Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I'm not even vaguely upset. I'm just calling you on your bs. After your post in my thread 2 days ago, I answered your point and then called trades here, and also posted consecutive statements, showing $800-$1k/day gains. That's not 'cherry-picking'.

I posted my comment to you because you came on here implying that someone who posts a lot is not scalping. Maybe fxmo is scalping well - who knows - what I saw is him teaching MM, who posted great results yesterday.

All I see from you recently are pointless negative comments. Hence I say to you, if you want to criticise start proving you can walk the walk. You can post some "after the event" statements - that's fine.

Yeah you aren't upset i can see that ! Dont take it personal but posting screen shots and short term statements doesn't prove anything at all and its "cherry picking" that's a fact not bs , you are free to post it though its a free forum after all , and i and others are free to express our opinions here as well , mind you i didn't claim that you or anyone else here is a loser or a liar didn't say that either , nor i criticized the way you trade . So this isn't about me , as i said i didn't make any claims here so i don't see the relevancy of your requests at all .

The thing about screenshots and statements :

Re screenshots of accounts : Anyone can pick whatever they want to show and take a screen shot of it , doesn't mean that there isn't any other trades not showing, so that's cherry picking , and its short-term anyway .

Re statements : Showing a short-term statement is meaningless , and doesn't prove anything : First a statement should be verified . Second a statement should be long enough to cover at least few years and different market conditions to show trading behavior during market cycles , max DD and any other trading statistics ... etc .

Just my 2 cents .
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Yeah you aren't upset i can see that ! Dont take it personal but posting screen shots and short term statements doesn't prove anything at all and its "cherry picking" that's a fact not bs , you are free to post it though its a free forum after all , and i and others are free to express our opinions here as well , mind you i didn't claim that you or anyone else here is a loser or a liar didn't say that either , nor i criticized the way you trade . So this isn't about me , as i said i didn't make any claims here so i don't see the relevancy of your requests at all .

The thing about screenshots and statements :

Re screenshots of accounts : Anyone can pick whatever they want to show and take a screen shot of it , doesn't mean that there isn't any other trades not showing, so that's cherry picking , and its short-term anyway .

Re statements : Showing a short-term statement is meaningless , and doesn't prove anything : First a statement should be verified . Second a statement should be long enough to cover at least few years and different market conditions to show trading behavior during market cycles , max DD and any other trading statistics ... etc .

Just my 2 cents .

LOL ! I'm glad you know my state of mind better than I do. Let me tell you what does upset me: losing lots of money. Why would your opinion upset me? You most likely can't even trade - I do this for a living.

As I answered before, yes of course in theory: a screenshot could be cherry-picked, a statement could be unrepresentative, a live call could be faked etc. Frankly even audited accounts over several years can be false - how do you think Madoff got away with his ponzi scheme? After a while it becomes pretty clear if a statement is unreliable. In my thread, someone posted a statement showing a great win rate, unfortunately a cursory analysis showed he wasn't actually profitable (as I pointed out there).

However, I haven't 'cherry-picked' a single screenshot/trade. Rather, I've posted about 15 screenshots on this site recently, about 100 trades (studies in statistical analysis often quote the 'Rule of 100' as a basis for valid sample sizes), showing a win rate of 75-80% with good expectancy. I have participated in calls and written about trades that worked well - and more importantly that didn't work out so well. Frankly, that's not 'cherry-picking'. As for my trades being short-term - I'm a scalper! Short-term is in the definition.

Let me make my point clearly: what I see time and again on this site are people who can't trade posting puerile, negative comments on threads where others are actually trading well, or are trying to learn. It's pathetic.

What's most pathetic is the infantile line: "screenshots/statements etc are meaningless". Childishly demanding years of audited accounts and the like. Get real. Do you seriously expect anyone to pay for an auditor & legal team to verify several years of trade statements & bank records, and then deliver the results to you, just to appease your ego? You know, as I do, that it's a throw-away line for people to hide behind.

