Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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that will really wind them up - :D

What the cult of even minded impartial observers whose mission in life is to stop you getting to every newbie trader in the world and then sell them nothing.

Yes better to read a hundred threads and forums where they will be told entry to the 2% club is nigh on impossible, when in fact it is 2%.
good morning all.........

we are currently selling usd ...............heres a 15m usd index showing the falls so far today

support level looming


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Hi F,

I have only just stumbled across these postings and love the concept of what you are sharing. I am an ex trader in futures and recently decided to have a play with spread-betting forex.

I came across this forum by looking for a decent trader chat room as I'm serous about trying to make a living via this.

I would like to propose an idea, and please don't be offended by it.

But, I would like to propose that I set up a public chat room that I will add all traders/ fans on this particular forum to and any other future traders who also find this and want to follow you.

The pros in this is that it will be instant when posting and simplistic (something that is key in trading, low latency) Also any time-wasters or people who are knocking your work can be blocked.

Feel free to private message me if you like.

Ps, I am not a company or trying to sell anything. The chat room in opensource and free to everyone to download and set up. I will even write up instruction and send them out if needs be. No one is excluded

Anyone against the idea?



Hey C #

F was part of a phenomenal group such as this a while back but for various reasons they ended it............F has come over to T2win since then

i'm not fussed either way ............but don't let me loose on a live trading room one else will get a word in :LOL::LOL:

yes I can talk as much as I post.......i'm a business consultant for Christ sake.....i'm paid to talk

Hi F,

I have only just stumbled across these postings and love the concept of what you are sharing. I am an ex trader in futures and recently decided to have a play with spread-betting forex.

I came across this forum by looking for a decent trader chat room as I'm serous about trying to make a living via this.

I would like to propose an idea, and please don't be offended by it.

But, I would like to propose that I set up a public chat room that I will add all traders/ fans on this particular forum to and any other future traders who also find this and want to follow you.

The pros in this is that it will be instant when posting and simplistic (something that is key in trading, low latency) Also any time-wasters or people who are knocking your work can be blocked.

Feel free to private message me if you like.

Ps, I am not a company or trying to sell anything. The chat room in opensource and free to everyone to download and set up. I will even write up instruction and send them out if needs be. No one is excluded

Anyone against the idea?



Hi Ch1P

I did skype about 4+ yrs ago - and it was an headache

I know the facility as improved and maybe I should try it again

I have been inundated with requests from other FX traders over last 3 yrs to do live chat and been invited into many other rooms etc

Got an open mind - need really to see whats the latest technology available and maybe give it a go

Will let you know my plans over next month or so - as off on 2 holidays in August and September


so the usd is a real mean selling machine...........shame as we have a uberweak gbp as well ....................wish those guys would get a room and sort things out

Hi Ch1P

I did skype about 4+ yrs ago - and it was an headache

I know the facility as improved and maybe I should try it again

I have been inundated with requests from other FX traders over last 3 yrs to do live chat and been invited into many other rooms etc

Got an open mind - need really to see whats the latest technology available and maybe give it a go

Will let you know my plans over next month or so - as off on 2 holidays in August and September



i'm out for 3 weeks from mid sept to October...........having to take wife away for a long promised break

happy to talk after then ............

the weak usd is getting hammered by my NON trading currencies (aussies/yen)...........dammitt.........
Hi Ch1P

I did skype about 4+ yrs ago - and it was an headache

I know the facility as improved and maybe I should try it again

I have been inundated with requests from other FX traders over last 3 yrs to do live chat and been invited into many other rooms etc

Got an open mind - need really to see whats the latest technology available and maybe give it a go

Will let you know my plans over next month or so - as off on 2 holidays in August and September



Thanks for the reply, fully understand. I will follow your trend on here in that case and if you want me to set up anything, feel free to let me know.

What do you think ? :LOL:

No moderator sign by your nic for now

With ffsears calling it a day - surely they need more help from the established long serving members - and you have done it before - I believe ?

Have a good day tar

Please tell me why are you not staying with FX - rather than indices - as by the look of it from your results on your thread - indices etc have not been easy lately

Surely the GJ and GN etc would have given you a far better return ???


the weak usd is getting hammered by my NON trading currencies (aussies/yen)...........dammitt.........



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i'm out for 3 weeks from mid sept to October...........having to take wife away for a long promised break

happy to talk after then ............


That's a nice long break N

You must be earning too much nowadays - at least my fees on private schools for the kids as finished now ;-)
I could have chased that 5-8 pips on GU but risky...........theres plenty of trades easier to take than that

8 20 am

Made 3142 and then after 8 07 / 8 09 am - became a scalp sell and dropped under 27 and its low

No wonder it called the "snake" - that was a crafty move and ignored time rules with low breached by 50 mins - not the normal hour needed

UNDER 3127 for now still a sell - but support around 3120 anyway


8 39 am

3110 low for now
No moderator sign by your nic for now

With ffsears calling it a day - surely they need more help from the established long serving members - and you have done it before - I believe ?

Have a good day tar

Please tell me why are you not staying with FX - rather than indices - as by the look of it from your results on your thread - indices etc have not been easy lately

Surely the GJ and GN etc would have given you a far better return ???



I don't concentrate on a certain asset class , i do both , but indices always gave me better returns ...

That's a nice long break N

You must be earning too much nowadays - at least my fees on private schools for the kids as finished now ;-)

we were both yuppie professionals in my first marriage so no kids ....then my second marriage was in 40's and we were too set in our ways

so with no kids we are easily £150k better per kid over last 20 years .that money has to be spent dude :LOL:
Thanks for the reply, fully understand. I will follow your trend on here in that case and if you want me to set up anything, feel free to let me know.


the many followers at T2win don't realise how good this thread and group are here................if they had spent as much time in other forums and trading rooms as I have they would know this thread is running T2win at the moment - and justifiably so.......:smart:

I am privileged to be working with such a good and talented doesn't happen that much before people usually go their own way

so I suggest T2win viewers make the most of it


Both still in bullish PS for morning session - but both not easy -

EU made so far 0972 but after 8 30 am its dropped 10 pips

Last HL was 51 - so we need to stay above there to scalp buy again and then we need to see a try at 0975 and 0980

UNDER 0950 - stay with any scalp sells you have on

Both still in bullish PS for morning session - but both not easy -

EU made so far 0972 but after 8 30 am its dropped 10 pips

Last HL was 51 - so we need to stay above there to scalp buy again and then we need to see a try at 0975 and 0980

UNDER 0950 - stay with any scalp sells you have on
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