Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Got to be a good case for a skype room F. ? Then those of us that are interested in your methods can follow in peace.

Hi klw

I had done a few skype chat rooms 2 - 3 yrs ago but did have big problems there as well

No its easy really - ignore all but the genuine traders and then after a bit they go away

If they don't go away - then that means they have won - and T2W are not doing their job correctly and are actually condoning their threads to be trashed by others

Normally if a thread is no good - you don't get any followers and it is left alone

If the guys who wanted to trash something had a brain - they would start their own thread and grow it etc and then keep it just for themselves - in an open forum......... hang on a second - that's what they did many years ago

I wonder why that thread as hardly any followers now

What nearly 500 k page reads in over 3 years - present rate this thread will do that is a year

I think I must go back and highlight the week I got involved in that thread in late October 2013 - little did they expect revenge to be so sweet (y)


Has the thread been trashed today? By whom???
I must have missed it.
I posted a chart/statement....I'm assuming that's allowed.
Trashed? Everyone cleaned up. I think Tar made about 300 pips off the smalls.

Just the 300?
Not bad, I guess. Especially from scalpy's.
You've seen what I can do now, though. Earlier bundle of trades executed before your very eyes leaving little doubt as to just how good I am.
Everyone sits wide eyed at my feet, mouths agape, whilst I cast out pearls before swine.
i already explained why i made no posts for ages. can mods use ip tracking etc to put this qu to rest?
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Has the thread been trashed today? By whom???
I must have missed it.
I posted a chart/statement....I'm assuming that's allowed.

Actually - from what I can see - its not been trashed today - completely

But there has been enough "ptakers" to frighten the hell out of traders who would like to comment and even ask the odd questions - but might be new to the forum and just feel totally intimidated.

The guys who have made me laugh the most today - yes their comments were funny are the ones who are still accusing me of being Mr SB - and now even Major Magnum

It might be light hearted banter and so in return I will now start calling them in reference to their dicck size - ie half inch and SST - ie smelly small todger.

Any of the old firm who so want to join in - are most welcome anyway

But if I was from admin or a moderator - i would not want a thread that as had some serious calls made - being belittled by SST and halfinch

Yes - I know I could easily leave and blog elsewhere - and i am sure a few would follow - maybe many - and then the ones who wanted to diss would be banned or not allowed to join

But i then allow the idiots here to win

So surely that is not quite right - even if they where here - way before me ??

PLDB - needs to do a survey - whether the small todger guys should be allowed to remain and take away their multi nics with them ;-)
Just the 300?
Not bad, I guess. Especially from scalpy's.
You've seen what I can do now, though. Earlier bundle of trades executed before your very eyes leaving little doubt as to just how good I am.
Everyone sits wide eyed at my feet, mouths agape, whilst I cast out pearls before swine.

You are my new trading hero now

I checked you out on your profile and notice you are a crime boss

If that was when you joined in 2004 you must now be blogging from inside the nick

I am sure you would know many of my mates as well - as they love crime bosses ;-)

Credit to you - you named your pairs at the start and then seemed to have got on with the job

Well Done - the Godfather of T2W


YT, i mean to say that this fact ( that i did not post for ages) does not mean i am a multinic.

I totally agree with you i have seen many times members replying on threads who have been inactive for years, and then something has sparked there interest and spurred them into posting.

I for one have not been a prolific poster here, in fact this is the only forum that i have posted on but Forexmospherian has certainly ignited a spark in me as far has posting go's.

With regards to F's trading system i will keep a open mined until i have had the Chance to give it a go and come to my own conclusion, even if i only fined one thing that fits with my style of trading i will be grateful to Forexmospherian for sharing it.

Tuesday 4th March 2014 - Pre European Opens

Morning Traders

Tuesday am and twenty five mins or so before the 7 00 am EO

Quick review and update on some of the pairs I plan to trade today

EU - Dropped out of the 3800 price are and this morning been down to 3721

Since then a HL at 3730 and at the 6 00 am hr change a 37 pip bounce up within approx 6 mins or so

Price now at 3754 with interim low at 44.

Presently a scalp sell under 3760 but whether we will test 44 support area - i dont know yer
Rather than just update a few other pairs for now Instead will post a EU chart from midnight - showing what I see

Whats interesting its similar to the EJ - which I might expect - but also the Swissy - which it should be really an inverse correlation

EU chart coming up
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An EU tick chart with LR's taken at 6 45 am UK time


  • EU - 4314.JPG
    EU - 4314.JPG
    110.8 KB · Views: 92
The HL on the EU now is 48 and the dynamic resistance is at 60-62

From 44 to 62 is a BT tease zone

I am out EU scalp sell at 37506 at 6 45 am - simply because I need to see back above 60 and 62 for more scalp buys or to hold them on

OR under 47 and 43 to take more scalp sell

In between the tease zone 44 to 62 - 18 pips - leave alone or just scalp for 2-7 pips like my first EU scalp sell
The actual triangle or flag drawn on the tick chart is from 57 to 40 at 5 mins to EO

But thats the trick - breaking 54 at say 56 - is still not enough to go higher

Simllar breaching 48 and 44 is not enough for a larger drop - dynamic support around 38 -40 might then hold

The EU this morning is a great example of the BT tease zone explained last night in the other blog

Better find a pair not in one ;-)

Low early on this morning 6640

A nice scalp buy above 6650 from 5 am time and now at 77 after making 6682

Still scalp bullish above 6667 - but still able to scalp sell under 82 for 60's possible

Just need 74 and 72 for scalp sells and back over 83 and 86 for scalp buys

it worth pointing out that the GU high was at 6 ,23 am this morning

In a time window - but 2 mins later than it should have stopped which was at 6678 rather than 82/3
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