So again, I repeat my challenge: trade with us for a few days, make money & produce some winning trade statements like MM did, and 'walk the walk'. Or go back to hiding behind loser's arguments. Your choice. Believe me, it's far more enjoyable to make money.
MM how are you doing overall? I can fire up some sht hot account statements but would have 2 be selective as I have some real stinky days too.
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LOL ! I'm glad you know my state of mind better than I do. Let me tell you what does upset me: losing lots of money. Why would your opinion upset me? You most likely can't even trade - I do this for a living.

As I answered before, yes of course in theory: a screenshot could be cherry-picked, a statement could be unrepresentative, a live call could be faked etc. Frankly even audited accounts over several years can be false - how do you think Madoff got away with his ponzi scheme? After a while it becomes pretty clear if a statement is unreliable. In my thread, someone posted a statement showing a great win rate, unfortunately a cursory analysis showed he wasn't actually profitable (as I pointed out there).

However, I haven't 'cherry-picked' a single screenshot/trade. Rather, I've posted about 15 screenshots on this site recently, about 100 trades (studies in statistical analysis often quote the 'Rule of 100' as a basis for valid sample sizes), showing a win rate of 75-80% with good expectancy. I have participated in calls and written about trades that worked well - and more importantly that didn't work out so well. Frankly, that's not 'cherry-picking'. As for my trades being short-term - I'm a scalper! Short-term is in the definition.

Let me make my point clearly: what I see time and again on this site are people who can't trade posting puerile, negative comments on threads where others are actually trading well, or are trying to learn. It's pathetic.

What's most pathetic is the infantile line: "screenshots/statements etc are meaningless". Childishly demanding years of audited accounts and the like. Get real. Do you seriously expect anyone to pay for an auditor & legal team to verify several years of trade statements & bank records, and then deliver the results to you, just to appease your ego? You know, as I do, that it's a throw-away line for people to hide behind.

So again, I repeat my challenge: trade with us for a few days, make money & produce some winning trade statements like MM did, and 'walk the walk'. Or go back to hiding behind loser's arguments. Your choice. Believe me, it's far more enjoyable to make money.

Instead of talking too much , why not join this old thread which is known to members as the live calls thread , the rules of the thread are clear : post your trade live with a SL , and when you exit post it live no delay no scalping for 2-3 pips - obviously because its not practical - , and you can exit wherever whenever you like - before it hits your SL , at BE ... etc - .

Enjoy .
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Instead of talking too much , why not join this old thread which is known to members as the live calls thread , the rules of the thread are clear : post your trade live with a SL , and when you exit post it live no delay no scalping for 2-3 pips - obviously because its not practical - , and you can exit wherever whenever you like - before it hits your SL , at BE ... etc - .

Enjoy .

Why am I not surprised at this stupid response? I answer all your points (like I did on the other thread), and because you are unable to respond you just make another infantile comment. Again, you ignore my request to prove that you can trade - why is that?

I stated clearly that I'm a scalper, often just scalping for a few pips (as shown in my trade statements) and you now state that your conditions are "no scalping for 2-3 pips". LOL. Your other condition is that I must post entry and exit "live no delay" - how am I supposed to achieve that when my platform sometimes auto-executes entries & exits in less than 20 seconds? One of these trades last week made $930 (I posted it on this site), but I guess that doesn't count... Would you like to impose any more stupid conditions? How about I trade blindfold?

As I've pointed out to you several times, your so-called "live calls" are way less relevant that the trade-statements you are so dismissive of. FX pairs can bounce in a 10 pip range in seconds, it's easy to say: "Bought EU at 3, sold at 9 = +6 pips!" In fact "trading educators" do this all the time when they sell "forex live calls". They do this in chat rooms - it would be even easier in a slow refreshing forum like this. However they never evidence with trade statements... funny that.

