Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EA - out of 30% scalp sell at 64 after a 56 low

61 looked like a scalp buy - not taken it - but sooner have profit at 64 then wait if stop in profit had been hit at 71

EA - out totally atm

It retraced back up to 72 - so did the right thing pulling scalp sell earlier - and now falling again
buy need under 55 and 51 to look at more scalp sells - and over 75 and 79 for scalp buys

I was correct 61 was a scalp buy - but not taken it as was still scalp selling and came out at 64.

Now price at 75 - so after any pullback staying above 66 - ready for another scalp buy - but we do need over 79 to hold any scalp buys on now

cannot get over 23 atm - my scalp buys 30% stop tight at 18 with spread at 0 6 of apip

Unless we make over 25 by hr change - will just take anything over 18 and as near to 23 as possible
EJ - opposite to EU - as session bullish atm

141 27 was a HL from 23 and a great scalp buy price - but for me too late. still a scalp buy above 28 and price now at 33 but needs above 36 and 39 to hold or take any more scalp buys

From nearly an hr ago

EJ now at 141 41 - and have taken 70% off scalp buys and 30% stop in profit at 35
EU and Swissy

First comments of the morning - on first inspection - EU as been bearish last 7 hrs and Swissy bullish

Present price on EU is 3823 - and for now under 25 it is in a scalp sell mode - with it needing under 18 and 14 to hold scalp sells on

To scalp buy the EU - i would need a breach above 27 and 33

I am not in any trade atm on either pairs - but will be looking for scalps over the hr time window

Swissy - above 8818 /19 - it favours scalp buys - and i would need price to fall under 17 and 14 to look at taking scalp sells down to either 10 -12 area. Above 8825 and 29 I would be holding then scalp buys for higher

Comment from over an hr ago

EU made 3842 - not in to 34 on this pair - and did not get swissy at all

Price on EU still rising - so locked stop in profit at 38
From nearly an hr ago

EJ now at 141 41 - and have taken 70% off scalp buys and 30% stop in profit at 35

EJ - 3 mins later now price at 141 48 - moved scalp buy stop up to 42

EJ - 6 mins later EJ now up at 52 and moved stop up above 42 to 45

If I am stopped in profit - so be it - not really bothered as will review and then make another trade later
I was correct 61 was a scalp buy - but not taken it as was still scalp selling and came out at 64.

Now price at 75 - so after any pullback staying above 66 - ready for another scalp buy - but we do need over 79 to hold any scalp buys on now

From 20 mins or so

EA - well - yes another scalp buy and it went over 79 and I held it to 89 after a 91 top and then fully exited - as 87 could be a scalp sell
OK - 8 15 am UK time

Was supposed to be on school run - but thankfully wife stepped in - whilst i was on a roll

Having a 10 - 15 min break - then will review trades - the ones I am in still have stops in profit - so I can leave them on

See you in a bit
EJ and EA - both been moving up well

Missed out on extra on EA as came out too early but EJ - brilliant - now at 141 78 - and 30% scalp buy stop moved up now to 68
Sb complete


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