Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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No wonder they are so jealous and feel threatened by some one who can lol

and yet when you asked us all to come on your thread and post how we were doing only one person seemed to be quiet on that front..the self proclaimed expert
we all stepped up to the mark, even those with losses.
us ol timers have nothing to hide you see
You old member guys are so far off the mark -its laughable

I just hope T2W will have someone who can scalp FX - follow this thread - so they can verify my reading and accuracy

I have said all along - this in not for newbie traders

At minimum level you need to be intermediate FX trader

There is no costs to follow this thread at all -

Its totally free - when you can get to a level to understand it

All training is on the thread -

MM's has taken over 4 months and he is progressing well - and he - with his choice has posted his statements and performance - good and bad

He was not asking for any funding at all - Repeat that - as guys here try and twist things all the while

He was not asking for any funding - he was replying to a challange

I think it would be well worth banning at least 3 or 4 old timers if they dont leave on their own choice

Surely then a few more thousands might join this site - instead or getting bullied and being reluctant to speak out ??

OK back to trading and news
SO - IF price changes - then comments change

You really are an idiot

EJ as been both scalp sell and scalp buys today

What part of that dont you understand

What are you still doing here??

You said you are not following etc -

Why are you still here then - just ignore this thread please like you suggested all others to do

Thank you

Back to news

Can any old timer read FX pairs PA at the coalface

The answer is obvious to me

But we did not go under 52 on EJ again from 12 13 pm

We actually did a HL at 527 - ie above other interim lows and then 54 was a scalp buy again

Now at coming up to 1 00 pm UK time price is at 140 72 high and 68 is scalp sell needing under 64 for more sells



No wonder they are so jealous and feel threatened by some one who can lol

The pincer mover is stepping up now

With regards to the silly comment about T2W

Any other forum - would have slapped temp ban and then maybe full time - for continual harrassment on a thread

The fact that I am not selling anything at all - must be bugging all of you

But even more - its showing how poor or bad FX traders you really are

What a double whammy on the lot of you

Shame really


Yes these quotes from yesterday ( EU ) shows that you are a really great trader !!

post at 2:32

EU now made 3748 - under 56 still scalp bearish - but needs to crash through now 46 and 44 - otherwise will stall and retrace

Already a HL at 49 so 70% off scalp sells and all off at 56

post at 2:34

Clear scalp buy on EU from 2 30 pm at 49

Taken the rest of scalp sell - 30% off at 53 - not waiting to see if 56 is hit

Need under 47 and 44 for more scalp sell now - or at 58 - if we dont go higher than say 60 -62

post after a couple of hours :

This comment was said over 90 mins ago at approx 2 34pm

The scalp buy from 49 went to 60 - so say 10 pips net for me and 6 -9 pips for everybody else who is still trying to get to grips of scalping

Then we did not go over 62 - so what did my comment say - scalp sell at 58 and then 47 and also 44 if need be

Price now at 4 10pm - 3732 - and now out of time window that finished a minute ago

Need to take some profits - ie 26 pips there for some or just 15 and 11 for last 2 sells

Taken 70% off scalp sells

That's funny

This means the comment was a live trade - if you count the call all before it happened and also it was so accurate

How Unusual :LOL:

OK need under 30 for a try at next supports at 3725 area

Over 36 would take other 30% off
You old member guys are so far off the mark -its laughable

I just hope T2W will have someone who can scalp FX - follow this thread - so they can verify my reading and accuracy

I have said all along - this in not for newbie traders

At minimum level you need to be intermediate FX trader

There is no costs to follow this thread at all -

Its totally free - when you can get to a level to understand it

All training is on the thread -

MM's has taken over 4 months and he is progressing well - and he - with his choice has posted his statements and performance - good and bad

He was not asking for any funding at all - Repeat that - as guys here try and twist things all the while

He was not asking for any funding - he was replying to a challange

I think it would be well worth banning at least 3 or 4 old timers if they dont leave on their own choice

Surely then a few more thousands might join this site - instead or getting bullied and being reluctant to speak out ??

