Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I counted at least 11 losses for you FXM in Cable alone ....


Sorry MATE

you are being pathetic now

I suggest you either take up my offer

Or just leave the thread and admit you dont want to scalp etc

That's no problem - many traders are not into scalping

By the way - Have you now decided to be the next old trader to take me on and try and diss everything I do ???

GL if you are - you would need it:LOL:



Sorry MATE

you are being pathetic now

I suggest you either take up my offer

Or just leave the thread and admit you dont want to scalp etc

That's no problem - many traders are not into scalping

By the way - Have you now decided to be the next old trader to take me on and try and diss everything I do ???

GL if you are - you would need it:LOL:



Your levels mate not you
Apparently you are so slow and cant read mate , its your level 98 for long not 93 , so your last long from 98 is a loss , and even if you took 93 thats another loss for u = -10 pips .

Sorry Tar you must have different charts than me ?

Are you working on the weekly or monthly ???

Time window at Midday

12 03 and 6686 was another perfect scalp buy - needed over 98 and 6704 to hold with R's then at 12 to 18

Cannot continue having these talks with a trader who is a non scalper and who just wants to play up

Will not be entering into any other correspondence with you are on this thread

Why not start a new thread - saying I am a total fake and had 15 losses so far today etc tce

Always worth a laugh and I don't mind at all

As they say - Cream will always rise to the top - Sh*t - will always sink -


You are correct

Its so easy to do it

But by not doing - Who's wound up the most -


The non believers - and there will always be these traders who say scalping and even intraday trading does not work

I remember even Random saying - "i dont know how any discretionary intraday trader can make any money in the fx market "

I guess he also was a non believer ;-)

With regards to being a scammer or the old MR SB - I thought that was well and truly put do bed

Believe it or not - I am not an arrogant big headed assertive dominating character at all - far from it

However when I joined this forum - there were so many haters and "dissers" - I just had to fight my corner and was really hoping one would take me on with some trading calls

Not one did

That told me something

Must get back to trading now



So you are not posting a statement because it winds people up if you don't post it. I don't get it. It is clear from your posts that vanity is a big driver for you. No problem with that to a certain degree everyone has some element of vanity in them. I actually like people who have giant ego's as long as they can back it up, I like confident cocky people as long as they can deliver.

Let's suppose you do have these amazing statements, it's strange that you dont want to post one of them up. Why? because your character is such that you like to boast. dont you see why there are so many naysayers.

anyway if you are a real trader then I wish you good luck. if you are a scammer then please consider stopping and think about the people who may suffer if they lose money there are plenty of ways to make an honest living.
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Sorry Tar you must have different charts than me ?

Are you working on the weekly or monthly ???

Time window at Midday

12 03 and 6686 was another perfect scalp buy - needed over 98 and 6704 to hold with R's then at 12 to 18

Cannot continue having these talks with a trader who is a non scalper and who just wants to play up

Will not be entering into any other correspondence with you are on this thread

Why not start a new thread - saying I am a total fake and had 15 losses so far today etc tce

Always worth a laugh and I don't mind at all

As they say - Cream will always rise to the top - Sh*t - will always sink -



I ignored another buy from 98 area , but lets say you took both thats another loss -5 pips however the other one is good , closed between 04-12 right ? Isnt that what you want thats 10 pips gain so you are up 5 pips in 2 longs , but you are down -40 pips from 9 am in cable alone = -35 pips down for you ..

Losing 35 pips in a few hours doesn't make you a scammer or a fake i thought you are not selling anything here so why you care and why would i call you fake you are not a vendor anyway , i'm just taking a look at your levels , sound way off on Cable infact if a noob took your leverage advice which is risking 2%/5 pips he would be down 15% in his account in just 3 hours , what the .... ?!

Who said i am not a scalper ?!
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So you are not posting a statement because it winds people up if you don't post it. I don't get it. It is clear from your posts that vanity is a big driver for you. No problem with that to a certain degree everyone has some element of vanity in them. I actually like people who have giant ego's as long as they can back it up, I like confident cocky people as long as they can deliver.

Let's suppose you do have these amazing statements, it's strange that you dont want to post one of them up. Why? because your character is such that you like to boast. dont you see why there are so many naysayers.

anyway if you are a real trader then I wish you good luck. if you are a scammer then please consider stopping and think about the people who may suffer if they lose money there are plenty of ways to make an honest living.

I can - if you could - Promise you 1000% - I am no scammer

I think that's the part that really winds the non believers up - a lot more than any results I could post

People here on T2W might have suffered an awful lot over the last 10 yrs - with crooks and fraudsters

I have been in my early days many time - but the one that did me the most - nothing to do with FX - was Lehman Bros Bank - (n)

I am just not cocky or arrogant

I just dont like people who are haters etc

Thats why I am not on facebook / twitter or any other site spending hrs fighting trolls and haters etc etc

Every site gets them - its just a shame

I am not saying Tar is a hater - but there is no 2 ways about it - he his another guys who dissed me from day one

That's no problem - but I will not stand for him to come on the thread - admit he is no scalper - and then try and pull every comment apart - without even knowing anything about the method or system

Plus the fact - he' stopped me earning another $500 or more by taking part of my attention away from the charts etc

That is a good spoiler method - I then have a choice

Ignore him - or ask him to join in and learn

I guess - he should be saying - scalping can never work and you are the great example of it

The trouble is - i am sure he knows if he said that - it might be totally wrong - and then - he would be in a corner


I can - if you could - Promise you 1000% - I am no scammer

I think that's the part that really winds the non believers up - a lot more than any results I could post

People here on T2W might have suffered an awful lot over the last 10 yrs - with crooks and fraudsters

I have been in my early days many time - but the one that did me the most - nothing to do with FX - was Lehman Bros Bank - (n)

I am just not cocky or arrogant

I just dont like people who are haters etc

Thats why I am not on facebook / twitter or any other site spending hrs fighting trolls and haters etc etc

Every site gets them - its just a shame

I am not saying Tar is a hater - but there is no 2 ways about it - he his another guys who dissed me from day one

That's no problem - but I will not stand for him to come on the thread - admit he is no scalper - and then try and pull every comment apart - without even knowing anything about the method or system

Plus the fact - he' stopped me earning another $500 or more by taking part of my attention away from the charts etc

That is a good spoiler method - I then have a choice

Ignore him - or ask him to join in and learn

I guess - he should be saying - scalping can never work and you are the great example of it

The trouble is - i am sure he knows if he said that - it might be totally wrong - and then - he would be in a corner



Who said i am not a scalper ? I didnt take any trades or scalps right now while posting that's what i meant , doesn't mean i dont scalp FX or other markets ...
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Its so bloody obvious you cannot read price at the coal face

You don't get it , i am not trading or scalping right now -while typing- just taking your own "way-off" levels from your own words and your own posts , there are many ways to scalp or daytrade markets like bidding and offering in futures DOM ... etc not the point though ...
Your last levels in Cable shows that you are reading the chart upside down and you didnt take one trade today otherwise you are in a 13 loss streak and 35 pips loss in few hours just in cable ...
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