Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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He's shown his colours - and I was serious and genuine

Meanwhile if you have the time and dont mind the study needed - follow what i asked Malaguti to do



Hi F. Thanks for the offer.I do have the time and I don't mind the study. Is all the teaching done on here or do you fine tune by some other form of communication ?

My line of thought here is everything laid bare on here and others including the haters getting a lot of hard work for not a lot of effort , I don't mind the others getting in on the action but the haters, hmmm why do you think I havn't posted much on here for all these years because you end up with all the crap that you've had. I'm disappointed with myself for rising to the bait and taking on malagoofy but I've never claimed to be perfect and was fed up with all the negativity.I really don't know how you put up with it.

Regarding your system , 7 LR's makes for a really heavy chart , do you need all for tick scalping ? I'm guessing that some are dynamic S/R right so the answer would be yes lol.

Anyway off to watch the footie.
Said this comment prior to 4 00 pm - over an hr ago now

EU fell under 30 now to 28 from high at 47 - just prior to the 4 00 pm time window - early - wonder why it not did not test 50 or 52??

Now 35 and 37 are the tests

Under there still scalp sells then needing 27 and 24 to let go

Back over say 36 and 39 - back to scalp buys or hold any you are then in

Hi MM - how are you today
HI, today i was at driver education. Interesting bunch of people and bumped into someone i worked with 15 years ago!
Blimey - that's so TRUE

There will be loads here thinking he's now gone up MT Everest and then swimming back over the channel as well

i must confirm this is NOT TRUE

I do not run regularly up MT Everest - and I have never swam the channel

BUT - i have made over $45k in a month from trading fx ;-))



:whistling I'm talking about your lie in the voting .
Hi F

Here's the chart with all the LR's on, not used to seeing this many indicators i only use a 20 MA.

Let me know what you think.
Many thanks.


needs a bit of fine tuning

Also try and put emphasis on quick LR 's first - ie the ones close to price action - as they are the ones you rely on more for entry

Test it with 2 and 3 pairs and then we will fine tune etc
:whistling I'm talking about your lie in the voting .


The comment was supposed to be funny - that's why it had 3 non truths in it and so anyone with any sense ( ie not you) would know it was a total wind up

Everything you throw at me - I can return and make you look more stupid than you really are

Please carry on
needs a bit of fine tuning

Also try and put emphasis on quick LR 's first - ie the ones close to price action - as they are the ones you rely on more for entry

Test it with 2 and 3 pairs and then we will fine tune etc

Hi F

Here's EJ reworked
The other thing is my price is in full pips as apposed to pipet's or tenths, will that be a problem.

Many thanks.



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    JPY Spot.png
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Hi F

Here's EJ reworked
The other thing is my price is in full pips as apposed to pipet's or tenths, will that be a problem.

Many thanks.


Just spotted your comment and chart before I hit the sack

Yes that looks OK

It should work universally on all fx pairs - after you have tried it on a few diiffernet pairs and then work live with it - it will always need a bit of fine tuning etc

Remember lag will be minimal - especially on a tick



PS klw - no problem - we all rise to bait at times - but I am accustomed to pressure / deadlines / having to perform all my 25+ years in business - so this and the enemy is a piece of cake ;-)

But you can never let bullies and intimidators win - they will work in packs with the sheeple following - you stand up and be counted and prove them wrong

The fact that I am genuine just does not help their case one bit
Hi YT. I'd like to tag along for the journey if that's ok. May I ask what charting package you are using? Thanks.
Thursday 6th March 2014 - Pre Opens

Morning Traders

Brief review and update prior to 7 00 am

During the Asian session the main action seemed with the AU and EA

The AU rose approx 60 pips on an announcement and EA dropped 100 pips

We have some retraces as expected - but still remember that the AU looks bullish atm and the EA bearish

That will not stop me scalping in both directions following their intraday wave movements - when the times are right and both atm are in pause / sleep mode

The key other pairs - as normal - EU / GU / EJ and Swissy

Will have a look at UJ and Cad during the day as well

EJ is always on of my favourites but like the GJ - can be a bit of a beast if not careful

