Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Sorry BP

missed what you had asked ?


i did do Skype 3 yrs ago + for a few months

It did my head in

Its so much easier for me to check my blog notes over the day then listen to tapes of loads of arguments going on etc etc

Yes real time is better - but really I dont do it for everyone else - my main priority is for me to say what I am seeing and thinking as I look at the charts etc

Later on I can then check what i thought before a main high or low etc etc

This idea of blogging trading notes helped me about 4 yrs ago

Maybe this forum does not suit me and i don't suit the forum - but its been working OK - but can really be improved a lot more


1357 is best exit pricE I can get for now
- That was at 1 37 pm approx


atm - any time after 1 36 pm is a scalp buy above 1358 / 60 area

Not entered yet though - want to work out were I am etc

would only scalp sell EU now under 55 - 47 and 40 I reckon

Are you with me on the 30 -35 min time rules on interim highs and low T2wI ??

and then the 50 -60 min ones saying interim highs and lows can then be breached ??

Forexmospherian;2614696[B said:
]EU as stayed over 30 mins with no breach of low

News in 42 mins[/B] - Price then at 1380 area

Back nearer news time - Basil is barking


For news

Need over 1400 and 1430 to stay with any scalp buys or 30% you have on

Under 65 - 58 and 45 and 35 - well all scalp sell land

EU today

Caught the bottom to exit sells and then got in late on scalp buys but did manage to stay with one partial up to 1430 area - and then sold again

Now at 7 00 pm ish time - back near the low of the day at 1360 ish

Everything under 1375/80 says stay with sells - but not scalping any more so just move stop down to 1381 on a partial

I know MM gets all this and his very good at it - but not sure other traders know I even do it ?? ( ie partial stakes with stops in profits )

one more question to answer for Keen now
:eek:Pete have you been on the Johnny Walker this afternoon ?:cheesy:was not me that asked below (lol)

i did do Skype 3 yrs ago + for a few months

It did my head in

Its so much easier for me to check my blog notes over the day then listen to tapes of loads of arguments going on etc etc

Yes real time is better - but really I dont do it for everyone else - my main priority is for me to say what I am seeing and thinking as I look at the charts etc

Later on I can then check what i thought before a main high or low etc etc

This idea of blogging trading notes helped me about 4 yrs ago

Maybe this forum does not suit me and i don't suit the forum - but its been working OK - but can really be improved a lot more


Hi F,

I wanted to share with you my current trading setup and have your advice on whether it’s suitable or should I change something to have the whole potential of being applied to your method.

I have one screen with my pair of choice on T13 (3 quick LRs on it). I have another one on M1 with the LRs like yours (there is actually one LR I have not been able to figure out, but I’ll ask that later).
I have another screen split in 3. Each 1/3 showing EU, EJ and my favorite GU all on M3. On this one I try to read the PA for the near term probable movements and see how they correlate to figure out which currency is actually causing the moves. And finally another screen with M30 to have a better view of the bigger picture. I switch the 3 pairs on that one.

I take the decisions based mostly on the T13 and M1 as I understand you do.
It’s very tempting to have one of those 4K screens MM recently bought. I guess all the info fits on a single screen without using a magnifying glass to read it. Would like to hear MM’s feedback on his new toy.

Any suggestions are welcome (notice I’m asking F, not the morons/trolls!)

Hi Keen

Ok more detail on your set up

If you can get used to a tick chart over the next few months - brilliant but unless you are already a great scalper - then the 1 min will be OK 90% of the time

Its important you have your 1 mins with the size of candles or bars and the time clear

For a 1 min chart show at least 60 -90 mins - but you dont need to show 2 or 4 hrs of back view - only when you want to check levels

Similar if you have you chart zoomed to close and only show under 20 mins - you dont see enough of whats happened - you need the correct frame size and period really

I many time show screen shots covering 6 -8 hrs on a 1 min

I never trade with them like that - you cannot see enough detail

Also on time bar -its no good if only showing every 10- 15 mins - you need to see ideally at least every 3 mins marked for accuracy

