Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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In a tease zone from 141 09 down to say 140 96 - say 13 pips

We need a breach of either for next directions - and then if its a small breach - still could be false - similar to the 2 LH's on the EJ prior to 7 .30 am this morning ;-)

I expect supports to hold atm - and will looks at scalp buys again - but know we need over 09 to think about holding them on longer

i mentioned this approx 30 mins ago
EJ chart

Good Morning,

Just started to practise on a demo account.

Are the LR settings in my chart correct?

Thank You


  • EJ.png
    110.5 KB · Views: 124
Good Morning,

Just started to practise on a demo account.

Are the LR settings in my chart correct?

Thank You

Hi Shacau

First view - they look OK

They will require some fine tuning as you get familiar with them

Have them on 2 or 3 pairs and then see how they follow price during the day

Its the shorter quicker LRs on the tick and 1 min that will get you seeing the scalps in the structure of the price range

Never seen or tried them on FXCM - so first time for me


Hi Shacau

First view - they look OK

They will require some fine tuning as you get familiar with them

Have them on 2 or 3 pairs and then see how they follow price during the day

Its the shorter quicker LRs on the tick and 1 min that will get you seeing the scalps in the structure of the price range

Never seen or tried them on FXCM - so first time for me



OK, thx.
I will say the GU as been ok for scalping this last 30 mins

one sell down to 9 09 am

one buy 9 10 am onwards and stops at 9 30 am - for 20 pip rise and 14 -17 was easily catchable

Not claiming anything on GU - as not mentioned prior to the buy

Ideal one for traders playing with a copy of my LR set up
Actually - just thought

Fine tune your GU 1 min or tick Lr set up from 8 31 am to 9 31 am - in the 1 hr - there was 2 text book scalps - i call them the bouncy ball set up
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So far 93 -97 supports not needed

however - this is still more of a tease zone

Remember without above 141 12 and 15 no real move up

Need under 93 for more sells and larger fall
So far 93 -97 supports not needed

however - this is still more of a tease zone

Remember without above 141 12 and 15 no real move up

Need under 93 for more sells and larger fall

You're already stopped out on your 02 04 buy scalps , should buy again now ?
Well a stop from 141 00 to 141 02 would be 5 pips normally - so as long as not under 95 or 97 then that stop would still be valid - low price for me at 9 39 /40 am was 984 ??

So really if price had gone under 95 and had still been in a scalp buy - I would have lost out

But it didn't ?
Stopped above 96 and yes time window was a signal to look at a change

Ej now over 141 04

Remember without a try over 12 and 15 now - this could still end up in another BTTZ

it still a scalp buy above 140 00 and 02 for now

You're long from 04
Importance of time windows?

Good morning F.

Thanks for the continuing stream of conciousness - its taking some thought to get to understand your thinking but i've benefited from what Ive taken from it so far. In particular I have started using tick charts on my DAX trading, which I've never done before, and have already got nearly one pip closer to the action as a result.

I have been studying everything you say, along with eyeballing some of the pairs and gradually things become a little clearer. Long way to go though.

Just a question.

This morning EJ, good steady rise and looking for a good entry. Around 7.15, signs are looking good then by 7.17 confirmations from reversal from dy supp, LRs lining up one by one and good PA. But not in the time window of 9 mins either way of 30 and 00. But you and I both took the trade - I entered four pips slow and closed all for 11 pips at 05. Shoulda stayed in!

Obviously making gains can't be wrong - is it just that the best opportunities occur during the time windows or are there good reasons to be wary outside them. I'm attaching my setup for your comments if you have the time.




  • LR Chart EJ 6 mar 2014.JPG
    LR Chart EJ 6 mar 2014.JPG
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EU - is now "cleaner" than EJ - - above 3730 scalp bullish - not in it atm

Need over 39 and 43 for a move up ideally

Under 27 and 23 scalp sells anayway
Good morning F.

Thanks for the continuing stream of conciousness - its taking some thought to get to understand your thinking but i've benefited from what Ive taken from it so far. In particular I have started using tick charts on my DAX trading, which I've never done before, and have already got nearly one pip closer to the action as a result.

I have been studying everything you say, along with eyeballing some of the pairs and gradually things become a little clearer. Long way to go though.

Just a question.

This morning EJ, good steady rise and looking for a good entry. Around 7.15, signs are looking good then by 7.17 confirmations from reversal from dy supp, LRs lining up one by one and good PA. But not in the time window of 9 mins either way of 30 and 00. But you and I both took the trade - I entered four pips slow and closed all for 11 pips at 05. Shoulda stayed in!

Obviously making gains can't be wrong - is it just that the best opportunities occur during the time windows or are there good reasons to be wary outside them. I'm attaching my setup for your comments if you have the time.



Morning Jack

I will check your chart out

I use my time windows for say 80 -90% of all trades entries and exits

Certain sessions - maybe different bots and liquidity providers use 14 / 15 min past the hour and 44 / 46 mins past as well

That's why you cannot just use time on its own

You do need to line up as many clues as possible

My LR's on the messy working charts as well as trendlines really do help

Time is important as a clue - but yet again - it might only work 60 -80% of the time on its own

If you can combine it with say 3 or 4 more clues then more likely 65 -85% accuracy

Hope that helps for now

GL on your new journey


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