EJ made the 141 00 area before resting after a 50+ pip rise

Its been my first scalp of the day from the 6 30 time window

Clues were LH in last 2 hrs ie 141 03 high - LH 141 02 - so under 141 00 scalp sell

Now approx 20 mins later its at 140 93 - approx 2 mins before the hr time window

Would need under 85 and 82 to hold it on longer - but might stop 89 to 91 area as interim supports already

I will post my chart on this scalp sell for all those with similar LR charts --so you can see why It was a scalp sell in a bullish rise

Have a good day and further pairs to follow


EJ - Chart from 6 30 am to 6 51 am

EJ chart

Prior to 6 -30am had been a scalp buy to 142 02 - which was also a slightly LH from previous

142 00 - became the scalp sell - in the time window

Time - LR's - trend line - PA etc confirmed it

My initial target under 90 - stopped at 925 at exactly 6 51 am

That was exit point but ended up as 93 and then as LR's turned under - a scalp buy for any aggressive scalper after another 5 pips

This is trading in the "now" - relatively unknown to gurus and all tutors who say you cannot trade with accuracy in the "noise"

As I type price as hit 141 00 again and the start of the move at 93 is shown already on my 8 tick chart - or whatever the theorists want to call it

Ok now 7 05 am - time to look at other pairs

PS - not on chart as after posting 141 another low high now - 99 scalp sell - but need the LL to carry on holding it

Thats reading price at the "coalface" and you can also do it as well :)


  • EJ - 6314.JPG
    EJ - 6314.JPG
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Hi YT. I'd like to tag along for the journey if that's ok. May I ask what charting package you are using? Thanks.

Hi benalta

No problem welcome to the thread, the charting package is ProrealTime it is a pay per use software costs about 40 Euro.

All the best.

The EU as been copying EJ in small wave movement - but with less pips available

From 6 -21 am to 7 09 am on EJ - 2 time windows - a possible 4 scalps ( no did not get them all -as showing forum )

and possible 23 - 27 pips there

Most traders on other charts might have seen 1 or 2 trades and on a 4 hr chart - you would not have even noticed ;-))

EU meanwhile in same time- maybe 7 -9 pips on a few scalps - but only if you are good - but you should be after I finished with you ;-)
Morning YT and Benalta

Yes you are welcome to set up charts etc and follow along with going with the homework I will be giving you to study

Have a good day ;-)
EJ - now at 89

Will post another EJ chart in this next 30 mins - showing these trades

140 99 was a clear scalp sell again on the chart
EJ - 897 became a HL above 87 now - so it cause a tease zone

We have LH's - 2 and 1 HL

So 141 00 to 87 is a 13 pip tease zone

Ideally - you are not in a scalp in a tease zone

You wait for more clarity

It should be down more - but this is when you see market manipulation and the set up off false sentiments - even on a tick and 1 min chart

So now above 141 02 and 05 would be scalp buys again

Under 87 and 83 - scalp sells

When I post the chart - it will show you more of what I mean
EJ chart

Prior to 6 -30am had been a scalp buy to 142 02 - which was also a slightly LH from previous

142 00 - became the scalp sell - in the time window

Time - LR's - trend line - PA etc confirmed it

My initial target under 90 - stopped at 925 at exactly 6 51 am

That was exit point but ended up as 93 and then as LR's turned under - a scalp buy for any aggressive scalper after another 5 pips

This is trading in the "now" - relatively unknown to gurus and all tutors who say you cannot trade with accuracy in the "noise"

As I type price as hit 141 00 again and the start of the move at 93 is shown already on my 8 tick chart - or whatever the theorists want to call it

Ok now 7 05 am - time to look at other pairs

PS - not on chart as after posting 141 another low high now - 99 scalp sell - but need the LL to carry on holding it

Thats reading price at the "coalface" and you can also do it as well :)

E/J buys looking good still (y)
There we go

A great fade out trap and false LH's - BUT no LL

Price now at 141 08 at guess what time ???

Yes 7 21 am ;-))

Yes take some profit

i am sticking a up trend line on chart from 87 to 90 along with the extention

Above the line which is dynamic support you stay with scalp buys over scalp sells
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