Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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my platform crashed then, will have to open all my charts again.

Always a nuisance when that happen Mike

Still in this EU sell and will leave in on whilst I pop out at in a bit for school run

Hope to be back later nearer London close

GL - and am around all week Mike if you have some time off


yep I was waiting for the europeans to fall earlier before I had to duck out.........looks like the Euro and swissie oblidged for a few pips in last few hours

Evening F

I hope you had a good day trading what looked like some quality increases on the GU. I know you have commented a lot saying how you trade is not for new people, but for traders with 1-2 years experience who are maybe struggling to make good profits. As I do not what to waste 2 years struggling to understand the markets, wasteful trading strategies as well as possibly losing money, which I am sure I will do. Would you not reconsider helping a newbie to start on the right track, rather than having to retrain again in 2 years?

I work from home, so I am available most of the time, apart from school runs etc. I work in an environment where I get paid on commission, so I understand the concept of putting in the hard work etc.

Your input in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you.

I had to pack in today, developed a terrible migraine which is very unusual for me. Anyway just taken a scalp buy on uj at 101.61, see how this one pans out.
Evening F

I hope you had a good day trading what looked like some quality increases on the GU. I know you have commented a lot saying how you trade is not for new people, but for traders with 1-2 years experience who are maybe struggling to make good profits. As I do not what to waste 2 years struggling to understand the markets, wasteful trading strategies as well as possibly losing money, which I am sure I will do. Would you not reconsider helping a newbie to start on the right track, rather than having to retrain again in 2 years?

I work from home, so I am available most of the time, apart from school runs etc. I work in an environment where I get paid on commission, so I understand the concept of putting in the hard work etc.

Your input in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Hi Derolo

I have no problem with you following this thread and i will try and assist where possible and I am sure a few of the other guys will help out as well.

All I would say is you would need to do a lot of extra homework etc - to understand more of the basics etc - and this can easily take a few months - and I also advise you look at all methods - so that the strategy and methods you work with fit in with your lifestyle and also your personality.

Many traders find short term intraday trading very stressful and pressurised and dont like having to take multi trades a day etc. With you being used to a commission based pay structure - you are maybe used to pressure and working hard to get the results and so this might not be so a problem to you

Major Magnum has been developing my methods now for just over 6 months and i see it being another few months before he becomes more consistent - but he is getting there - and that's with over 2 yrs experience of Forex behind him

When I started I no way visualised a 3 -5 yrs learning path - and even if you cut it down - you will need a year or two to get to fully understanding what you are facing

I dont want to put you off - but as long as you are prepared for the long haul - then I wish you luck and have no problem helping to steer you in the right direction - without losing 6 months or even 2 or 3 years going down the wrong path

I hope to be carrying on my blog - on and off through the summer - has I have 3 holidays booked between here and the end of September but when possible will always try and help you if I can

All the best


I had to pack in today, developed a terrible migraine which is very unusual for me. Anyway just taken a scalp buy on uj at 101.61, see how this one pans out.

Hi Mike

Hope your Migraine is short lived and you are OK for more this week

Will be around every day on and off - mainly doing the 6 30 am to 10 am session then may be 2 or 3 separate hrs up to London close.



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Cheers F, had to take a couple of tablets and have a lie down, all ok now though. still in the uj trade at the moment, approx 9 pips up, will see how its doing before i go to bed, poss move the stop to be.
Wednesday 7th May 2014 - Pre Open time

Good Morning Intraday Traders

Yesterday - Tuesday 6th was a busy day for a change with some great movements - especially on the GU - but not too bad on the EU and many other pairs I trade

Just checking the calender today and not so many red announcements - although one by Yellen the Fed Chair person at 3 00 pm this afternoon - which may have an effect on the dollar.

Will do a quick review and update on my main pairs over next 15 -20 mins

Have a good trading day - and stay focused - along with regular 15 -30 min breaks etc at least every 2-3 hrs



I will start with this pair again - as after yesterday's rise to nearly 7000 - is this it for now ?

During Asia session the pair only fell approx 10 -15 pips staying above 6968 and is now resting around mid 6970 area

Present range - 6968 to say 6986 - as above 87 we would try the high and 7000 again I think.

Under 6967 and 64 then hold any scalp sells to next interim support area.

In between in the range - above 76 is scalp bullish - and really dont look at holding any scalp sells until under 70 and as mentioned 67 and 64
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EU and Swissy

EU price at 3919 and already a scalp sell under 3930 after falling from its high of 51 and leaving a LH at 35.

I am in twice on this already - one with a 30% NPGT with stop still at 3939 (already in profit there as well ) and now a scalp sell at 24 - which I will take 100% off as its first scalp of the day
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Swissy - mainly opposite direction to EU and after dropping to 8721 - as now risen back to the mid 40's and is a scalp buy above 8940.

Not in atm - as in the EU scalp sell
EJ - not so good yesterday I thought - but this morning - from 6 30 am already fell 30 pips. Too slow to have caught it earlier and went with the EU instead - but after any bounce - that stays under 141 40 - i will look at selling it.

Must think now - is it worth a scalp buy from above 26 - but atm price at 141 16 and still in fall -
OK - out the EU scalp trade at 39175 and now in a EJ scalp buy at 21 - as although I was going to wait until above 26 - the signal was too strong at 19 and if we don't make over 26 - still can exit with a few pips.

Under 141 40 - will look at selling the EJ again
GU struggling at 6986 - i needed 87 and 90 to hold scalp buys on - so will exit 70% here at 85 and then leave 30% on with a tight stop at 79
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just before I pop out - i was looking at selling again under 141 -40

After another update - I reckon it could even test 42 to 44 and then fall

Above 45 and 48 - means a turn around and still trying up - but for me under 43 and 39 then I would think it might fall again and try and test its morning low

Atm it needs above 31 and 34 to test that theory and if we get neither - it will just drop instead from 30 /31

GL - what ever you try

See you later

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