Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Morning G

we need to get you thinking of exiting after say 2 -4 pips - - the quicker the better

If it then went say 8 or 10 pips against you and turned - and then went in your direction - just enter again - still more cost effective than giving too many pips away

Believe me - many moves from entries only need 2 -4 pips of breathing space when you get entries accurate and in some cases if they go say 10 pips against you - its shows they were totally different move to what you are looking at etc

Anyway - have a good day and week



Morning F,

You're right of course - I tried to convince myself it would turn around, inspite of M1 saying other wise. PA didn't really support the initial trade entry anyway. Stupid really.

Looking forward to a two week holiday from Thursday onwards - will give me time to reflect.

Have a good day!

Morning F,

You're right of course - I tried to convince myself it would turn around, inspite of M1 saying other wise. PA didn't really support the initial trade entry anyway. Stupid really.

Looking forward to a two week holiday from Thursday onwards - will give me time to reflect.

Have a good day!


You enjoy your break

I have a couple of weeks over August and September - split with a 2 week or so gap - and similar looking forward to them

check out my AU and UCad charts as well - nicely oppositely correlated so far


Interesting here N

iI am wanting to sell the UChf next

Ideally under 67 or 70 max


Comment above from over 2 hrs ago

There was a pullback around 70 - but only for 5 pips and then it was really after 9 21 am and 9 30 am before we could look at proper sells from the 79 to 75 area

Since then last hour price dropped over 20 pips down to the 9555/6 area

Would need under 9550 and 40 to turn PS bearish - above there still a chance for more buys

10 46 am

the range from 0960/5 to 0980/5 - say 20+ pips is right in the heart of unbias price structure for the session

Easy above 0990 + easy - scalp buys

Under 0955 and 50 easy - scalp sells

In between - leave or just scalp for 3-10 pip moves with 0972 a scalp LitS

10 52 am

Another pair in the middle of its LitS session bias area

Above 5640 and 50 - we want to be buying

Below 5610 and 5600 - bearish and look for more scalp sell

In the 30 pip range in between - just scalp for 3 -10 pip moves - and becareful in case a BTTZ next

10 52 am

Another pair in the middle of its LitS session bias area

Above 5640 and 50 - we want to be buying

Below 5610 and 5600 - bearish and look for more scalp sell

In the 30 pip range in between - just scalp for 3 -10 pip moves - and becareful in case a BTTZ next

5619 is the cut off on sells for now

bounces staying under there are sells again
Perfect example of the LitS area working - GU this morning


10 52 am

Another pair in the middle of its LitS session bias area

Above 5640 and 50 - we want to be buying

Below 5610 and 5600 - bearish and look for more scalp sell

In the 30 pip range in between - just scalp for 3 -10 pip moves - and becareful in case a BTTZ next


approx 15 nins or so from last comment when GU was trying below 5620 and 18

Now it dropped to 5585 - so a 30 pip fall in that approx time

I am showing the GU chart on a 1Min LR set up as it explains my LitS area and shows how after 9 00 am was the "change time "

Perfect example

Above Lit's favours buys - below favours sells as then a bearish PS

We can scalp both ways in all areas - but the LitS is important for the session Price structure



  • GU - 30815 LITS.png
    GU - 30815 LITS.png
    66.8 KB · Views: 4,229

11 14am

support area 5560 to 5580 ish and price made a 85 low so far

Bounces staying under 5602/4 are sells again for now - but remember 30 min rule

1 min chart


Will add UCad chart next



11 39 am

Bearish bias under its LIts

Great scalp sell after 10 51 am from 7294 area

This fall as made a new morning low of 7282/3 - slightly below last low of around 9 08 am

Bounces staying under 7290 should be sells again as long as low does not hold 30 + mins next
EU & UChf

11 46 am

Personally not my favourites this morning - they not going to my exact plan - EU still more bearish than bullish and opposite for UChf

still in their ranges etc - we need to see proper B/O's to stay with the moves

11 39 am

Bearish bias under its LIts

Great scalp sell after 10 51 am from 7294 area

This fall as made a new morning low of 7282/3 - slightly below last low of around 9 08 am

Bounces staying under 7290 should be sells again as long as low does not hold 30 + mins next


11 50 am

another 10 pip fall and whilst this as been going on UCad ( oppositely correlated ) now risen after 11 39 am by 12 pips

check out 11 38 and 39 am clues - and then you will see why it was a scalp buy from 5584



Price now at 5600 - so nice 15+ pip move up over last 20 mins

those are the moves you want - ideally 15 -20 pips in under 20 mins with stop under 5 pips

They are there every day

You just need to correct set up and patience and focus to take them - its a skill and it does take time and lots of practice

12 03 - Ideally we want to sell under 5610 if we do make over 5602 next

Above 5610 - then - stay with buys after any pullbacks staying over 92

12 03 - Ideally we want to sell under 5610 if we do make over 5602 next

Above 5610 - then - stay with buys after any pullbacks staying over 92

GU low at 5583 held for over 30 mins so far

need after 12 22 and 30 pm to go under last low - thats if it tries and clues for that would be under 87 and 84

Whilst above 84 and 87 still in a scalp bullish mode
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