can live with as it didnt cost you anything and you had made on the way up. I dont think we can be glued to our screens 24/7 and cathc every big move.

Its amazing that the markets can move so much in such a little bit of time. Do you think a major bank started the move?

I will get the pips back, over time. When I stop making mistakes.

Look forward to seeing what you come up with in the morning.

Derolo (y)
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