Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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great trading you have been posting. Surprised at how dynamic your posts are, not including a stop and limit etc. Are you using the same stop sizes and limit ideas that F has posted he uses? without that i find it hard to follow your trades as well as i might.
great trading you have been posting. Surprised at how dynamic your posts are, not including a stop and limit etc. Are you using the same stop sizes and limit ideas that F has posted he uses? without that i find it hard to follow your trades as well as i might.

I think he's using 3 pips stops (?)
open targets. Just uses his vast experience to decide when to take profits.
NO losers yet though, and hundreds upon hundreds of pips profits.
That's how ya do it!
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Another quick 60 pips :eek:
I'm assuming you're making about 250 pips per day or so, every day? Surely nobody can match that here??
The rest of us are fighting for the scraps you leave it would seem

The good old days , not anymore :confused:
I think he's using 3 pips stops (?)
open targets. Just uses his vast experience to decide when to take profits.
NO losers yet though, and hundreds upon hundreds of pips profits.
That's how ya do it!

I don't have a specific SL but i keep my hands on the wheel , and watch PA , always lock in profits at BE or exit for a small loss .
I think he's using 3 pips stops (?)
open targets. Just uses his vast experience to decide when to take profits.
NO losers yet though, and hundreds upon hundreds of pips profits.
That's how ya do it!

Hi Lexcorp


I must say then that Tar is a far better trader than me - as if he has no losses - and works on 3 pip stops - he just cannot be a commercial trained trader - as they can never be that good;)

Dont tell me he been trading FX for 30 years - taken 20000+ trades - and purely got frustrated with this thread - as it was exposing his methods - and he did not want the world to know.

I think i will stop forthwith - never make another call - and just follow Tar from now - he is now my new super guru.

I think he should start a new thread on the forum and it call it -

"Intraday Trading by the World's Best FX trader"

ie not too over the top - just enough to get a few interested


I must say then that Tar is a far better trader than me
Well yes. But don't feel bad about that. It's a big forum. He's better than me, too! :LOL:

- as if he has no losses - and works on 3 pip stops - he just cannot be a commercial trained trader - as they can never be that good;)

We've all seen his advanced calls with our own eyes, so there's no 'ifs' about his current lack of losses. I don't know his training background, though.

I think he should start a new thread on the forum and it call it -

"Intraday Trading by the World's Best FX trader"

ie not too over the top - just enough to get a few interested



I do like your titles for threads, I must confess :cool:
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The rest of us are fighting for the scraps you leave it would seem

haha you gave me a laugh before lunch. I only looked at this thread as it had so many views and all my capital is currently invested, just waiting for one of my positions to trigger a exit. I am trying to work out who are the wind up merchants here. All this talk of 3 pip stops is tickling me. :D
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Reactions: tar
EU - 56 and 59 are the 2 clues for taking any more scalp buys

Top approx 61 then 57 LH and now 55 another LH - so now

Over 56 and 59 more scalp buys

Under 38 and 35 scalp sells or hold any taken under 48
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