Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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cheers!, i must start going to bed earlier. Kids are beginning to sleep thru so its a possibility now.
Morning MM

Yes you need to be really focused for the 6 00 pm to 10 am session

And then may be 11 am and 12 30 then 2 00 pm to 5 pm - is enough

Although that's over 8 hrs - you will cover over 70% of the action in the 24 hrs normally

Any way - have a good morning- in for an hr or so

Did not leave anything on GU above 75 or 88 - shame - but plenty more pips in this market ocean ;-)
Qick movement as we enter 7 30 am time window at 7 21 am on EU

Price trying up over 56/7 and now above 53 is a scalp buy - but in tease zone up to 62 remember

Said at 7 24 am - ie 80 mins ago

Price went over over 57 and then 62

So what should we have been doing ??

Yes scalp bought at least to next R - at around 70+

Eu actually made 74 - but stopped out of time window

Now above 52 and 50 - worth looking at another scalp buy

Under 50 and 47 might be tease tested to try and get more bears in - if a game is being played

So now under 62 still scalp bearish - so do you sell to 52 - 50 or 47 or even lower

I dont know yet

But I will do as we enter hr time window

Need to check calender
6698 is my line in the sand for working out next actions

ie above 6700 - we should still try and have another go up - whether over 17 or 20 dont know - depends f we have a LH at say 13 or even 6710

Under 6697 and then 93 - more scalp sells for 75 -80 area

Until news we might just see a tease zone from 6700 to 6715 ??
Here's an idea, if the detractors are so interested in whether this works or not, but are not prepared to sacrifice their daily pip rates to learn it so as to apply it, i am happy to trade some real money as a test.
I put in the effort and time, you supply the money. Im sure we can reach a fair split of profits. My risk is wasting time pursuing a possibly useless formula.

9 00 am

Eu scalp buy from 55

need 58 and 61 to hold on

Under 52 more scalp sells

comment 6 mins ago -

stopped at 576 - so do not hold scalp buys on - ie not over 58 and 61

Out scalp buy at 571

Then for me under 56 was back in scalp sell

I held that on under 52 and 50 and now out at 455

That's scalping accuracy

Thats important - but you need broker co operation - as you dont want to wait over 2 seconds for any entry or exit
EU could have a field day scalping this as still bearish - but 45 is another scalp buy to 52 / 3 and should be able to scalp sell again if w edont go over 58

But i dont want to take 50 - 100 scalps a day

i only want 8 -20 trades a day - its easier
you supply the money. Im sure we can reach a fair split of profits. My risk is wasting time pursuing a possibly useless formula.

supply the money? You have been trading for a few months and you want someone to fund you? Forex more than any other market I know is available with crazy leverage. There are brokers out there offering 500 to 1 leverage. Its very worrying that you are soliciting for money on here.
6698 is my line in the sand for working out next actions

ie above 6700 - we should still try and have another go up - whether over 17 or 20 dont know - depends f we have a LH at say 13 or even 6710

Under 6697 and then 93 - more scalp sells for 75 -80 area

Until news we might just see a tease zone from 6700 to 6715 ??

This is what I said 20 mins ago approx

Gu testing 6699 as I type
Under 6708 ish - still a scalp sell

But 6698 area is a support

So now tease zone 98 to 6708 - say 9 pips

Above 02 and 04 is scalp buy - but under 08 still a scalp sell

Unless you scalp for 1- 5 pips - you ignore
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