Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I have been the first to admit that I hit my personal wall at 50 contracts of ES, it is no fun trading with a racing heart and sweaty palms. Now I trade a small 6 figure account and limit my trading to 20 full contracts on the ES. I guess with over 21,000+ live trades under my belt and my senses honed after 9000+ hours at the coalface things become clearer. I call my method SHS (Sweet Hindsight Scalping). Good Luck everyone, my girlfriend (ex model) is coming over later so I just cracked open another tub of bluies.
how have you peasants done today?
Regarding my extraordinary live calls earlier: I hope that now it's as obvious as the nose on your face that i'm good. Really good. But then, lets just say that those weren't the first trades i've ever placed!
Q: But how do I do it?!!
A: Easy as pie! that's how.

scalpy scalpy, catchy monkey.

Dr. Morgan Edge
Got to be a good case for a skype room F. ? Then those of us that are interested in your methods can follow in peace.
pm session better. am was 3 trades, two bad


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I got these results by removing my bias, and following F model as closely as i could. I can respect that some here choose to believe an alternative story to the one i have gleaned from constant attention to this thread. However, along with my bad days ( WHICH I ANALYSE EACH AND EVERY DAY) i offer this as the only empirical evidence that you will likely ever get without testing F materials yourself. I dont think F has to or will share his results. If i were him, i would not as
1) i would never share specfics of how much i was worth/ making publicly on an ongoing basis. I For me that would be like walking down the street wearing a £2000 coat with a sign on my back saying "mug me, i want you all to know im better than you and have no empathy for those struggling to make ends meet at the end of the day let alone the week.
2) i would not budge because part of me can get obstinate when pushed. This sentiment is best summed up in the following clip. timestamp 4:26
i think both sets of trades took an hour to complete.


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I got these results by removing my bias, and following F model as closely as i could. I can respect that some here choose to believe an alternative story to the one i have gleaned from constant attention to this thread. However, along with my bad days ( WHICH I ANALYSE EACH AND EVERY DAY) i offer this as the only empirical evidence that you will likely ever get without testing F materials yourself. I dont think F has to or will share his results. If i were him, i would not as
1) i would never share specfics of how much i was worth/ making publicly on an ongoing basis. I For me that would be like walking down the street wearing a £2000 coat with a sign on my back saying "mug me, i want you all to know im better than you and have no empathy for those struggling to make ends meet at the end of the day let alone the week.
2) i would not budge because part of me can get obstinate when pushed. This sentiment is best summed up in the following clip. timestamp 4:26
i think both sets of trades took an hour to complete.

Did you say f** u ? lol

MM = Forexmospherian

Nice try
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Registered Sep 2011 , his first post ever was at Nov 2013 in this same thread , then made +4K posts in just a couple of months :sleep:
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damning evidence


Just seen this MM - well done

Now all the traders with an an IQ over 20 must know this cannot be my work - and I cannot be you

That's because I cannot trade and I can only guess and make call at least 15 mins after the move as ended (lol)

To add to that I have refused to post my trades - and so its impossible

I just cannot be you if this conspiracy theory is going to add up - as I am somebody else and you were here over 2 yrs before me ?

Something must be wrong though

I have never known a scalper make 13 trades in just over an hour and get everyone correct and make over 100 pips so easy

Its so obvious something is not right ?

That's the whole problem

Nobody will believe you and me - because it just seems to good to be true

The trouble is its 100% true

I have been only teaching you for approximately 4 months - TOTALLY 100% TRUE

I did not know you prior to September /October last year - and you had never been a scalper before - TOTALLY 100% TRUE

I have not helped you on those trades this afternoon - TOTALLY 100% TRUE

You are not me - and I am not you - TOTALLY 100% TRUE

I think you need to start making more mistakes - and then for sure - they will believe you ( LOL )

Still you have to laugh - I have had to even though I have had the p taken out of me rotten today - but the way it was done even made me laugh as i sat down and booked my next holiday break - on the way back from my Lawyers ;)


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