Ideally you need at least 2 to 4 screens for doing a serious intraday job

You need your main 2 or 4 pairs you want to trade - but if you only have say a 17 or 20 inch screen - more than 2 or 3 charts on it are too much

Yes have a 30 min or 60 mins to look at now and again - but 80% of the time all will be on the 1 min chart - especially if you have taken the time to mark key levels etc

With 2 or more screens you can then look for move "sync" starting at same KT's

You should get better moves if EU moves up with EJ and GU and AU - and UChf and UJ and UCad all move down - thats not too often all at same time

also sync the AU with Ucad - and with yen strength you can all the yen crosses dropping together - UJ / GJ / AJ / EJ etc

For a start stay with just a few key pairs with low spreads on your set up

You need under 1 pip on EU and 1 to2 pips on every other popular pair

I would also agree a 40 in screen would make things easier - clarity leads to more accuracy etc - so worth looking at in future

If you can do a screenshot of how you see your intraday chart view for entering a trade - I can advise more then


Hi Keen

Ok more detail on your set up

If you can get used to a tick chart over the next few months - brilliant but unless you are already a great scalper - then the 1 min will be OK 90% of the time

Its important you have your 1 mins with the size of candles or bars and the time clear

For a 1 min chart show at least 60 -90 mins - but you dont need to show 2 or 4 hrs of back view - only when you want to check levels

Similar if you have you chart zoomed to close and only show under 20 mins - you dont see enough of whats happened - you need the correct frame size and period really

I many time show screen shots covering 6 -8 hrs on a 1 min

I never trade with them like that - you cannot see enough detail

Also on time bar -its no good if only showing every 10- 15 mins - you need to see ideally at least every 3 mins marked for accuracy

Ideally you need at least 2 to 4 screens for doing a serious intraday job

You need your main 2 or 4 pairs you want to trade - but if you only have say a 17 or 20 inch screen - more than 2 or 3 charts on it are too much

Yes have a 30 min or 60 mins to look at now and again - but 80% of the time all will be on the 1 min chart - especially if you have taken the time to mark key levels etc

With 2 or more screens you can then look for move "sync" starting at same KT's

You should get better moves if EU moves up with EJ and GU and AU - and UChf and UJ and UCad all move down - thats not too often all at same time

also sync the AU with Ucad - and with yen strength you can all the yen crosses dropping together - UJ / GJ / AJ / EJ etc

For a start stay with just a few key pairs with low spreads on your set up

You need under 1 pip on EU and 1 to2 pips on every other popular pair

I would also agree a 40 in screen would make things easier - clarity leads to more accuracy etc - so worth looking at in future

If you can do a screenshot of how you see your intraday chart view for entering a trade - I can advise more then



keen , pm me your gmail and i will send some chartshots showing how i use ticks over m1 for price structure in critical moments
but for a start, here are two charts on eu.a t21 and m1, same time ( 15.50 ,must be a coincidence it turned at that time)
which one would you rather sell?


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6 05 pm

Only got 1 x30% stake on now and taking 20% off now at 54687

Leaving 10% on with stop still at 5512

Will it be worth it - have not got a clue but that parts only £3 a pip anyway

- That was at 1 37 pm approx

EU today

Caught the bottom to exit sells and then got in late on scalp buys but did manage to stay with one partial up to 1430 area - and then sold again

Now at 7 00 pm ish time - back near the low of the day at 1360 ish

Everything under 1375/80 says stay with sells - but not scalping any more so just move stop down to 1381 on a partial

Just gone 10 00 pm

GU been down to 52 and moving stop in profit now down to 5471 from 5512

EU - moving stop in profit down from 1381 to 1328

If I get stopped on either or both - all OK made my main profit on first 70% part and first move of tightening partial stops in profit- this is small cream on top of the cake - but all adds up in the end

See you in the morning


Hi Keen

Ok more detail on your set up

If you can get used to a tick chart over the next few months - brilliant but unless you are already a great scalper - then the 1 min will be OK 90% of the time

