Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Hey all

F is the real deal alongside a few others here that post ........we have served our time in the trenches and have the scars to prove it

Arrogance , ego, confidence ........are you serious ?

Show me someone truly talented and committed to their craft and they will always be accused of these traits........if they are not it's merely the PR machine working hard to hide them

You can never never never make an omelette without breaking eggs

And you are not successful without putting some people's noses,out of joint......

Thank You Wheren do I find the charts

Hi lilli2

Try these other threads

The chart setting are on this thread and have been posted again in last month / 6 weeks but are also in the linear regression thread

it is fairly complex and discretionary - not pure mechanical - but once grasped its then a case of practice practice practice until you have the correct skill level etc





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Tuesday 4th July 2015 - Pre Opens

Good Morning FX Intraday Traders

5 51 am and 6 03 am so far this morning on first scalps and we have got 6 21 and 6 30am still to come if anything else lines up.

We have had 2 lots of red news on the Aussie dollar over night and some more on the UK Pound at 9 30 am again this morning

Normal stuff again today - but I must inform all newbie FX traders or ones with really less than say 12 -18 months of trading experience that this is not really a FX thread for you - I am not using just traditional technical analysis and my advice would be make sure you understand all the basics and traditional methods beforeeven attempting to look at what I and a few others on this thread are doing

Otherwise all other FX input - ie charts - calls - ideas - forecasts - questions etc are welcome

Have a great trading day


Morning F and all,
I have had a superb morning already well over 100 points AU/EA
After yesterdays antics I will stick just to this thread and no others, not much point.
Strange forum when the admin actually join in to make it unpleasant, especially picking on a top contributor and I imagine generator of traffic. Not to mention attempting to stifle anyone who agrees with F.
Thanks again F for your persistence in spite of all the efforts to throw you off course.
Good luck today F and Geo and others.
Cheers from sunny Siberia.
6 34 am

LitS areas on main pairs for the am session

EU - 0950 - 0970 ish

GU - 5580 - 5602 ish

EJ - 135 80 - 135 95 ish

UChf - 9675 - 9690 ish

UJ - 123 95 - 124 10 ish

UCad - 3160 - 3175 ish

GJ - 193 15 - 193 35 ish

AU - 7280 - 7305 ish
Morning F and all,
I have had a superb morning already well over 100 points AU/EA
After yesterdays antics I will stick just to this thread and no others, not much point.
Strange forum when the admin actually join in to make it unpleasant, especially picking on a top contributor and I imagine generator of traffic. Not to mention attempting to stifle anyone who agrees with F.
Thanks again F for your persistence in spite of all the efforts to throw you off course.
Good luck today F and Geo and others.
Cheers from sunny Siberia.

Morning Nick

Great to hear you have already had a brilliant start to your day

Yes the AU news overnight moved that pair nicely

I appreciate your support and if you really want a laugh have a look on the "pyramid and peel " thread started by another member - which is no problem and the comment from another moderator - lol

Maybe its all down to keeping the "few" happy - whatever - but as you know - i never mind controversy - nor people with passion etc

Lets hope its another good day

All the best


AU & UCad

6 45 am

these pair are normally oppositely correlated like the EU and UChf and so far this morning the AU as been rising after news releases and the UCad from 5 51 am as just dropped approx 20 pips

If you missed the 5 51 am scalps then even 6 30 and 6 39am have both offered more scalp opportunities on these 2

6 49am

Another choice on scalp buys from after 5 51 am onwards

the 6 39 am buy from 0944 as just risen 14 pips

If we can stay above 0947/ 48 on pullbacks - then the EU is going into a bullish PS for the morning session

First R's around 0960/5 and then as yesterday 0975/ 85 ish
Hi F,
Yes just saw it, quite pathetic really.
I guess if life has set you as a forum mod then being bitter is a bi-product, so it seems.
As I said I will just contribute here and restrict reading to mostly here too. One or two other guys threads seem ok but not worth it. If not for this thread I would have given up by now.
Hi F,
Yes just saw it, quite pathetic really.
I guess if life has set you as a forum mod then being bitter is a bi-product, so it seems.
As I said I will just contribute here and restrict reading to mostly here too. One or two other guys threads seem ok but not worth it. If not for this thread I would have given up by now.

I would love to see more other threads promoting more traditional type methods

There are a few on Elliots Wave but no live ones on say the Cloud or Gann etc

As you probably know Nick - to make money in FX trading is not easy and most indicators and methods will normally just offer you a 50 / 50 win record and then with good money management you can just about get the 20 -50% per annum results.