OK back to trading and news

If you are not selling anything then why keep mentioning MM in 30% of your non-trading posts ?!
Said at 11 26 and updated at 11 50 am

Now at 12 22pm - nearly an hr ago - GU as made 6709

Please tell me some one made at least 20 pips on that - or if not dont worry- even 11 pips on a 5 pip stop is a RR of 2

GU now needs to stay above 90 and then try 0ver 6709 for more scalp buys

Under 90 - back in BTTZ

Comment from an hr ago

Did not go under 90 and over 6709 more scalp buys

Price just made 6734

Still can the old timers read and remember or are they really just not wanting to know

Yes I know the answer
SO - IF price changes - then comments change

You really are an idiot

EJ as been both scalp sell and scalp buys today

What part of that dont you understand

No at 11:28 you said you are already in EJ scalp sells as advised ...
Major magnum is so far the only trader I have shown this method to - live on this thread

As mentioned two or three times -

I would like to train live on the site - free of charge - 2 -4 guys a year

All training is on forum - no PM's or nothing

They need to dedicate many months and long hrs

MM has now done over 4 months and 500+ scalps

I think he will be all finished inside 6 months total

Most traders might need 6 -9 months - but not over a year

I then want these trained traders to interact and see how they progress

If out of say 5 traders 2 or 3 make it - that would be brilliant

But am only taking on traders who fit the job

No inexperienced guys - and I dont want those guys trained just going off and selling courses or whatever

They must genuinely want to be full time retail intraday traders

Dont forget I will fully retire in 3 years - 4 years max

I need something to keep me focused in FX for that long

This is no scam - this is all totally up front
i can genuinely see you are not understand scalping nor my postings and you must think I am a swing trader staying in trades for hours

My scalps last from 30 seconds to 15 -30 mins max

My free trades last 5 mins to 5 hrs normally

Therefore scalps are changing constantly - but stay in same direction if they also stay correctly in the price structure

That is the bit you dont seem to follow ????
Major magnum is so far the only trader I have shown this method to - live on this thread

As mentioned two or three times -

I would like to train live on the site - free of charge - 2 -4 guys a year

All training is on forum - no PM's or nothing

They need to dedicate many months and long hrs

MM has now done over 4 months and 500+ scalps

I think he will be all finished inside 6 months total

Most traders might need 6 -9 months - but not over a year

I then want these trained traders to interact and see how they progress

If out of say 5 traders 2 or 3 make it - that would be brilliant

But am only taking on traders who fit the job

No inexperienced guys - and I dont want those guys trained just going off and selling courses or whatever

They must genuinely want to be full time retail intraday traders

Dont forget I will fully retire in 3 years - 4 years max

I need something to keep me focused in FX for that long

This is no scam - this is all totally up front

Doesn't make sense how come you are going to teach only a handful of traders publicly here in the forums ?
And how come you taught MM in this thread infront of everyone when infact you didnt reveal 100% of "your method" ?
Just out of interest on GU - did you spot it topped at 1 21pm at 6734

That was start of time window

That top might be just interim or not

Will not know immediately
i can genuinely see you are not understand scalping nor my postings and you must think I am a swing trader staying in trades for hours

My scalps last from 30 seconds to 15 -30 mins max

My free trades last 5 mins to 5 hrs normally

Therefore scalps are changing constantly - but stay in same direction if they also stay correctly in the price structure

That is the bit you dont seem to follow ????

The only explanation to your posts yesterday is that you were long and short EU simultaneously !
Major magnum is so far the only trader I have shown this method to - live on this thread

As mentioned two or three times -

I would like to train live on the site - free of charge - 2 -4 guys a year

All training is on forum - no PM's or nothing

They need to dedicate many months and long hrs

MM has now done over 4 months and 500+ scalps

I think he will be all finished inside 6 months total

Most traders might need 6 -9 months - but not over a year

I then want these trained traders to interact and see how they progress

If out of say 5 traders 2 or 3 make it - that would be brilliant

But am only taking on traders who fit the job

No inexperienced guys - and I dont want those guys trained just going off and selling courses or whatever

They must genuinely want to be full time retail intraday traders

Dont forget I will fully retire in 3 years - 4 years max

I need something to keep me focused in FX for that long

This is no scam - this is all totally up front

Me, me pick me oh pleaaasse pick me :clap::clap::clap:

i did reveal 75% of my method on this thread over last 4 months

Because MM has progressed - he has now seen the light from carrying out what I asked him to do

He put loads of work in - without me - but based on what I told him - ALL HERE - LIVE
i did reveal 75% of my method on this thread over last 4 months

Because MM has progressed - he has now seen the light from carrying out what I asked him to do

He put loads of work in - without me - but based on what I told him - ALL HERE - LIVE

so you won't pick me?
i would gladly pick any old timer member - ideally I wanted Barjon - but he has said - no in the forum

NVP has said yes - he would like to be shown more live on thread - and I have said yes to him

Totally free of charge - no clauses or anything else - as long as he does not sell it on - is only main stipulation

It is for private use only my method / strategy - and only for genuine FX traders who want to trade Full time
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I know certain experienced FX traders hate me doing this - giving away clues and secrets

The trouble - you just cannot acquire all the skill set needed under 6 months - on top of the time you have already spent in FX - which should be over 2 yrs+

Got to pop out now

Hope to be back before next news

I am a scientist and a philosopher.

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