Its important you have your 1 mins with the size of candles or bars and the time clear

For a 1 min chart show at least 60 -90 mins - but you dont need to show 2 or 4 hrs of back view - only when you want to check levels

Similar if you have you chart zoomed to close and only show under 20 mins - you dont see enough of whats happened - you need the correct frame size and period really

I many time show screen shots covering 6 -8 hrs on a 1 min

I never trade with them like that - you cannot see enough detail

Also on time bar -its no good if only showing every 10- 15 mins - you need to see ideally at least every 3 mins marked for accuracy

Ideally you need at least 2 to 4 screens for doing a serious intraday job

You need your main 2 or 4 pairs you want to trade - but if you only have say a 17 or 20 inch screen - more than 2 or 3 charts on it are too much

Yes have a 30 min or 60 mins to look at now and again - but 80% of the time all will be on the 1 min chart - especially if you have taken the time to mark key levels etc

With 2 or more screens you can then look for move "sync" starting at same KT's

You should get better moves if EU moves up with EJ and GU and AU - and UChf and UJ and UCad all move down - thats not too often all at same time

also sync the AU with Ucad - and with yen strength you can all the yen crosses dropping together - UJ / GJ / AJ / EJ etc

For a start stay with just a few key pairs with low spreads on your set up

You need under 1 pip on EU and 1 to2 pips on every other popular pair

I would also agree a 40 in screen would make things easier - clarity leads to more accuracy etc - so worth looking at in future

If you can do a screenshot of how you see your intraday chart view for entering a trade - I can advise more then


Hi F,
Thanks for your comprehensive reply. I appreciate you taking the time to reply after your trading day.
It did clarify many things. First, I think I zoomed out the M1 chart too much and been missing many details of the LRs. No wonder I still don’t understand them quite well. However I manage to make some green pips most days. I did 15 today.

I come from scalping a la Bob Volman who uses tick charts as well, but it’s T70. T13 is really fast and I’ll take your suggestion about only concentrating on M1 for now.
Attached my current M1 chart with LRs. Most LRs coincide with your LRs until recently, but noticed you changed yours a bit lately.


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but for a start, here are two charts on eu.a t21 and m1, same time ( 15.50 ,must be a coincidence it turned at that time)
which one would you rather sell?

Nice example. I see your point clearly. I just PMed you. Very excited to learn from you guys how to read the details on the fast charts.

Hi F,
Thanks for your comprehensive reply. I appreciate you taking the time to reply after your trading day.
It did clarify many things. First, I think I zoomed out the M1 chart too much and been missing many details of the LRs. No wonder I still don’t understand them quite well. However I manage to make some green pips most days. I did 15 today.

I come from scalping a la Bob Volman who uses tick charts as well, but it’s T70. T13 is really fast and I’ll take your suggestion about only concentrating on M1 for now.
Attached my current M1 chart with LRs. Most LRs coincide with your LRs until recently, but noticed you changed yours a bit lately.

Hi Keen

Well spotted - the devil in the detail part and you are correct - over last few months I have been playing with many of my LR settings and also have added an extra couple of LRs to see if they can assist me more at key price areas.

Going back about 7 yrs ago - I did try up to 15 LRs on my 1 min chart and because I did not have the knowledge and experience then - they caused me confusion - so I then went down just to 6. For the next few years I tested between 5 and 10 LRs - looking for multi cross overs in time windows

In the end I came to the conclusion - I needed 9 in batches of 3 - ie 3 quick for scalping - 3 medium for just intraday and 3 longer LR settings for more price structure for anything from 4 to 24 hrs moves.

During that time - I have used at least 4 different brokers charts as well as Intellicharts Pro that could be linked to different feed. This made me realise - I needed to fine tune my setting according to the different broker charts.

There is an element of curve fitting - but because LRs are quicker than MA's with not so much lag - on a 1 min - you can end up with some very accurate leading indicators giving you an edge via Price structure more than Price action in isolation.

