Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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in fact it just blew all my profit and took me below 10k starting point. very dissapointed with myself. just cant get into swing aT ALL. currently -16 open on large vol!
Got to pop out for an hr or so - taking Basil the dog to the groomers for a make over ;-)

See you a bit later and around in and out this afternoon

Keep those stops tight MM if you are only in 50 /50 mode ;-))
so 7 bad trades 21 good and overalll loss!!

Just seen this as I leave

Stops not under 5 -7 pips the problem - please go and sit on the naughty chair - or stand in the corner - whilst typing - I must not keep selling the EA - 1000 times please :)

See you a bit later

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