Your userid says you've been a site member since 2006, with nearly 4.5 thousand posts here... I really can't believe you know so little after all this time.
Why am I not surprised at this stupid response? I answer all your points (like I did on the other thread), and because you are unable to respond you just make another infantile comment. Again, you ignore my request to prove that you can trade - why is that?

I stated clearly that I'm a scalper, often just scalping for a few pips (as shown in my trade statements) and you now state that your conditions are "no scalping for 2-3 pips". LOL. Your other condition is that I must post entry and exit "live no delay" - how am I supposed to achieve that when my platform sometimes auto-executes entries & exits in less than 20 seconds? One of these trades last week made $930 (I posted it on this site), but I guess that doesn't count... Would you like to impose any more stupid conditions? How about I trade blindfold?

As I've pointed out to you several times, your so-called "live calls" are way less relevant that the trade-statements you are so dismissive of. FX pairs can bounce in a 10 pip range in seconds, it's easy to say: "Bought EU at 3, sold at 9 = +6 pips!" In fact "trading educators" do this all the time when they sell "forex live calls". They do this in chat rooms - it would be even easier in a slow refreshing forum like this. However they never evidence with trade statements... funny that.

Your userid says you've been a site member since 2006, with nearly 4.5 thousand posts here... I really can't believe you know so little after all this time.

You are moving in circles right now like a clown in his honeymoon . These aren't my conditions its the conditions of the thread always been , go ahead post scalps at the live calls thread but its not practical you just said that yourself didn't you ! I have no problem with scalping but how are you going to post that live ?!
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You are moving in circles right now like a clown in his honeymoon .

I address all your points, you can't answer mine. That makes me the clown? OK.

These aren't my conditions its the conditions of the thread always been , go ahead post scalps at the live calls thread but its not practical you just said that yourself didn't you ! I have no problem with scalping but how are you going to post that live ?!

WTF? You just suggested I post there! Now you're agreeing it's not practical. Wasn't that my original point?

Look I'm going to end this here. The only reason I persist in these ridiculous arguments is that after years of struggling in the pit of despair that is retail trading, I feel obliged to point out the endless bs to others, and try and show that it is possible to succeed in this game (although as I've said many times, it is very, very hard).
Hi Tar

As an experienced "short term Intraday FX trader" - I can trade any type of market conditions - any day - any time from 6 00 am UK time with say a 12 hr window and make profits - day in day out.


I should imagine DJ can as well and within the next 3 -6 months MM will be able to also do it with real money up to I imagine 5 -10 lots - and will improve every 500 live trades he takes - as long as he keeps to the rules etc

My own problem is over 20 lots - I failed in the past to compound above £170k ( $280k ) - but that was approx 4 yrs ago - when I was not as good as today.

I welcome any day trader to make live calls in this thread - if need be he can just make 1 or 2 a day - whether they take less than an hour - 3 hrs of even 10 hrs - and need not comment whether he is just guessing ( I would soon know) or whether he is using a particular method ie Elliots - Harmonics - PF's etc - he can just type EU buy 3527 - stop 25 pips - target 3590 - if he wants - no problem- and ideally 2 - 15 mins before he takes the trade - no problem

I can actually indicate in advance - ie 10 -20 mins - whether I am planning a scalp buy or sell at a particular price area - ie sell at 3592-94 - but will only be able to say whether i enter the trade - 10 seconds to 30 seconds before I enter - as the trade might only last 3- 15 mins - and if I get it wrong I can be out within 1 - 4 minutes.

All thread followers know my stops are approx 5 pips - ie as low as 3 pips up to 7 pips max - but no way do I wait to be stopped out from entry if I can help it - i will pull break even or minus 2 or 3.