Also - we will all have different trading styles - so try and set your groups of 2 or 3 to suit your own requirements as you progress.

This might not make too much sense just atm - but over next few months - I am sure you will understand what i mean more

Your chart looks fine - its now a case of understanding each LR's relationship to price and this will help you read moves in advance of them exactly happening

Have a good day



PS - got dollar weakness so far this morning with EU and GU in bull PS for the moment
Thursday 27th August 2015 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday Traders


Today I will not be around as much as last 3 busy days

Here for Opens and then between 8 15 am and 4 pm - might only be around for the odd hour instead of normal 3 -5 hrs as got some other family commitments going on.

I have had 3 really good trading days this week and well ahead of my daily and weekly targets - although September will not be a normal month as - again away on an holiday break

Normal stuff again today - all FX contributions - ie calls - charts - forecast on different pairs - questions - trading ideas etc etc - all welcome and while I am not around - please feel free to contribute to the thread

EJ as been my first scalp pair of the morning - very early for me - as 5 40 am sell and a 6 06 am scalp buy - both in time windows - but last one was in advance of a 6 09am KT

Will make sure I cover the LiTs on at least 6 pairs this morning and try and get a few scalp calls in advance before I go out

Have a great day



Morning update

Low for me before 10 00 pm last night 1291 and over Asian session a 60 pips rise up to 1357 high so far

Will post an early chart as LiTs from 1330 to 1335 ish area - above more bullish PS and needing under 1300 for back to a bearish AM session

Ideally want to scalp buy above 1330 for tries over 1360 +

For now 6 09 am as been a nice scalp sell - and will show what I have been watching from pre 6 00 am UK time on my chart
EU - overnight and from after 6 00 am


1 min LR Chart

I had scalp sold EJ before 6 00 am and from after 6 09 am the EU joined in - as a scalp sell in a bullish PS for morning above the LiTs area



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6 35 AM

LiTs areas for some key pairs

EU - 1320 - 1335 area ( not 1330 as said above - mistake )

GU - 5460 - 5480 ish

EJ - 136 05 - 136 25 ish

UJ - 120 10 - 120 25 ish

UChf - 9510 - 9530 ish

UCad - 3290 - 3310 ish

AU - 7125 - 7140 ish

Price structures - bullish above both prices - bearish under both for morning session

Morning update

Low for me before 10 00 pm last night 1291 and over Asian session a 60 pips rise up to 1357 high so far

Will post an early chart as LiTs from 1330 to 1335 ish area - above more bullish PS and needing under 1300 for back to a bearish AM session

Ideally want to scalp buy above 1330 for tries over 1360 +

For now 6 09 am as been a nice scalp sell - and will show what I have been watching from pre 6 00 am UK time on my chart


After 6 29 / 30 am we got the HL and first scalp buy clues from 1338 area

1348 to 51 is all R and so we would need to clear above to carry on for tries over 1360

My current range is like 1335 to 1360

For larger moves - we need to come out the range - with Price structure favouring higher - but all depends on strength of R's
No red news this morning - US dollar news at 1 30 pm

Normal warning to be careful of spikes at 7 00 am EO and the 8 00 am London Open

Ucad as had a busy last 40 mins - it is under its LiTs and just dropped approx 20 pips with supports at 3265 and 50 and 60

update for the EO at 7 00am

Pullbacks staying above 1340 I think still favour more tries at 1360+

My scalp buy became a scalp sell at 6 51 am from 1351 area - I did have that as a R area as already mentioned
No red news this morning - US dollar news at 1 30 pm

Normal warning to be careful of spikes at 7 00 am EO and the 8 00 am London Open

Ucad as had a busy last 40 mins - it is under its LiTs and just dropped approx 20 pips with supports at 3265 and 50 and 60

We got the 7 00 am spike and I had exited my 6 51 am sell already as it only dropped 4 pips - so got the feeling some thing did not look right

The spike was only 6 pips - with the high being 1354

For now will wait for more clues on EU before next scalps in this TW
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