Everybody seems afraid to discuss real "edges" that are the difference between a normal performance and for top retailers results of up to 10% per day - even on just 1% or smaller stake sizes - just because the big boys dont do it on multi millions or billions - it does not mean the retailers cannot achieve it on funds of 10k to 100k+.

At times it makes me think some of the real haters have not even engaged their brains to try and understand - they just listen to what they have been told by others - and as we know most of that is rubbish ;-)

7 07 am

6 39 am onwards for scalp buys

If you are not aware of that - you are not using a 1 min LR chart set up

Above 5585/ 90 and 5600 - the GU is in a bullish PS for now

Price up at 5612 atm - 18 pip rise from 6 30 - 39 am ish time

Remember 9 30 am news as well on this pair - might be worth checking the GA and GJ as well

7 12 am

It peaked after 5 00 am around the 9700 area and after 6 39 am its been in a nice fall confirming the early morning dollar weakness and the AU / EU / GU etc rising

Supports in the 9665 -75 area for now
7 14 am


stalled twice now at 3134/5 area and so maybe AU might also be peaking for now and needing a rest or pullback

7380 -90 on the AU is a R - so might be new scalp opportunities on both
It seems any thread that has potential wont get far due to the haters.
I find it even more amusing that you get knocked by an admin doing his dough at 2 quid a go on indices.
Of course trading any market is not easy but for all those who fail some will succeed and it seems that people don't like to see that.
I could tell you some great stories from trading FTSE 20 years ago, but not much point doing it here.
I have had a quick 2k from Dax in 12 minutes so far today.

It is of course very possible to get high returns on day trading on many instruments. The haters just misread the facts and think you, or others, are equating that to a multi million fund. Does a shop keeper get knocked for getting a 1000% return over a year, no. Why because even idiots can understand he buys in x widgets and sells them at 100% markup each month and rebuys and repeats.
So why cant a retail trader add 3% to his account each week and then do it next week? With sensible use of the leverage on offer that is something that is quite easy.

Anyway better stop there as I have no wish to defend my comments all day to people who find trading so difficult and life in general.
It seems any thread that has potential wont get far due to the haters.
I find it even more amusing that you get knocked by an admin doing his dough at 2 quid a go on indices.
Of course trading any market is not easy but for all those who fail some will succeed and it seems that people don't like to see that.
I could tell you some great stories from trading FTSE 20 years ago, but not much point doing it here.
I have had a quick 2k from Dax in 12 minutes so far today.

It is of course very possible to get high returns on day trading on many instruments. The haters just misread the facts and think you, or others, are equating that to a multi million fund. Does a shop keeper get knocked for getting a 1000% return over a year, no. Why because even idiots can understand he buys in x widgets and sells them at 100% markup each month and rebuys and repeats.
So why cant a retail trader add 3% to his account each week and then do it next week? With sensible use of the leverage on offer that is something that is quite easy.

Anyway better stop there as I have no wish to defend my comments all day to people who find trading so difficult and life in general.

Well said.

Keep working hard and kicking **** Nick and FX.

7 30 am update

For the last 30 mins or so - we have stalled at the 0960/65 R area

We are still scalp bullish above 0950 and in a bullish PS above 43/45 area

If we cannot breach above 65 and 70 - then back down to test 0950 and 0940 for a start

i dont really want to spend much time on the EU until it out of its present range

For after 9 00 am we can look more at Pound crosses - with red news at 9 30 am

Meanwhile - all might change after LO at 8 00 am

7 07 am

6 39 am onwards for scalp buys

If you are not aware of that - you are not using a 1 min LR chart set up

Above 5585/ 90 and 5600 - the GU is in a bullish PS for now

Price up at 5612 atm - 18 pip rise from 6 30 - 39 am ish time

Remember 9 30 am news as well on this pair - might be worth checking the GA and GJ as well


7 32 am

so far made 5618 at 7 23 am and then pullback

A scalp sell for now with supports under 5610 at 06 and 02

Above 5590 and 5600 is still a bullish PS for now - so will be expecting to scalp buy again lower

7 37 am

Not really mentioned it much this morning

Its been like the EU after 6 30 am - bullish - but PA - ugly - not my favourite this morning

Will still check it out every 30 -60 mins etc - but needs the PA to smooth out more as plenty of better opportunities to be had elsewhere

7 32 am

so far made 5618 at 7 23 am and then pullback

A scalp sell for now with supports under 5610 at 06 and 02

Above 5590 and 5600 is still a bullish PS for now - so will be expecting to scalp buy again lower

Got the sell 10 points so far, will close fast on a slow down, too fast as always I know.
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