Once I am up say 11 pips - I don't mind a 4 pip pullback - when I am up in a trade 27 pips - I might even live with a 9 -10 pip pullback - simply because I am well in profit and have probably already taken some off etc etc - or in a "free trade"

I did not originally realise there would be a delay on the thread as much as there is

I now recommend all new followers to refresh the pages every 30 seconds during the busy "time windows" - otherwise if you don't - you might not see a comment for 1- 5 minutes after its posted - or it some cases its lost as there may be 3 - 5 post all within 5 minutes if 2 -4 traders are commenting

My session updates tell you in advance what I am seeing and my plans anyway - and I check them out fairly often and use when I enter or am in a trade

Finally - as you might now have guessed - I just don't care really about what ever any other trader thinks about me.

I can either be the best thing to retail FX trading since 0.5 pip spreads - to the worse FX trader possible in the last decade.

All I know is I can read PA at the "coalface" - pip to pip and make trades that have a high probability of making me positive pips and good money

I have nothing against swing traders or position traders or even investors - its just that the way I use - WORKS - been making me money for over 7 years ( out of the 11 yrs I have been trading) and as long as the markets moves more than 20 pips every day - and brokers don't increase their spreads up to 6-10 pips a trade - it will carry on making me and other using the same type of way money - ongoing

With regards to fortune tellers ( any trader who's trade last over a few hours) - guessers - random entry theorists - total trading newbies - non traders - haters - spivs - crooks etc etc - please just don't bother - and ignore this thread at your own loss ;-)


Too right innit. There is nuff pussies on here who need to harden up. you know the sort that are late for training. i am off for a run and some shadow boxing in the park.

Yeah there sure is, if they could only get their psyche right and get stuck in ffs son kinell bud they would stand a chance of taking some of the senior decision makers (at the SB firms) bonuses and making circa 20% a month, fooking fooktards.
I'm thinking of running a weekend seminar to teach fledgling traders how to get their nut in the game son ffs and also teach them how to knock up a secret indi combo to work the smalls and the E/U 4hr this one guarantees that you won't puke too soon, kinell. I was thinking of charging circa £27.64 that would include tickets to the game, a pint, circuits at the gym and a chance to meet Harry the hose, he's my mate who turned up at the gym n lifted 17 double deckers whilst drinking a skinny latte and chewing a curly wurly* UNDER THE RADAR! The same very night he went out on his shift and got the living **** kicked out of him by a mega nutty 10 year girl who was pissed off with him trying, a miserable attempt it was, to put out a bin she'd sparked up. Where was I... oh yeah circa two hours of training on teh forex, no need to spend moar it's not rocket science is it ffs, then off for a run at the end of the day. We might nip in to see Sir Terry Leahy my old school chum, I could have him any day, even in my shrunken state.
Gotta go signals.....
Did I mention I was demoing the Currenex platform, only good for big time traders (circa50mio a month) like me who like to fly into the radar.

PM me for details

*Lidl equivalent.

ere Son, wotz wiv teh sig u gone other side of teh fence on us

kinell piggy you ruined my secret indi combo line I'll kin wll biff you you sh!tc*nt

Oh look at this guy here pig-e-bridges I mean what kinda name is that, he doesn't trade, none of them do. I'm the only person in the world who can traaaaade....ODT
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Hi Tar

My own problem is over 20 lots - I failed in the past to compound above £170k ( $280k ) - but that was approx 4 yrs ago - when I was not as good as today.


Kinell Rexxymofo, get yaself signed up to my seminar ffs, even I can tarde more than that without ****ting brix and I haven't got a kin clue what button on my platform does what let alone where the markets are going. I find it hard to believe that someone with your level of confidence can't trade more that a 20 lotta, get ya nut in the game ffs.

What happened to yuor 1000 to 10 kin large account you were going to show us all? just open 20 demo accounts and go long short on teh same pair until one of em hits 10k
I can see a tv series here...should we all get writing and send them a script.

Kinell, not rocket science is it bud m8 ffs.

Have the bucketshop kneecappas been round yet or did you do a 'pondlife' on the account? I should get me 100 sheets soon and then I'm gonna get back me 50 kin large......:whistling
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